What's a C25K? (Read 1188 times)


New Year, New Oportunity

    I've read about C25K in several post, but I don't Know What it is. Can somebody explain it, easily? ThanksConfused
      Couch to 5k. Basically, a program designed to get someone who is idle and not active into running a 5k. ie. - Get people off the couch and to running a 5k. It's a 9 week program designed to kick-start a running habit. http://c25k.com/
        I have never used it but it looks really good to me for a beginner. Is a running schedule that takes a person from never have run before to running a 5K (race). It something like a 3 month program (but Im not positive the length). But it has a gradual build up from a few minutes every other day to running the 5K race... Everyone in RA that has used it as a guide to begin running has raved about it...... If you a new runner, google c25k and it will come up and give it a read...

        Champions are made when no one is watching


          Couch to 5K program--training programs designed to get inactive people to be able to successfully complete a 5K. Made famous by Coolrunning: CLICK. mta: Woops, way too slow.

          Runners run

            mta: Woops, way too slow.
            They don't call me "Fast-Fingers McGee" for nothing.

            Professional Noob

              Don't forget we've got a support group here for people going through the C25K program. http://www.runningahead.com/groups/C25K Big grin

              Roads were made for journeys...

                Don't forget we've got a support group here for people going through the C25K program. http://www.runningahead.com/groups/C25K Big grin
                Links to both the C25K site and C25K/OHR group here at RunningAHEAD have been posted on your previous threads gallegoh. They are both great resources, but I would join the group here because it includes the plan's schedule AND a forum similar to this one. The members are either following the plan themselves, or graduates that like to help out newbies. If you click the link Wingz posted, you will get the User Group homepage like below: All you have to do is click the Join Group button. Then when you click User Groups at the top of any "Community" page you will have a link under "My Groups" like shown below. Or you can just bookmark the link Wingz posted and go straight to the User Group homepage. I hope the Penguin told you to take your time as a new runner, doing too much too soon is a sure formula for frustration and/or injury. Been there, done that and you don't want to repeat my mistake.

                Greater Lowell Road Runners
                Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


                  Quick note. Many of you know that c25k was developed way back when, in the good ol days when everybody loved everybody. Anyway, it was mostly developed by a guy named Liam, who was also a low-key mod at CR. Anyway, when the Active Borg took over CR, they put a whole bait-and-switch interface on top of C25k that makes it *appear* to cost money. It doesn't, though. The program itself is out there at the link posted previously. But if you pay active money, you get some "whizbang" extras (which I put in quotes, because the extras suck rocks in my opinion). Anyway: the plan is still free even though their site makes it look like it isn't. They never bothered to thank Liam and they surely never bothered to send some coin his way. If you'd like to thank the guy that brought this thing to life, he was a fairly regular poster over at kickrunners, at least as of when I stopped going there a bit over a year ago. I imagine he's still there.


                    They never bothered to thank Liam and they surely never bothered to send some coin his way.
                    Well that bites. I'm pretty sure it's the same Liam I met for about five seconds in December, he handed off to me at the Mill Cities Relay. I was (by far) the weakest link on a Greater Lowell team, and was trying to figure about how much time the snowy/icy conditions would add to his estimated arrival. Um, how about.....zero. Even though the arrival time was predicted days before with no snow / ice in the forecast he was spot on. The guy's a damned good runner, I hope to bump into him again soon.

                    Greater Lowell Road Runners
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.



                      If you'd like to thank the guy that brought this thing to life, he was a fairly regular poster over at kickrunners, at least as of when I stopped going there a bit over a year ago. I imagine he's still there.
                      We should drag his butt over here. I certainly would like to thank him. His creation really changed my life. Every other time I tried running I thought I HAD to be able to go out and run 2-3 miles non-stop from the start. Of course, that is pretty much a recipe for failure for most of us who have been sedentary, so I never stuck with running for more than a week or two...'cause it sucked and who wants to do something that is so miserable? Finding C25k changed the rules and actually worked. And here I am running 30mpw consistently, in the best shape of my life (at least internally, even if I am a bit more cushioned than I would like), and ramping up for marathon #2. Smile

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay


                      I've got a fever...

                        I've read about C25K in several post, but I don't Know What it is. Can somebody explain it, easily? ThanksConfused
                        It's a new kind of retirement plan, aimed at replacing your now-depleted 401(k).

                        On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                        On the road again...

                          We should drag his butt over here. I certainly would like to thank him. His creation really changed my life. Every other time I tried running I thought I HAD to be able to go out and run 2-3 miles non-stop from the start. Of course, that is pretty much a recipe for failure for most of us who have been sedentary, so I never stuck with running for more than a week or two...'cause it sucked and who wants to do something that is so miserable? Finding C25k changed the rules and actually worked. And here I am running 30mpw consistently, in the best shape of my life (at least internally, even if I am a bit more cushioned than I would like), and ramping up for marathon #2. Smile
                          +1 I am in such a better place in every area of my life as a result of that simple program. The chance to interact with the man responsible for that would be awesome.

                          I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.



                          Master of the Side Eye

                            The program rocks. I did it in summer 2007, then got injured and did a modified version in January 2008. Been running solidly since. If you need music to run to, I highly suggest the free Robert Ullrey podcasts. They are on iTunes or you can google him and will find them. They are especially nice during the first weeks when you alternate a lot between walking and running. Keeps you from being glued to a stop watch.

                            TRUST THE PROCESS





                            Options,Account, Forums

                              It's a new kind of retirement plan, aimed at replacing your now-depleted 401(k).
                              I bet it involves purchasing a cheap banking institution and applying for bailout money...

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              De-slacking in progress

                                Works like it says- I'm living proof 50# less and still running 30mpw now after 9 months. Commit to it and then sign up for a 5K race in about 10-12 weeks so you have the motivation to achieve the goal. My wife completed the program also and also place 2nd in her age group in her first 5k race (sign up for a small town race for extra motivation )

                                started running @ age 48 [lost 70#+, quit a 30 year pack/day habit>> ran HM]  Ran a few years then quit. Gained 70#+ back and smoking like before. Time to get healthy again @ 52 years over with the C25K program and beyond again. RE-start date 1-13-14
