Goal of sub 19 minute 5k (Read 5724 times)

    I attempted a sub 22 on the treadmill tonight.... Shy Well I could have done it...I had a nice 1st mile in 7:10. Then at the mile and a half mark my 3 year old daughter peed on the basement floor right in front of me. Shocked Oh well... probably too early to hurt myself this much...I still got my 4 miles in but most of it was easy, I am pretty confident I can break 22 minutes now.....probably in the 21:45 range right now so thats a plus.
    Guess your daughter wanted you to stop Smile Is the weather getting any better in Michigan? My mileages for the last 3 weeks are 74.5, 71, and 71. This week is supposed to be a cut back week since last week was pretty tough with not only 2 MLRs of 15 and 13 miles, but also a long run of 16 with 12 at MP (7:15). However, I have a race on 2/28 and want to save the cutback week to taper for my race next week. So, I am swapping this and next week's workouts. My legs have been pretty dead this week. Still able to do my 15 miler on Wed at decent pace. Supposed to do 12 with 7 mile at tempo today but managed only to do 6. Also since my legs were really dead, I slowed it down a bit and averaged only 6:55 / mile. I have one more tough run this Sun, a 22 miler, then it is time to take it easy and taper for the 8k. I may hit 76 miles this week, a new all time high for me.

    SMART Approach

      Welcome. I haven't been on here much in the last 6 months since I broke 20 minutes. But after a few months of not much running I have run 4 miles each day the last 4 days (all on a treadmill as this is much easier cushioning than outdoors)...and my mile times are around 9:00. A couple weeks of this and I think I can easily beat 22 minutes in a 5k trial which is my short term goal. I hope to be in the mid 20s by April.
      Michigan, I will be curious to see if you can do it this year. Consistent offseason running definitely has a carry over effect and lactate threshold improvements continue to occur over many months/years. When I PRd in all race distances it was because I was most consistent in offseason running 2 consecutive years. Note: this was on the same miles/per week each year. Last year (and this year) in offseason I dealt with hammy issues and never came close to PRs last year.

      Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

      Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

      Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


        Michigan, I will be curious to see if you can do it this year. Consistent offseason running definitely has a carry over effect and lactate threshold improvements continue to occur over many months/years. When I PRd in all race distances it was because I was most consistent in offseason running 2 consecutive years. Note: this was on the same miles/per week each year. Last year (and this year) in offseason I dealt with hammy issues and never came close to PRs last year.
        I ran about 30 miles in November, 70 in December and 25 in January. I know I read somewhere that if you are not going to put in the miles during lulls in running you should at least try to get in as many days of running as you can. I believe I ran about 67% of the days the last 3 months but the mile counts were usually a mile or two on days that I ran. That is what I am banking on being my salvation if you will. Roll eyes
          Guess your daughter wanted you to stop Smile Is the weather getting any better in Michigan? My mileages for the last 3 weeks are 74.5, 71, and 71. This week is supposed to be a cut back week since last week was pretty tough with not only 2 MLRs of 15 and 13 miles, but also a long run of 16 with 12 at MP (7:15). However, I have a race on 2/28 and want to save the cutback week to taper for my race next week. So, I am swapping this and next week's workouts. My legs have been pretty dead this week. Still able to do my 15 miler on Wed at decent pace. Supposed to do 12 with 7 mile at tempo today but managed only to do 6. Also since my legs were really dead, I slowed it down a bit and averaged only 6:55 / mile. I have one more tough run this Sun, a 22 miler, then it is time to take it easy and taper for the 8k. I may hit 76 miles this week, a new all time high for me.
          We are supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow today and 1-3 inches tonight. Wow those miles are impressive. Keep up the good work I want to see you smash some records.
            Michigan, I will be curious to see if you can do it this year. Consistent offseason running definitely has a carry over effect and lactate threshold improvements continue to occur over many months/years. When I PRd in all race distances it was because I was most consistent in offseason running 2 consecutive years. Note: this was on the same miles/per week each year. Last year (and this year) in offseason I dealt with hammy issues and never came close to PRs last year.
            Hi Tchuck, I have a hard time dividing between onseasn and offseason. There are races year round here so I just find some races to train for. It has worked pretty well so far.

            SMART Approach

              I forget there are warm places in U.S. in winter. I am in Green Bay and ran in a snowstorm this morning. You can race year round but their are some goal races to be in top/peak condition.

              Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

              Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

              Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


                I forget there are warm places in U.S. in winter. I am in Green Bay and ran in a snowstorm this morning. You can race year round but their are some goal races to be in top/peak condition.
                Yes, weather is pretty mild here. Some rain storms in winter occasionally and a few heat waves in summer. That's it. Otherwise, it is almost always 40 to 60 in the morning year round. If not because of the 42 bil deficit and all the taxes, it is a pretty good place here.
                  I ran about 30 miles in November, 70 in December and 25 in January. I know I read somewhere that if you are not going to put in the miles during lulls in running you should at least try to get in as many days of running as you can. I believe I ran about 67% of the days the last 3 months but the mile counts were usually a mile or two on days that I ran. That is what I am banking on being my salvation if you will. Roll eyes
                  With the TM running, I suppose it is easier for you to get some consistent runs in, right. I think it is very important to run consistently, like what Tchuck suggested. I found it very hard to get it going again after an extended stoppage. Having said that, after Boston, I would be on vacation (out of country) for almost 3 weeks. I hope I can get back to shape after that. Oh well, I may still bring a pair of old trainer just in case. My goal races will be as follows: 2/28 8k 3/22 or so 5k Then a 10k in summer or the fall to qualify for the sub-seeded start for the Bay to Breakers race. I also hope to run a 1/2 and a couple of 5k's this Oct
                    And to think I was going to bitch about last night's 4 miler in 22 degrees with a steady 25 MPH wind that stood me up twice on hills, I forgot that people like Tchuck and MichiganFlyer live in places where it actually snows! (I live in Southern PA) Still, its another week until they can fix my treadmill Sad Seriously, the consistency is the key. I have a long way to go considering in 2008 I only averaged about 13 miles per week. The best I ever felt is when I had my weekly mileage up in the 60s for 3 straight months AND I managed to resist overtraining for a full month! As long as you're getting out there 4 or 5 times a week or so and you have a plan for improvement, it'll come. MichiganFlyer - good try the other night. If you're doing 9:00 miles right now and its not putting any strain after a couple weeks you'll be closing back in on 21 shortly.
                      And to think I was going to bitch about last night's 4 miler in 22 degrees with a steady 25 MPH wind that stood me up twice on hills, I forgot that people like Tchuck and MichiganFlyer live in places where it actually snows! (I live in Southern PA) Still, its another week until they can fix my treadmill Sad ....
                      A few years back, I spent a few years in upstate NY, followed by Northern Jersey. And I can certainly see how difficult it is for Michigan and Tchuck to run in winter. The snow, the wind, and the freezing temperature makes it really hard.
                        So I set out to pick up my race packet this morning. It's only two blocks away from work and across the river. As I'm coming up to the bridge corner two runners wearing the same shirts and hats stop at the light. They kind of look around like trying to figure out which way to run. One points forward and grabs for his wrist to start his watch. At that moment they kind of take a step off the curb and start to jog. Except that in this case it's more of a glide. In those first two steps I realize that I have watched this person run. I know that form. I know that stride. That smooth stride in ingrained in my brain. It's Ryan Hall. Holy crap that's Ryan Hall. HOLY CRAP THAT'S RYAN HALL!! I felt kind of stupid standing there with my mouth open watching them just seemingly just float down the sidewalk that I've run down nearly every day for the last three years. Except today. Damnit. I knew I should have put in a couple easy ones today. I think I'm going to replay that stride in my head all day in hopes that it makes it's way to my legs for the race tomorrow. Go Ryan.
                        Run like you stole something.
                          So I set out to pick up my race packet this morning. It's only two blocks away from work and across the river. As I'm coming up to the bridge corner two runners wearing the same shirts and hats stop at the light. They kind of look around like trying to figure out which way to run. One points forward and grabs for his wrist to start his watch. At that moment they kind of take a step off the curb and start to jog. Except that in this case it's more of a glide. In those first two steps I realize that I have watched this person run. I know that form. I know that stride. That smooth stride in ingrained in my brain. It's Ryan Hall. Holy crap that's Ryan Hall. HOLY CRAP THAT'S RYAN HALL!! I felt kind of stupid standing there with my mouth open watching them just seemingly just float down the sidewalk that I've run down nearly every day for the last three years. Except today. Damnit. I knew I should have put in a couple easy ones today. I think I'm going to replay that stride in my head all day in hopes that it makes it's way to my legs for the race tomorrow. Go Ryan.
                          Ryan is one my favorites. But I bet if the roles were reversed and he saw you running past he would give you a "good job. keep it up" You see I am reading "Once a Runner" by John L Parker Jr. .... and here is one of the quotes from early in the book "At paces which might stun and dismay the religious jogger, the runners easily kept up all manner of chatter and horseplay. When they occasionally blew by a huffing fattie or an aging road runner, they automatically toned down the banter to avoid overwhelming, to preclude the appearance of showboating (not that they slowed in the slightest). They in fact respected these distant cousins of the spirit, who, among all people, had some modicum of insight into their own days and ways. But the runners resembled them only in the sense that a puma resembles a pussy cat. It is the difference between stretching lazily on the carpet and prowling the jungle for fresh red meat? "
                            This week is very light for me. It is a cut back week in my Marathon training after 4 weeks of good training. I am also tapering for the 8k/1 mile race tomorrow. Did easy running on Tue, then 1st VO2 max run (6x600m with 90 sec) on Wed. My legs were still tired from the tough training I had last week including a 22.4 miles @ 8:08 last Sun. But 6x600 is the easiest VO2max run, I guess. I shot for 6:15 pace and finished all reps + or - a few sec of that pace. Work is busy this week so I can't run until the evening. Will try to get 4 miles in today in my flat before the race tomorrow.
                              Didn't achieve my goal of sub 6:30 for today's 8k. Finished in my own Garmin time of 32:38. Gun time is a couple of sec more but there was no starting gun or bell so most didn't know the race had started until a few sec later. Just didn't have it today. Looks like sub 19:30 5k in 3 weeks would not be possible.
                                Didn't achieve my goal of sub 6:30 for today's 8k. Finished in my own Garmin time of 32:38. Gun time is a couple of sec more but there was no starting gun or bell so most didn't know the race had started until a few sec later. Just didn't have it today. Looks like sub 19:30 5k in 3 weeks would not be possible.
                                Thats a good time...pretty close to 6:30 per mile. You can' t get down on yourself just think of all the miles you are putting in...I tried for 4 years to break 20 in a 5k then I ran a PR of 20:03...my next race was 20:37 then 19:35 all within a month. So if you get the right course you can take 30 seconds off your PR.