Do you run on the sidewalk or in the road? (Read 1156 times)


    Sidewalk more than road. Roads tend to be cambered which causes issues for my legs.

      Road... I was told concrete has 7 to 12% less return then asphalt. Try running a marathon on concrete I am sure you legs will feel the difference.

      Think Whirled Peas

        Sidewalk more than road. Roads tend to be cambered which causes issues for my legs.
        Yep. And also because roads have cars, going very fast, and are harder than either concrete or asphalt if struck by one. Or so I would assume. Haven't actually had the pleasure of a one-on-one encounter, yet.

        Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


        Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

        Flat footer

          Well I thought I was safe on the sidewalks, till I almost got run down by some dope backing out of his driveway one afternoon. Angry Most people don't even look when they are backing out until there out on the sidewalk. Most of my runs are in the early morning tho (4 AMish). I usually run in the road... Sometimes in the middle. Smile
          Mile Collector

          Abs of Flabs

            Sidewalk more than road. Roads tend to be cambered which causes issues for my legs.
            My sentiments exactly!

            One day at a time

              Sidewalks whenever possible. Some of the old sidewalks in Portland are brick, though, and very tricky to run on, so I avoid those.

              I fly.

                That's an okay list, but it left off the crushed skulls of our vanquished enemies.
                That might be the funniest thing I've read all day.

                Bring it on.

                  Definitely roads over sidewalks. Sidewalks tend to lull me into a false sense of security and I've done enough tripping on curbs and being seen tripping on curbs to rather risk the hazards of the road. Running in the street requires, too, that I be more alert which is probably not a bad thing.




                  12-week layoff


                    12-week layoff

                      Or is it the dreadmill?
                        I mostly run on the side walk as most road have too much curvature in them. I will run on the road if it has a bike lane and run against traffic. Bob http://bobrunner.blogspot.com

                        Baby bean!

                          Sidewalk which stinks because the tree roots have caused a lot of places to trip. However, the road has too many parked cars and moving cars.

                          Finish C25K

                          I'm slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter, but I run.


                            Personal observation: I have found that, in terms of traffic and such, if you are running on sidewalks it is slightly safer to run with traffic. The reason being is that when approaching an intersection (or driveway, or parking lot exit/entrance), people who are pulling out into traffic tend to look left only (assuming a right hand turn). If you're facing traffic, there is a real good chance the driver never even looked in your direction. I have been almost hit by cars due to this more times than I can count. A few received dents in their hoods for the lack of observation.

                            Menace to Sobriety

                              Personal observation: I have found that, in terms of traffic and such, if you are running on sidewalks it is slightly safer to run with traffic. The reason being is that when approaching an intersection (or driveway, or parking lot exit/entrance), people who are pulling out into traffic tend to look left only (assuming a right hand turn). If you're facing traffic, there is a real good chance the driver never even looked in your direction. I have been almost hit by cars due to this more times than I can count. A few received dents in their hoods for the lack of observation.
                              However, when running with traffic, when a driver is turning right, they're usually not looking for, or can't see pedestrians/runners on the sidewalk, especially if there are cars parked along the street. Six of one, half dozen of the other. Moral of the story: Sidewalk or road, with or against traffic, the cars ain't looking out for the runners. Modified for pre caffiene incoherency

                              Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.


                                However, when running with traffic, when a driver is turning right, they're usually not looking for, or can't see pedestrians/runners on the sidewalk, especially if there are cars parked along the street. Six of one, half dozen of the other. Moral of the story: Sidewalk or road, with or against traffic, the cars ain't looking out for the runners. Modified for pre caffiene incoherency
                                Generally not, but they also usually aren't trying to accelerate up to 60 mph in the next 5 feet, so they tend to stop easier if they see you.