Music Management - Playlist or Shuffle? (Read 1531 times)


    Curious to see how those who run with music manage their tunes.


    Initially, I would create playlists.  But, inevitably, I would skip songs or wish I could listen to other songs that weren't in my playlist.


    I switched to having a mega-playlist of all the songs I might possibly want to listen to on a run that I shuffle.  It worked for a while, but now that playlist is about 250 songs, so I still end up skipping songs on some runs.


    Now, I'm thinking of going back to playlists.  Is there some other music management method I'm missing?  I'm wondering what works for other people.

      I switched to having a mega-playlist of all the songs I might possibly want to listen to on a run that I shuffle.

      You should pick up your feet more.


      (Sorry, I must be channeling srlopez today.)

      "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

      -- Dick LeBeau

        what i do is rate my music on a scale of 1-5. then i go to my playlist of rated items and change the columns to descend order from highest to lowest. then ill just select the top rated songs and transfer them to my device.



          Julia, I assume you are using an iPod Shuffle?  The new ones are extra nice, since they allow for multiple playlists.  I kind of like putting maybe 3 artists on there, then shuffling that grouping.  Or I can play them straight-through.

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay


            I have a mega playlist for my everyday runs and I play it in shuffle mode. I have a much shorter playlist of songs for races that are all high tempo. Anything other than that takes too much time and effort to create.

            I don't half-ass anything


            "I have several close friends who have run marathons, a word that is actually derived from two Swahili words: mara, which means 'to die a horrible death' and thon, which means 'for a stupid T-shirt.' Look it up." - Celia Rivenbark, You Can't Drink All Day if You Don't Start in the Morning


              Ditto, large play list of songs with good tempo, which I have on shuffle.


              Only use it for training runs alone.  Always go sans music during races.....I like to talk to people instead

               “Attitude is the Difference Between an Ordeal and an Adventure”


              Goals 2016

              Do stuff



                 "putting maybe 3 artists on there, then shuffling that grouping"


                I used to take way too much time figuring out what I wanted to play that day, this grouping a few similar artists or songs is less time consuming.


                I've gotten into a music rut, what are you all listening to?


                  Julia, I assume you are using an iPod Shuffle?  The new ones are extra nice, since they allow for multiple playlists.  I kind of like putting maybe 3 artists on there, then shuffling that grouping.  Or I can play them straight-through.


                  I do have a shuffle.  But, I mostly run with the new Nano (not sure what gen, but the one that has the touch screen) that allows you to shuffle your playlists.


                  Thanks for the tip!


                    I've gotten into a music rut, what are you all listening to?


                    I have horrible taste in music AND am still stuck in the 80s.  My favorite running songs these days are 99 Luft Balloons and Motownphilly.  Smile  So, mostly pop music and some hip-hop.


                      the problem you describe is one reason i run without music.


                        Depends on my mood.  I have one or two playlists and may choose one of those.  Some days I listen straight through, other days I shuffle the playlist.  But those playlists both have about 50 minutes worth of music, so for longer runs I will just shuffle my entire ipod and listen to that - granted I may have to skip a song or two here and there but mostly even if I come to a song I dont want to hear I'll just listen to it (it's only 3 minutes) and it takes my focus away from the music for a while and I'll focus on something else (like how my muscles are feelign and stuff).


                          I listen to the voices in my head.  They are always on shuffle.

                          Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose; it's how drunk you get. -- Homer Simpson



                            I listen to the voices in my head.  They are always on shuffle.


                            Heh, this is one of the reasons I love music (or podcasts/audiobooks) while I run.  Otherwise I have a tendency to have ONE friggin' song stuck in my head on repeat...or just a line of a song.  No big deal for 2-3 miles, but more than that and it's enough to make me hate a perfectly good tune.

                            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                 ~ Sarah Kay



                              Heh, this is one of the reasons I love music (or podcasts/audiobooks) while I run.  Otherwise I have a tendency to have ONE friggin' song stuck in my head on repeat...or just a line of a song.  No big deal for 2-3 miles, but more than that and it's enough to make me hate a perfectly good tune.

                              This has happened to me:  ever try to run with 'Hey Jude' stuck in your head??  I'm not even a huge Beatles fan, and it has a crappy beat to run to.  Longest 3mi I ever ran. 

                              Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

                              Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

                              Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022



                                At the risk of sounding like I might need some meds, here's what I do (with iTunes). 


                                I "rate" all songs with running in mind. 

                                1 star=non-running song (too slow, lots of tempo changes, etc)

                                2= marginal running song (somewhat slow, etc); laid-back easy days only

                                3=good basic pace/rhythm for running

                                4=very good running song; steady, upbeat

                                5=excellent, uplifting, pump-you-up song


                                I then make up "smart" playlists that draw on these ratings.

                                Easy days will pull from a 2-3 star mix

                                Tempo days are 3 & 4's, etc.


                                Once it's set up, it's actually quite easy and convenient to use.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
