Updated Options page (Read 419 times)

eric :)

    Hi all,
    I spent the last several days integrating RA into a running club's website.  If your club is interested in something like this, please let me know.  Part of the work involved modifying the options pages, which is one of the oldest parts of the website, dating all the way back to 2005.

    Since I'm in the process of revamping the training log, and the options pages are related to the project, I decided to modernize that section a bit.  I noticed that some new users had trouble setting their avatars because there was confusion with profile and forum preferences.  I combined the "My Information", "My Profile" and "My Forum Preferences" pages into the new "Account Info" page.  They are still in separate tabs to make the page less busy.

    I also cleaned up some of the styles and simplified the HTML code in the Options pages.  There are some database changes which cannot be tested on the beta site so this release may not be as well tested as others.  If you notice anything that doesn't seem right, please let me know.  Thanks!

    eric Smile

    Mr MattM

      Just looked and clicked into Account Info...  once there, I can only access the basic info tab... when I click Forums or My Profile it does nothing.

      be curious; not judgmental

      eric :)

        Which browser are you using?

        Butter Tart

          I went into Locale Options and accidentally typed dd//yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy. Now I can't seem to change it back. It always reverts to dd//yyyy. Help!

          eric :)

            I went into Locale Options and accidentally typed dd//yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy. Now I can't seem to change it back. It always reverts to dd//yyyy. Help!


            Try capitalizing "M'.


              Hi all,
              I spent the last several days integrating RA into a running club's website.  If your club is interested in something like this, please let me know.  

              eric Smile


              What kind of integration would be possible?

              And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



              Mr MattM

                Which browser are you using?


                Sorry - should've included that... IE8

                be curious; not judgmental


                not bad for mile 25

                  I'm in Chrome 24.0 on Linux.  Options look nice and everything appears to be working except Default Map Location.  The square map area is completely blank.

                  eric :)


                    Sorry - should've included that... IE8


                    There was a javascript error that caused the page to not render properly.  It is fixed.

                    eric :)


                      What kind of integration would be possible?


                      Check out log.steeplechasers.org/logs. The log is embedded into the club's website.  There are additional customization done by the club to automate collection of race data from the members' logs for their contests.  If you log into this version of the website, you'll be prompted to grant access to the club to read your data.  Do not allow access or your data will be pulled.


                      Even if your club's website has its own login, you can link your club and RA together such that you can access your log by simply logging into your club's website with minimal work.  If your club doesn't have its own login, then it's even easier to integrate with RA.

                      eric :)

                        I'm in Chrome 24.0 on Linux.  Options look nice and everything appears to be working except Default Map Location.  The square map area is completely blank.


                        The options pages are now encrypted.  The Google maps are accessed without encryption and Chrome threw a fit.  I've changed the code to access the maps via https and will upload the fix later tonight.


                        Are we there, yet?

                          When I went to the My Profile tab on the Options page, my profile picture was missing. I uploaded it again and it appears there now, but if I go to one of my posts and click on my name to get to the profile page, it says no picture available. I use IE9 on Windows 7.


                          ETA: I just checked again and my profile picture has gone missing. Other changes that I made are there so I know I saved the page.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
                                10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour




                          eric :)

                            Fixed.  Please give it a try now.

                              I just looked, and my profile pic was missing as well.  I then uploaded it again, and it still isn't showing whether I am looking at it from the link or browsing while not logged in. "No picture available".  Using Firefox 18.0.


                              Also, the colors don't quite match the basic design of RA.  Not a big deal, but since noticing these things is my day job, I had to mention it.


                              mta: The colors to which I am referring are the boxes on the settings entry page.

                              Live the Adventure. Enjoy the Journey. Be Kind. Have Faith!


                              Will Crew for Beer

                                I just looked, and my profile pic was missing as well.  I then uploaded it again, and it still isn't showing whether I am looking at it from the link or browsing while not logged in. "No picture available".  Using Firefox 18.0.


                                Also, the colors don't quite match the basic design of RA.  Not a big deal, but since noticing these things is my day job, I had to mention it.


                                mta: The colors to which I am referring are the boxes on the settings entry page.


                                Profile pic doesn't work for me either. Also, when I try to save it gives me an error saying I didn't enter my new password even though I wasn't trying to change my password.


                                The format of the initial options page looks like Windows 8 tiles.


                                MTA: I also don't see any place to change your current weight/goal weight that appears on the profile page.

                                Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.
