Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


    Finished in 3:20:29, bettering her time from Houston by 5:55. Looking at the first 5K split  I can't help but wonder whether that's gun time or chip time.


    It’s probably legit. Her strategy is to always start super slow.



    Part of TLC

      Darkwave - Congrats on a very steady performance and, of course, a nice improvement compared to Houston. It seems like you managed whatever got to you between 25K and 30K like a pro.

      Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026


      Part of TLC


        It’s probably legit. Her strategy is to always start super slow.


        Yeah, I know, but her starting time according to the website was exactly 7:40:00. Maybe the front row of her corral?

        Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026

          Just woken up Chicago sounded awesome apart from the shitty coverage.

          Were Kiptum and Hassan in those new Adidas shoes ?

          Good to see Connor Mantz go sub 2.08.


          Big congrats to Darkwave look forward to the well written race report.


          Flavio your father in law sounds cool 😎

          To be fair I haven't broken 18 mins for nearly a decade. I feel 5k pace is closer to 10k pace as I get older.

          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

          Somewhere in between is about right "      



            Both wore Nikes.



              Kudos also to Des Linden for setting a new American Masters record!


                Dave Nike back on top quickly again.

                Kiptum 2nd half was sub 60 

                55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                Somewhere in between is about right "      



                Hot Weather Complainer

                  Great stuff darkwave!


                  In other news, I now identify as Kelvin Kiptum.


                  Quick drop of the weekly, very busy as my partner has surgery and I'm primary carer for 4-6 weeks of the recovery period, so along with study I'll be pretty quiet.  On the selfish side, the surgery is well timed with my race calendar.


                  Weekly for period: From: 02/10/2023 To 08/10/2023

                  <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                  Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                  in m
                  02/10 Warm up 0.35 0.56 00:03:14 09:14 05:46 0
                  02/10 Easy 45 5.68 9.14 00:47:14 08:19 05:10 3
                  04/10 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:21 09:51 06:05 0
                  04/10 Easy med long 9.06 14.58 01:15:03 08:17 05:09 9
                  05/10 Recovery hour 6.69 10.76 01:02:03 09:17 05:46 21
                  06/10 Warm up 0.36 0.58 00:03:19 09:13 05:43 0
                  06/10 Friday Strides - 6 x 15 seconds 5.61 9.03 00:46:33 08:18 05:09 5
                  07/10 Warm up 0.35 0.57 00:03:16 09:20 05:44 0
                  07/10 Easy 90 10.87 17.48 01:31:51 08:27 05:15 33
                  08/10 Recovery hour 6.70 10.78 01:01:23 09:10 05:42 21

                  Totals: Time: 06:37:17 - 🦅Imperial: 46.01 mi - Metric: 74.03 km

                  5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                  2024 Races:

                  Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                  Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                  Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                  Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024



                    And this parkrun gets some fast old folks. AG records:


                    M60-64 - 18:02, 88.9% 


                    This guy just ran 2:49:45 at Chicago, for 5th AG. 



                    Overweight per CDC BMI


                      This guy just ran 2:49:45 at Chicago, for 5th AG. 

                      Mikkey is pissed about another Mouse Mug....


                      Nice work DW. Not that this is actual bragging rights but you would kick my butt. I tried to record Chicago the other day but couldn't find it and it sounds like it was better I just saw on the internet about the world records considering the TV coverage.


                      I had my 10-miler this morning and did fairly well. I tried to hold myself back just slightly so my recovery would be faster to focus on the Half in 4 weeks but going slightly under race effort is harder than it sounds. It was very cool at 45F for the start, which was a bonus for this time of year, but I was still sweating so not cold. I left the gloves in the car and by the end, my fingers were pretty cold. The course is so hilly that my pace during the Half will be 10 seconds per mile faster. Some of the hills on that course are so steep that you have to hike up and then coming down, you can get out of control going fast.


