2024 Advanced Training and Racing Thread (still competitive jerks) (Read 282 times)


Hot Weather Complainer

    My printed calendar hanging on my cubicle wall at work says today is something known as Wednesday, or as the Kiwi call it ‘Waitangi Day.’ 

    Sounds comparable to ‘Founder’s Day’ or maybe ‘The July 4th Celebration’ in the Land of Inches and Miles (Davis?).


    It's a nice summer holiday as long as you don't turn on the news and see the permanently oppressed victims making a complete spectacle of themselves (there you go Mikkey there's something more readable than talking about actual running )


    Edit: I guess I should mention that it commemorates the day the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 between Maori tribes and the crown, creating the great country we have now that many are intent on destroying.

    5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


    2024 Races:

    Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

    Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

    Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

    Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

    Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

    Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

    Timaru Ten October 26, 2024



      It's a nice summer holiday as long as you don't turn on the news and see the permanently oppressed victims making a complete spectacle of themselves (there you go Mikkey there's something more readable than talking about actual running )


      Edit: I guess I should mention that it commemorates the day the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 between Maori tribes and the crown, creating the great country we have now that many are intent on destroying.


      My preferred solution is "go to the beach".

      3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

      10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

      * Net downhill course

      Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

      Up next: Still working on that...


      Pain is my friend

        I had another good week. Building up my long run and still doing speed work. Throwing in some race pace training with my long run.


        Weekly for period: From: 01/29/2024 To 02/04/2024

        <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
        Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
        in ft
        01/29 Looping the park 5.00 8.05 00:42:07 08:25 05:14 102
        01/30 2 by Four temp 10.04 16.16 01:14:52 07:27 04:38 308
        01/30 Park looping with Sully the great 3.41 5.48 00:29:19 08:36 05:21 33
        01/31 Morning Run 7.55 12.14 01:05:28 08:40 05:24 272
        02/01 Water fowl bingo 24.02 38.64 03:53:43 09:44 06:03 23
        02/03 JPR to Murdock to Provo river 23.12 37.20 03:41:01 09:34 05:56 787
        02/03 Shake out with Stella 2.15 3.46 00:20:40 09:37 05:58 125

        Totals: Time: 11:27:10 - 🦅Imperial: 75.29 mi - Metric: 121.14 km

        ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

        Bear 100 22:08 2021 

        Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


        Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

        Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

        Ute 100 Aug

        24 hour loop race?



        Cobra Commander Keen

          12 pages behind, wow!! I've got a lot of catching up to do.


          After the recent hostile thread takeover, I did what any deposed dictator would do - fled the country. Actually, I had a travel work conference (great to see you again, DWave!), catch up work from that, out-of-state soccer tournament w/ DD1, then the out-of-country vacation with DW, more catch up, and now I've somehow got a bit of breathing room despite 1/3 of my department being gone and me having extra work.



          Running wise, things are going just fine. Continuing to build back and I'm now getting to some 5k effort intervals along with the HM effort intervals I've been doing for a good while. Still lifting, which is good on the one hand for general strength purposes (I haven't noticed any effects upon running) and a bit bad on the other because I'll have to replace all my favorite running singlets as those seem to have shrunk.


          More comments as to the community once I can see what everyone has been up to.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:


          August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

          October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

          November 2  - Crossroads Marathon





              Haters will say this is a conspiracy theory, but I cannot be the only one who noticed this.

              First, Mikkey and Calbears disappear without a trace for over a month. Then Darkwave shows up (Remember she works for a government *agency* wink wink), says she's out of shape and swears that she didn't kidnap CommanderKeen 👀. Then a few days later, Commander Keen shows up after a month of absence and says he "was out of the country on vacation with his wife".

              Here's what I think happened: Mikkey, Calbears and Keen got abducted for questioning to an undisclosed CIA black site.

              First they tried regular ways of interrogation, namely waterboarding, a baseball bat, electric shock, and blasting their ears 24h non stop with Selena Gomez songs.

              They then realized these are very highly trained assets and they needed to up their game.

