2024 Advanced Training and Racing Thread (still competitive jerks) (Read 282 times)


    RP- We've always been an NCAA basketball family.  UCONN huskies fans.  The football thing will be a whole new experience and I'm phyched to give it a try.


    AndyTN- Funny we saw SO many students walking to the game with drinks.  Dry campus must be one of those "in theory" kinda things Great to see a youngster getting tinto the sport!  He looks fast and focused. Its not gonna be long before he's scheduling runs with you saying "Yeah dad I need a recovery day and coach told be to SLOW down so can I run with you?"


    DKT- I plan on taking multiple trips to FL over the next few years.  The Ft Lauderdale weather looked really tough for racing heat + Humidity. I think your plan of training in the heat then hitting goal/PR races elsewhere is very smart.  Just think of yourself as one of those runners who goes and trains in the mountains/elevation for races.


    Mark- Nice recovery week.  Do you ever run an 8Min mile? Must feel like walking to you...


    MMerk- Good luck on the10 miler. You're trained and ready so just stay loose and run fast.  I didn't knoiw you are a math wiz My daughters both went into the sciences.  The older an RN and younger is studying pre-med.  I hope to be well taken care of in my old age


    Steve- Hope you get over the cold.  I had one a few weeks ago that just stayed in the sinuses and never progressed.  Eat well and sleep!


    Dwave - Consistent as always.  Interesting about the arms/legs.  I've noticed this especially when trying to full on sprint.  If I concentrate on arm movement the legs will speed up to follow.


    Flavio- You've settled into a really solid groove/pattern.  Nice mileage and very consistent!


    MT79 - Father/Son/Grandson race sounds amazing!!  I hope you did get some pictures.  The weight will come down as your mileage increases.  Unfortunately for me it goes back up any time I decrease so I'm always training


    My week- Boston training is going well.  My best indicator that training is working seems to be the MLR 13s.  When I'm in the groove and training is humming these feel like normal run commutes. I kinda look forward to them because its just a "normal" run with no speeed.work.


    Weekly for period: From: 02/12/2024 To 02/18/2024

    <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
    Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
    in ft
    02/12 Lunch Run 7.5 7.50 12.07 00:59:08 07:53 04:54 141
    02/13 7.5 recovery 7.36 11.85 00:59:39 08:06 05:02 243
    02/13 Treadmill 8 wiith 6x800 8.50 13.68 00:59:00 06:56 04:19 0
    02/14 AM MLR commute 13.16 21.18 01:49:37 08:20 05:11 482
    02/15 GA 7.5 7.49 12.05 00:58:20 07:47 04:50 171
    02/16 MLR 13 with 2 x 4 HMP w/ 1 mile recovery 13.03 20.96 01:33:12 07:09 04:27 354
    02/17 treadmill recovery 7.50 12.07 00:59:00 07:52 04:53 0
    02/18 Steady pace LR (1:22, 1:16 neg split) 20.30 32.67 02:38:35 07:49 04:51 896

    Totals: Time: 10:56:31 - 🦅Imperial: 84.85 mi - Metric: 136.52 km

    5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 





        me - I ran another 3000m time trial earlier today. 10:40, not too bad.

        Here's the progression:

        Jan 11th - 11:24

        Jan 30th - 10:42

        Feb 20th - 10:40

        I'm in a good place aerobic-wise.

        Tomorrow is a day off, first one since December 8th, it will be appreciated.


        Damn that's a huge improvement in just a month!  You are absolutely in a great place in your training.


        To all who advocate for strength work (especially you Flavio)....After years of trying to mentally commit to something other than just running I've been doing strength/core every other day for about 5 weeks and I'm hooked! For the first time I actually looked forward to the strength part of my workout yesterday

        5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          fishy huskies...of course. How could I not see this. Winning female basketball team.