                      I asked my son if he wanted to run the 10-miler with me as a joke just to see what he would say. His response: "well the 10k really wasn't that hard and that is only 4 more miles. Yeah, I'll do it with you". Thats kind of funny to hear a 9yo blow off a 10k like it was no big deal and then voluntarily want to run a 10-mile race. I guess I did a good job holding him back just enough in the 10k to make him want more. His first 10k was a trail race in February which the mental demons got to him pretty early when his friend pulled away from him and he didn't have a fun time.

                      Memphis / 38 male

                      5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                      Mother of Cats

                        Hello - just checking in from airport.  Thanks for tracking!


                        point 1 - I’ve always started slow, but…standing still for a while and chaotic crowds are two big dystopia triggers for me, so I had to manage those in the first miles.  I knew this and planned for it.


                        point 2 - I wore the Hoka Rocket X2 - a great shoe but lousy on wet pavement.  What I failed to consider was that each water stop would have a lot of wet pavement.  So I tried to steer clear of water stations for the most part, which meant I drank a bit less water than I should have, which resulted in some minor hamstring cramping that I had to manage in the final miles - hence the fade.


                        Overall, I’m still happy with it - I fought well and learned lessons for next time.


                        Race report to come.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                          DW - congrats on good race and solid time. I already mentioned it before that imho out of all Majors, Chicago has most convenient access to start area, most painless and least consuming time to get to the corral. I only ran 3 Major marathons - Boston, London and Chicago - and Chicago was the worst crowded start - I could not get out of the crowds for almost two miles - it was literally arm to arm for 2 miles at least. Plus the long tunnel where you have no GPS and np idea what pace you are running.


                          Flavio - thanks for your comments re health issues. I think my case is different - I do not have any pain and it is not really painful. It's exactly like if you had fever and all the muscles have his dull discomfort - like something is pulled away from inside, but in my case it was only the lower part of the body that felt that. Looks like it's over as I didn't have this discomfort tonight and was able to run slow 15 miler. Btw, I didn't comment on your half time of 1:21 - it is wicked fast - seriously - I cant imagine running that fast now for so long Smile Great job!


                          Marky - I do not think we play underdog with Mikkey - I never played "favorites"  card also Smile It just when Mikkey opened his training log, I was very impressed - if I ran miles he is running, he would not have a chance Smile


                          My last two weeks:

                          Weekly for period: From: 09/25/2023 To 10/01/2023

                          <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                          Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km  
                          09/26 2 x 3 miles (6:23, 6:33) 1200 jog 9.59 15.43 01:11:24 07:27 04:38  
                          09/27 Lunch Run 13.36 21.50 01:50:34 08:17 05:09  
                          09/28 Lunch Run 13.43 21.61 01:56:08 08:39 05:22  
                          09/29 with 7 @mp effort 11.21 18.03 01:24:22 07:32 04:41  
                          09/30 Afternoon Run 15.34 24.69 02:20:40 09:10 05:42  
                          10/01 felt so good... 13.33 21.45 01:53:38 08:31 05:18  

                          Totals: Time: 10:36:46 - 🦅Imperial: 76.26 mi - Metric: 122.70 km


                          Weekly for period: From: 10/02/2023 To 10/08/2023

                          <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                          Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km  
                          10/03 3 x 2 miles 800 jog (6:18, 6:26, 6:37) 9.07 14.59 01:07:01 07:23 04:36  
                          10/04 Lunch Run 6.34 10.20 01:02:45 09:54 06:09  
                          10/05 Lunch Run 6.32 10.17 01:00:03 09:30 05:54  
                          10/08 Afternoon Run 15.41 24.79 02:24:03 09:21 05:49  

                          Totals: Time: 05:33:52 - 🦅Imperial: 37.14 mi - Metric: 59.75 km


                          This week was the most bizarre week in my life, unreal... That's the reason I ran so little despite the strong desire to be on par with Mikkey's training - oh, well...


                          Btw, I ran 332 miles in September - interestingly enough, despite my big months in the past, this September was 3rd biggest in 13 years history of my training. I was really surprised - October probably won't be that big, but if I manage to get close to 300 miles in October, that would be definitely a good sign.