              In comes Darkwave and she starts whispering ambiguous parts of the law to them. They immediately break and let out all the secrets.

              They're let out and now are double agents.


               Love it, this is really good. Especially the Selena Gomez songs part. Welcome back Commander.

              Mr MattM

                be curious; not judgmental


                Are we there, yet?

                  Haters will say this is a conspiracy theory, but I cannot be the only one who noticed this.

                  First, Mikkey and Calbears disappear without a trace for over a month. Then Darkwave shows up (Remember she works for a government *agency* wink wink), says she's out of shape and swears that she didn't kidnap CommanderKeen 👀. Then a few days later, Commander Keen shows up after a month of absence and says he "was out of the country on vacation with his wife".

                  Here's what I think happened: Mikkey, Calbears and Keen got abducted for questioning to an undisclosed CIA black site.

                  First they tried regular ways of interrogation, namely waterboarding, a baseball bat, electric shock, and blasting their ears 24h non stop with Selena Gomez songs.

                  They then realized these are very highly trained assets and they needed to up their game.

                  In comes Darkwave and she starts whispering ambiguous parts of the law to them. They immediately break and let out all the secrets.

                  They're let out and now are double agents.


                  That sounds a lot more reasonable than some of the theories surrounding US politics.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
                        10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour





                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Random thought I just had. Aaron Kuen is doing better. 






                    It's good that he's doing better. That ambulance passed me in the last 1-1.5 miles of the race, and they were loading him into it as Jenny from Florida and I went by. I still don't buy the rhabdo diagnosis for a guy like him.



                    Flavio - Thanks for worrying about me having been disappeared whilst in D.C. 
                    I'm right there with you on the 1003 club (shouldn't that be 1002.9 club?).

                    Also, you're crazy. 8 M is much more doable than 2 I!


                    DKT - How's the Achilles doing these days?


                    mt79 - Congrats on the high mileage week. You're in a good spot to keep progressing things.


                    Merkle - I'd love to get down to a 6:30-ish marathon pace by fall. I've got a good ways to go from here, though, while you're well on your way.


                    DWave - It's good you reassured the group that you didn't kidnap or otherwise dispose of me, but frankly you're nowhere big enough to pull off such a feat!

                    Also: Standards are SO much more fun than automatics.




                    ETA: While researching possible flat-ish marathons for the fall I found one about 4 hours from me that was only $5 to register. Needless to say, I'm now registered for a marathon even though I may not decide to run a marathon.

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:


                    August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

                    October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

                    November 2  - Crossroads Marathon



                      Me - Coatesville HM was this morning, recap below.  Overall a pretty pleasing day out in the circumstances.  Coach tried a different race week setup, with 3 days off (which I did for Omaha HM), one of which was the day before the race (this was entirely new).  I felt a little off for the race - not bad, just a bit... meh and my HR was a little on the high side.  I don't think that was anything to do with the race week strategy though as I'd had a similar feeling during Friday's run.  Despite that, I still managed 3rd overall and a course PB, by 18 seconds over my time from 6 years ago that was prior to supershoes, but which did have significantly cooler conditions as back then the race was a month later.


                      Weekly for period: From: 05/02/2024 To 11/02/2024

                      <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                      Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                      in m
                      06/02 That run where it’s a bit cooler but I think the lady wearing gloves maybe went a step too far 6.30 10.14 00:44:14 07:01 04:22 60
                      07/02 That run where it was nice to be on the flat 6.85 11.02 00:45:46 06:41 04:09 23
                      09/02 That run with a different race week setup 4.98 8.01 00:31:56 06:25 03:59 3
                      11/02 Warm up 1.25 2.01 00:08:41 06:57 04:19 13
                      11/02 Coatesville HM 2024 🥉, 1:17:24 official 13.13 21.12 01:17:26 05:54 03:40 308
                      11/02 Coatesville 2k kids race 1.26 2.03 00:13:14 10:30 06:31 13

                      Totals: Time: 03:41:17 - 🦅Imperial: 33.77 mi - Metric: 54.34 km


                      Coatesville Half Marathon 2024, race recap


                      "Run to the Hills!" used to be the (entirely appropriate) slogan for Coatesville HM, one of the hiller HM courses around New Zealand, with around 300m (1000ft) of elevation gain.  I listened to it in the car on the way there.  Thankfully Saturday's humidity dissipated overnight and was replaced with a cooler southerly shift (albeit this did make largely for a headwind on the way out / tailwind back).  For the most part race temps were around the 16-18C mark (60s F) which is pretty good for this time of year, although the sun did warm things up quickly.


