Depressing Question (Read 2147 times)

L Train

    Today I ran in 2 inches of slush and had to dive into the 6 foot snowbank a few times to avoid being killed by oncoming traffic


    Sunday I had a good run until I was on a back road that was covered with alternating slush and ice.  A big truck came barreling at me at about 50 MPH and just pelted me with a perfect wave of slush from head to toe.  I figured about a 90% chance this was done on purpose, so congrats to him.  What the hell do I care, I'm just a pedestrian and there may be splashy trucks in Boston.  This has absolutely nothing to do with treadmills.  I am, however, having an affair with a particular treadmill at the Y that has a fan blowing on it.  I will be on her later this morning in fact.    



       I am, however, having an affair with a particular treadmill at the Y that has a fan blowing on it.  I will be on her later this morning in fact.    


      Man, I wish they had fans blowing on the treadmills at my gym.  By the time I finish a 9 miler on the treadmill (whether all easy or some sort of interval/tempo hard workout) I am completely dripping in sweat.  It's actually kind of gross.


      But while we're on the topic of treadmills here, has anybody tried out the Proform treadmills I've seen at Sports Authority that have the ifit hookup so you can punch in a route on google maps and it will automatically handle changing the incline and stuff for you?

      Feeling the growl again


        But while we're on the topic of treadmills here, has anybody tried out the Proform treadmills I've seen at Sports Authority that have the ifit hookup so you can punch in a route on google maps and it will automatically handle changing the incline and stuff for you?


        Now if it did DEcline too, this would be an awesome feature.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


        Feeling the growl again

          I bought a Sole F80 last year at Dicks for $1500. I have a 5 year old and 15 month and it's the best purchase I have ever made. While I don't 'love' running on the treadmill, it has given me the ability to run consistantly and that I do love. DH uses it too and we've put around 1000 miles on it durning the past year. So far so good and no problems from the treadmill. Definitely worth the investment.  


          If you've got 1000 mile on it, order some lube and plan to re-lube it around 1500 miles.  Don't wait for the supposed signal it is supposed to give you or wait longer than that.  Trust me.

          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



            I've been on and off again about getting a treadmill but don't want to lay out big, big bucks. Problem is that I've got a tendency to cause an "out of order" sign on my gym's treadmills every three months or so, usually with a long progression runs with lots of miles under 7 min. I'm wondering if I got a basic model and only did easy (8 min) miles, no more than 6 or 7 at a wack I'd be "safe" or is that still pretty rough considering that I'm usually about 180 lbs? The thinking here is that I'd run workouts and long elsewhere but this would give me much more scheduling flexibility on the easy/recovery miles. I'm guessing this logic is probably somehow flawed.

              I just plunked down my $1500 for a Sole F80.  it seemed like a fair price.  lifetime warranty on most of the parts that are expected to break and two years labor.  I'm sure that is what drives up the price on it. 


              I had a cheap ($600) TM, it was a keys or horizon, and it truely lasted no more than 1000 miles before the deck board split. 


              I like the Sole. it seems sturdy and has a huge running deck. The programs and built in fans seem useless to me.  The speakers are nice because I can hook up my iphone to it and not use headphones.  We'll see how it holds up in the coming months/years. 

              nothing to see here.  


                Anyone have any recommendation for a treadmill for home use? I hate the idea, but DW is having a hard time getting mileage in outside...what with 9 feet of snow and a 15 month old hangin about.


                I'd hate to be into one for any more than $1,000...and typing that just made my stomach turn. Nordic Trac C900 looked ok, but my only treadmill experience is with commercial grade equipment at the gym (Cybex, I believe).


                Any help would be great.