          Dry campus? This means something other than "it didn't recently rain/snow" to people? I thought it was akin to "Dry January" where no moisture falls from the sky, and people are upset in March when flowers aren't blooming.


          quick dump.

          work still bothers me. Performance review is being appealed by me. I put together a 70+ page PDF. Upper management who seems to have a personal problem with me used one piece of work to determine everything he's ever claimed about me is still true and I'm not any different today than I was a year ago when I was required to have weekly meetings with him. Amazing how I'm the problem. I spent about 30 hours of work time putting the document together.


          I've struggled with running. Marathon Scott is so far away. I have my 5k PR attempt in a month, and training just isn't fun. Typically it is a stress release, and now it's just depressing to hear myself say "maybe the weather will be too bad to run hard." When I go out and run hard it seems to either be too hard (blow up workout/convince myself I'm not in shape) or hard enough to keep me motivated to try harder because the race is a MONTH away and "there is still time plus super shoes."


          Sorry I haven't been around much. Its just...bleh.


          Weekly for period: From: 02/12/2024 To 02/18/2024

          <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
          Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
          in ft
          02/12 That time it was man vs machine. 7.30 11.75 00:58:23 08:00 04:58 180
          02/13 That time I always have love for a dime. 10.60 17.05 01:20:34 07:36 04:44 85
          02/15 That time it was miserably successful. 9.89 15.91 01:17:00 07:47 04:50 276
          02/16 That time I gave up on being happy. 8.50 13.67 01:05:31 07:42 04:48 351
          02/16 It’s for the kids. I swear. 2.40 3.86 00:10:08 04:13 02:38 187
          02/18 That time it was more popular than I expected. 6.16 9.91 00:50:42 08:14 05:07 302

          Totals: Time: 05:42:18 - 🦅Imperial: 44.84 mi - Metric: 72.15 km

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

          Running Problem

          Problem Child

            Also I know it would be tough going up against the Commander in an ultra, but I love a challenge.


            Mediocre VO2 session Wednesday but not the end of the world. Had some MP miles during the LR which went ok I guess but with the wind and the hills it's hard to know if that effort feels right. Will have to practice MP on flats without wind soon. Today the IT band pain returned. Ugh. I'm starting to think this will never completely go away. I have been doing hip abductor exercises 3 times a week consistently. Not sure what else I can do. I hate taking days off. Hopefully everything holds together for my 10 miler next week. 


            Just turn off your headlamp at night so he doesn't know where you are.

            How do YOU, of all people, not know what marathon pac with hills and wind feel like? 20 mph head/cross wind and a Sub-3?? As the midwest folks say....bless your heart.


            The IT band will go away. It will take a while. I had IT issues. Best of luck on the 10 miler. Nurse it to the finish line.

            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

            VDOT 53.37 

            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

            Pain is my friend

              Flavio- I love when you can see progress. Sometimes you have to step back more than a month. Great job.


              Fishy- Amazing week. 20 miles at a 7:49 is solid.


              MMerkle- IT band pain sucks. Stretch, stretch and stretch some more.


              Me?!?- Picked up the miles again from last week. Switched from 2 long runs to 1 really long run. Got in 4400 ft of vert. Everything feels great. I am recovering fast from my long runs.


              Weekly for period: From: 02/12/2024 To 02/18/2024

              <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
              Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
              in ft
              02/12 Winter is back. 7.52 12.11 01:03:13 08:24 05:13 299
              02/13 Beating the hill or is the hill beating me? 10.21 16.43 01:19:45 07:49 04:51 860
              02/14 Goofshjofshgufsh said they as he drove by. 8.11 13.04 01:10:46 08:44 05:26 312
              02/14 Shake out with Sully 3.22 5.17 00:27:59 08:41 05:25 30
              02/15 Got my invitation to the lunatics ball. My friends are coming too. How bout you? 10.41 16.75 01:30:33 08:42 05:24 315
              02/16 Master street mapper lvl 3000 33.76 54.32 05:29:58 09:46 06:04 466
              02/17 Trying to outrun the cannibals 14.21 22.86 02:53:29 12:13 07:35 2156

              Totals: Time: 13:55:43 - 🦅Imperial: 87.44 mi - Metric: 140.69 km

              ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

              Bear 100 22:08 2021 

              Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


              Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

              Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

              Ute 100 Aug

              24 hour loop race?



