pace training question (Read 516 times)


    Hello everyone; I have been running for about a year now. I have been trying to be faithful in getting out there 3 times a week plus a long run on Saturday. My question is my pace has always pretty much stayed consistantly (slow) during this year. I do hill work but I will confess speed work has not been something I try very much as I have felt I needed more work in my physical endurance. Is this something that will come in time or should I bite the bullet and include some speedwork during my weekly runs. If so what does that include? thank you for any and all suggestions.

    I've got a fever...

      You might want to look a little at this thread (until it degenerates into stupidity towards the end). http://www.runningahead.com/forums/topic/5389e2950590413fa07f3bbb0857ccd4 You might also want to consider making your log public (upper right corner Options --> My Log Preferences). We can give you better advice if we know more about you. Key thing -- trying to improve your everyday training pace shouldn't be your goal. As you run more, it will naturally get faster. For most runners, the best advice is Run Slower and Run More. Why? Slower running allows you to run more miles without injury More miles leads to faster racing

      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

        So crystal clear now Big grin Clowning around
        Key thing -- trying to improve your everyday training pace shouldn't be your goal. As you run more, it will naturally get faster. For most runners, the best advice is Run Slower and Run More>/B

        "The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling." - Lucretius

          Enter some races -- for fun. If you don't like doing speed work, a race is a fun way to get speedwork in. The more races in your area, the better -- cherrypick them so that you have a better chance of finishing higher in the crowd. The prospect of a cheesy ribbon will get me to do speedwork any day.