                I've had a Pacemaster Gold Elite since 2005. Paid 1800.00. As far as customer support and no hassles with warranty, Pacemaster has been excellent. Both  TM repair guys say the company is the best as far as that goes. The first one we bought had an unfixable electrical/computer problem, and they replaced the whole TM free-of charge. That happened early on. SInce we got the new one, we replaced the motor once a few months ago, after 5 years of use. I wore the sucker out I guess, it was still working as far as speed goes, but developed a high pitch whine, Again, they replaced it free without hassle. No making the repair guy pul apart the motor and rebuilding, just "Okay, a new one will be there, pronto." (10 years on the motor. just paid for labor as I've had it over the 5 year limit).  Add up all the costs of the TM and the repair for 6 years: still much cheaper than two people joining a gym to use their TM. I foresee having this thing at least another 5 or more. As long as they have replacement parts past the warranty.


                If you use it often, repairs and maintenance will come up. I can vouch for Pacemaster.

                Also American made if that's something you believe in.



                Intentionally Blank

                  I haven't read all the responses, but I bought an Epic from costco.com (free shipping) for around $900.  That was five years ago, and it's still going strong (knock wood).  Some weeks I don't use it at all, and other weeks I use it 30+ miles.  In the middle of the summer, I've done some 20 mile long runs on it. 


                  I am not as speedy as your wife.  I average in the 9-10 mm range on the 'mill.  And I am a halfling (+/- 100 pounds), so I don't tax the 'mill that much with my weight.


                  Mine has been a great investment.  I think the more money you spend, the more powerful the motor.  And I think that really helps if you want to put a bunch of weight on it.  But I suspect you could get by with less motor power.

                  No Talent Drips

                    Thanks for all the feedback. Sounds like a Sole might be a good way to go. I know a guy that owns some hotels...he may be able to help me get a deal (fitness rooms).


                    "I'm a halfling"---made me laugh.

                     Dei Gratia


                    L Train

                      I liked your other avatar better.  Probably because I'm grumpy.


                        But while we're on the topic of treadmills here, has anybody tried out the Proform treadmills I've seen at Sports Authority that have the ifit hookup so you can punch in a route on google maps and it will automatically handle changing the incline and stuff for you?


                        Proform, no, but I did just buy a 2011 NordicTrack 1750 which has both iFit and decline.  I love the option of creating google maps, and having the treadmill simulate the terrain.  I ran along Malibu Beach the other day.  I saw the ocean, and people on bikes.  It was nice considering there was snow on the ground outside.  The 1750 goes for $1499.  It is less if you do a search for NordicTrack coupons.  Check http://www.nordictrackcoupons.com/


                         I recommend iFit.  It makes treadmill running a lot more fun.  You can compete in races.  You can do a practice run on a course that you can't physically get to to train.  I give it an A+.

                        Live the Adventure. Enjoy the Journey. Be Kind. Have Faith!


                           I recommend iFit.  It makes treadmill running a lot more fun.  You can compete in races.  You can do a practice run on a course that you can't physically get to to train.  I give it an A+.


                          How does the treadmill simulate the mud and roots and rocks and stuff? I must be getting out of touch with how technology works these days but that sounds pretty awesome.

                            Well, I guess you could throw some mud on it, but that would be a bad idea.  I am training for a road marathon so hopefully no roots or mud.  I do know what buildings I will be looking at  while I run and about how the hills should feel and where they will occur.  


                            Actually, I haven't seen mud in a long time. It has been frozen under the ice and snow.  I always prefer to run outdoors but ice makes roads slippery and passing vehicles more dangerous.  Usually when I can't run outdoors due to weather, I don't want to be in a vehicle on the roads so the gym option kinda goes away. I decided to cancel the gym membership and buy the treadmill. 

                            Live the Adventure. Enjoy the Journey. Be Kind. Have Faith!

                              Isn't the iFit live extra $'s?... if so how much. Sears has the Nordic Track 9500 on sale which also has this... was thinking about it since it hasn't been above 32 for the last month..... but if I wait a couple more days that is changing.


                                I recently purchased a proform HSN (on line) free freight, and it was under 700.00, really happy with it. I hate to run insdie as well, but sometimres. You can also move this one easily. Check it out, its a good deal. I believe the model was ProForm Step up treadmill.