              Hot Weather Complainer

                RP - It's amazing how one person can influence your job satisfaction.  Hang in there, hopefully you find the job you're looking for soon which sounds like it will improve all aspects of your life.


                Flavio - I'm actually not that puzzled about this one.  I probably had an imbalance because of the virus and I also didn't plan enough drink stations which was kind of an experiment - 1 500ml Precision 1500 is clearly not enough for me in a session like that, especially when it warms up.  I noticed how wet my shirt was pretty early actually, before it even got very warm.


                You've got speed, strength and a big aerobic base.  Can't wait to see it in a marathon.


                Fishy - That sounds very much like mine - just minor pain/irritation in the sinuses and some fatigue.  Great week, you're tracking nicely for Boston.


                mt - Sounds like yours is worse than mine - summer colds generally aren't too bad.  3 generations running together is very cool.


                darkwave - I've had a few runs like that this summer, with HR especially varying hugely depending on the wind direction.


                Krash - Monster week of volume and climbing.


                me - The forecast for Sunday looks okay but will probably be warm with a 9am start, maybe around 20-22C.  Hopefully the northeasterlies aren't too strong because it's very exposed straight into that wind for the second half of the race.  But it is a workout for me, so a bit of adversity isn't the worst thing.  My coach has set it up as a 30-31km workout with 4 progressive steps of 7km, 1 before the race starts at easy pace, then a slight increase of pace throughout the race.  If there is a strong headwind in the back half, that may end up being more progressive effort than pace.


                I had a light Fartlek session this morning and it went well enough to decide that I'll still do the race on Sunday.  I'm improving every day so hopefully I can hold the paces.  It's not an A race so it's nice to feel relaxed about it.  Having said that, I'd like to go sub 1:30 for the race component of the workout.  I was thinking 1:28.xx before I got sick and saw the weather but to be honest, it's more about the prep for the marathon.  Considering how I went 4 years trying and failing to go sub 1:30, it's cool to think I have a chance to do it as part of a big workout in the middle of heavy training.

                5km: 18:34 11/23 â”‚ 10km: 39:10 8/23 â”‚ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 â”‚ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                2024 Races:

                Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                Timaru Ten October 26, 2024




                    Krash- Damn that 33 miler Holy shit!!  I can't imagine waking up and going "yeah I think I'll just bang out a 5+ hour training run today" 


                    Flavio- All I can think about is the old Saturday Night live skit with Hans and Frans "I pick stuff up then put it down"...Yes, agree completely on the mental boost.  I think I may actually have biceps I'm still in the very early stages just trying to be consistent and to develop a habit.  I know myself and if I can make it a habit it will stick.


                    Anyone else notice that in heavy training you think about food A LOT?  For me it's not really being hungry but I find myself designing my next meal or thinking about what I'm going to cook during runs.  Last night I made my specialty "mustgo fried rice" I just take whatever leftovers are in the fridge (chicken, peppers, brussel sprouts etc) and fry them up with a couple of eggs and some leftover rice.  Hells yeah!!!  I'm getting hungry again writing this


                    Marathon Scott- I really hope you get the work shit squared away or that your search leads you to something else.  That must suck to spend so much time with people/job that doesn't work.  Running give you so much time in your own head that I'm sure the toxic shit at work invades at exactly the time that you should be enjoying the run and time to think.  I wouldn't stress to much about the running....the passion is still there and it will return when your ready.