                          paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                            DW - fantastic job as usual. I'm curious as to why you think lack of hydration was the cause of the cramps, I've heard the temps were in the 45F range.


                            Cal - No, not pain, soreness. Soreness is that tired feeling you get after working out a muscle. Probably the word you're looking for when you got a cold as well.
                            Also, I have no doubt both you and Mikkey will be in top shape in December.


                            MMerkle - Yup, I 100% agree with regards to shoes.
                            They have rendered running ability irrelevant.

                            They should've acted swiftly and banned them, like it happened in swimming with the swimsuits, but World Athletics has their mouth full with Nike's balls.

                            Because the shoes give you at least a 5% boost, and there are thousands of runners within that range, they can go go Kenya and pick random runner #3749 and make them the next super star by giving them the shoes, so long as they respond well to them.
                            Same thing with local races. Soon you won't need to train, just buy the new Nike MegaBlaster Fly for $3999 dollars and you will win the local 5k in 10 minutes, 5 minutes ahead of the poor schmuck who can't afford the shoes.
                            The sport as we knew it is dead.

                            Of course I'm bitter about it because I can't wear the cheater shoes. They're too narrow and the drop kills my back.

                            With Altra now closing the door on zero drop wide shoes, I might have to revert to literal barefoot running cause that's the only sector where there are shoes wide enough for me that don't have high heels.


                            Cobra Commander Keen

                              Piwi - Congrats on the race!

                              Dave - Those are some seriously fast times, never mind that they're Old Dude times.

                              Flavio - How's the household doing? Still recovering well? I love your FiL's wicked sense of humor. He would have gotten serious bonus points if he asked about a fat life insurance policy.
                              Also: Welcome to American broadcast tv.

                              DWave - Fantastic job in Chicago!! I'm definitely looking forward to that RR.

                              Steve - Nice week. I hope the procedure and recovery go well for your partner.

                              Andy - Nicely done on that 10 miler. Yes, "just below race effort" is devilishly difficult to hit properly.

                              Cal & Mikkey - Banter here has certainly taken a big turn.

                              Thanks, all! It's great to have finally won that one (after 8 years and 6x 2nd place finishes).
                              Easy miles today, one more "workout" tomorrow, and that covers more than half my mileage through the rest of the week.


                              Weekly for period: From: 10/02/2023 To 10/08/2023

                              <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                              Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                              in ft
                              10/02 1 rabbit 12.01 19.32 01:44:27 08:42 05:24 571
                              10/02 5 hawks 5.05 8.13 00:45:29 09:00 05:36 226
                              10/03 Why were there so many vehicles out there today? 9.00 14.49 01:25:39 09:31 05:55 436
                              10/04 2x 2mi HMe 10.45 16.82 01:17:17 07:24 04:36 282
                              10/04 1 hawk 4.05 6.52 00:33:20 08:14 05:07 203
                              10/05 1 barn owl 10.00 16.10 01:30:28 09:03 05:37 367
                              10/06 Cool weather, just in time for race day! 8.00 12.87 01:06:16 08:17 05:09 407
                              10/07 The Wurst is yet to come 1.50 2.41 00:12:44 08:29 05:17 66
                              10/07 Wurst Race Half 13.07 21.03 01:27:31 06:42 04:10 551
                              10/08 1 Mississippi kite 4.10 6.60 00:37:30 09:09 05:41 167

                              Totals: Time: 10:40:41 - 🦅Imperial: 77.24 mi - Metric: 124.28 km

                              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                              Upcoming Races:





                                Flavio - How's the household doing? Still recovering well? I love your FiL's wicked sense of humor. He would have gotten serious bonus points if he asked about a fat life insurance policy.
                                Also: Welcome to American broadcast tv.



                                Thanks for asking, we're improving day by day. I have an annoying cough to get rid of now.

                                By the way, you have waited 8 years and then finally was able to win that half marathon race.

                                Where's the race report? 😁