                    Man my Huskies got Killed last night!!  Daughter was not happy but at least it wasn't in the NCAA tournament

                    5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


                    Overweight per CDC BMI

                      Anyone else notice that in heavy training you think about food A LOT?  For me it's not really being hungry but I find myself designing my next meal or thinking about what I'm going to cook during runs.  Last night I made my specialty "mustgo fried rice" I just take whatever leftovers are in the fridge (chicken, peppers, brussel sprouts etc) and fry them up with a couple of eggs and some leftover rice.  Hells yeah!!!  I'm getting hungry again writing this

                      About 25% of the Valentines candy has been eaten by my kids and it is almost gone. Any thoughts on where the other 75% went???



                      Strength work soreness - I have been doing lower body strength work for almost a year, usually once per week, and while I have noticed it helping with my running, I am still always so sore in my hips/butt and upper hamstrings. I am doing reverse lunges, high step-ups, squats, and deadlifts with 30 or 45 lb dumbells with usually just 10-12 reps each so I don't feel like I am going crazy with it. I am still sore for 2-3 days after I do it almost every time, which I thought would be minor at this point.


                      Does anyone else who lifts regularly still get sore like this? Should I be switching to doing less weight twice a week or doing fewer reps?

                      Memphis / 38 male

                      5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                      Overweight per CDC BMI

                        Andy Great pick of your son. That's really cool he's already running 8ks. He could become a really good runner some day.

                        We have the 10k in our trail race series coming up this Sunday. The weather is supposed to be warm/pleasant and almost no rain for a week so there should be very little mud. If he runs like he did in the muddy 8k, he could seriously get close to breaking 51 minutes but anything under 54 would still be great.


                        He wants to run a 10-mile race some day but I don't want him running longer than 10k until he gets to middle school. We have a great thing going with XC and running races together so I don't want him to bite off more than he can chew to cause burnout.

                        Memphis / 38 male

                        5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          AndyTN, sore like can barely run or sore as in you notice it? I almost always have some level of soreness, I just attribute it to age and that something is almost always going to be sore. I tend to stick to the 8-12 rep range and do 2-4 sets. A lot depends what is going on running wise. If there is a goal race, fewer sets. Summer when nothing is going on, more reps and usually more strength training. I tend to strength training on the same day as a run workout (run in am, strength in pm) and usually have a rest day the next day.


                          ETA,  I'm using dumbbells at home in a spare bedroom,  so I have to stick with weights I can safely hold.

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            ...I'm dumb.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child



                              Marathon Scott- I really hope you get the work shit squared away or that your search leads you to something else.  That must suck to spend so much time with people/job that doesn't work.  Running give you so much time in your own head that I'm sure the toxic shit at work invades at exactly the time that you should be enjoying the run and time to think.  I wouldn't stress to much about the running....the passion is still there and it will return when your ready.


                              Man my Huskies got Killed last night!!  Daughter was not happy but at least it wasn't in the NCAA tournament


                              After the three years under current management I'm not expecting anything to change. It's pathetic when the boss gets you removed from your job, calls you incompetent and incapable, then says "well you should have learned how to do this in your previous job" and doesn't even blink in hesitation. It fucking sucks and I'm here to suffer. After a solid YEAR of applying to ANYTHING I know my future is to sit here getting fucked by management. I was literally reading how my past experience should have prepared me for this current job, and absolutely NO requirement was placed on the last boss to prepare me for this job. Thankfully I know this job, who sucks at communicating anything and has a personal problem with me, isn't going to prepare me to do a different job 7 years from now. I'm here for his personal enjoyment, and I should figure out how to be the best at my job without his help.  I should know what HE wants based on working for other people, and having MULTIPLE conversations about how every supervisor can pick and choose what they want because there can't be a set standard here.


                              this place ruined any desire I have to work on anything. I sit here doing absolutely nothing now. after spending a year responding to salutations and reading I don't I'm going to stop. Trying never improved anything so not trying will make it worse, and I'll make sure it's as bad as it can get for me. fuck this place, fuck my personal enjoyment in life, and fuck ever thinking I could change into something capable. At SOME point I thought I would meet standards, and be wrong when I said whatever I do won't be good enough and the boss won't know what he wants until AFTER he sees what I give him. It turns out I'm 100% correct. ANY communication about my projects with the boss is unacceptable at my level. I'm to know exactly what he wants on this new technical writing document based on unrelated experience with templates to follow, and three sentences from management about what they want is excessive. I shouldn't need three sentences.


                              This is why I have problems with authority. They're liars. Cops. Managers. Principals. Every single one of them is exempt from some type of standard, and they can make it up while exempting any sort of expectation. I should have learned how to do THIS job 7 years ago when I WASN'T doing the technical writing and research my Manager is saying I should have been doing. I should also not manifest malcontent even if not directly expressed (so it's in his head) because I say a problem is our inaction, and provide documentation on it.



                              If I had the skills this manager expects me to have I wouldn't work for him. I'd have my old job not doing anything related to what I do now. Somehow it's MY fault I can't please this guy, and after having meetings to work on communication and discuss projects I still can't meet his standards. It's all MY fault though. Absolutely NOTHING looks bad on him. HE isn't incapable. I mean....who WOULDN'T understand a spreadsheet is what the boss wants when they say "give me a document"?  fuck this shit. Im going to sit in a dark hole again and be alone.

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                                RP- On second thought I think you need to run more!!  Chanel this into running...picture your Boss's face as the track and pound it to submission in a series of intense 800s.  Seriously I do hope you can find something soon.  Keep looking.



                                After the three years under current management I'm not expecting anything to change. It's pathetic when the boss gets you removed from your job, calls you incompetent and incapable, then says "well you should have learned how to do this in your previous job" and doesn't even blink in hesitation. It fucking sucks and I'm here to suffer. After a solid YEAR of applying to ANYTHING I know my future is to sit here getting fucked by management. I was literally reading how my past experience should have prepared me for this current job, and absolutely NO requirement was placed on the last boss to prepare me for this job. Thankfully I know this job, who sucks at communicating anything and has a personal problem with me, isn't going to prepare me to do a different job 7 years from now. I'm here for his personal enjoyment, and I should figure out how to be the best at my job without his help.  I should know what HE wants based on working for other people, and having MULTIPLE conversations about how every supervisor can pick and choose what they want because there can't be a set standard here.


                                this place ruined any desire I have to work on anything. I sit here doing absolutely nothing now. after spending a year responding to salutations and reading I don't I'm going to stop. Trying never improved anything so not trying will make it worse, and I'll make sure it's as bad as it can get for me. fuck this place, fuck my personal enjoyment in life, and fuck ever thinking I could change into something capable. At SOME point I thought I would meet standards, and be wrong when I said whatever I do won't be good enough and the boss won't know what he wants until AFTER he sees what I give him. It turns out I'm 100% correct. ANY communication about my projects with the boss is unacceptable at my level. I'm to know exactly what he wants on this new technical writing document based on unrelated experience with templates to follow, and three sentences from management about what they want is excessive. I shouldn't need three sentences.


                                This is why I have problems with authority. They're liars. Cops. Managers. Principals. Every single one of them is exempt from some type of standard, and they can make it up while exempting any sort of expectation. I should have learned how to do THIS job 7 years ago when I WASN'T doing the technical writing and research my Manager is saying I should have been doing. I should also not manifest malcontent even if not directly expressed (so it's in his head) because I say a problem is our inaction, and provide documentation on it.



                                If I had the skills this manager expects me to have I wouldn't work for him. I'd have my old job not doing anything related to what I do now. Somehow it's MY fault I can't please this guy, and after having meetings to work on communication and discuss projects I still can't meet his standards. It's all MY fault though. Absolutely NOTHING looks bad on him. HE isn't incapable. I mean....who WOULDN'T understand a spreadsheet is what the boss wants when they say "give me a document"?  fuck this shit. Im going to sit in a dark hole again and be alone.

                                5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015)