                      I noticed during the warm up that my HR was a little high, similar to Friday's final run before the race.  I didn't feel totally 100%... not bad, just a bit "meh".  Anyways I don't read anything into it as I have magically come right on the start line more than once (including at this very race).  Caught up with a few runners I hadn't seen in a while before the start too.  I have two goals for the race:

                      1. Run a course PB (my time from 2018 was 1:17:42... crazy to think it was a PB at the time and on this of all courses!).

                      2. Eat into my rival Ben's lead in the half marathon series (his lead of ~1:20 was down to 1:19 or so after Omaha, so a bit of work to do).


                      My strategy was pretty much just to try and keep the effort steady.  Work the downhills and just keep it nice and steady on the uphills.  Most of the climbs in this race are the long, steady type where you can dial in the rhythm and grind it out.  I've run a lot of hills since the last race in early December so I'm feeling fairly well prepared.  Pacing is important, and difficult, here - the last 2km are all downhill but there's a lot of climbing between halfway and the 19km mark - you actually want to empty the tank a little earlier than you normally would for a half, but overdo it too early and you'll pay on one of the climbs.  There's not a lot of margin for error.


                      At the start, there is one younger guy with me.  I don't see any of the series runners just yet, quite a contrast to Omaha where the top 4 series runners were in a pack for two-thirds of the race.  I briefly chat to him and then he dropped me at the first hill around 2km in.  This is a steeper climb which then levels off towards the top where you turn a corner and the hill keeps going for longer than you expect.  After that there's undulations along the ridge.  Another younger guy passes me just after the corner, and then passes the first guy.  He ended up going close to the course record too.


                      I haven't seen my series rival, Ben, yet and was half wondering if he wasn't even here.  However, he caught up to me along the ridge around 4km in.  At this point, I noticed myself feeling a bit off, and I was in one of those "how the hell am I gonna hold this effort for another 17km" holes.  Seriously, I did not really feel great at any point during this race, like I had to battle harder than I'd have liked from very early on.  But I told myself to suck it up and stick to the plan, and then dropped him shortly after on a downhill.  I've noticed he's not great at those and I'd figured if I was running with him the whole way I could drop him on the big downhill at the end.


                      There's around 5km along the ridge which is undulating, and has great views out across a couple of my favourite running areas - Whenuapai to the south east, and Riverhead Forest to the west.  I was spending far too much time muttering to myself in my head to properly enjoy them though.  Then, a relatively long downhill, which is fun but slightly depressing because there's a turnaround at the bottom and you have to climb the whole way back up.  At the turnaround point, I notice I have probably 20-30 seconds over Ben and a couple of other runners.  First and second are well ahead by now.  I try to never look backwards in races to clock the next runner because I find it massively encouraging when someone does that to me as it suggests they're tiring.  Also there's 3 u-turns in this race where you can check out the competition without encouraging them.


                      Coming up the hill, I know it's roughly 2km uphill, 2km flat/down, then 3km uphill before a rolling section and the big downhill.  But it's that first hill where people tend to get found out.  I settled into a nice rhythm coming up this one, and the cheers from other runners coming down the hill really helped too.  I survived that one fine, and as far as I can tell, no-one is gaining on me.  Just gotta keep it consistent over the next section before the next climb, and I remember how I've always enjoyed this section with nice tall trees on either side of the road (and an aid station).


                      Around the 13.5km mark, there's a random side-road diversion which goes downhill into a u-turn, before the longer climb starts.  At the turnaround, I notice the chasing group has split and Ben is slightly ahead of them, but doesn't seem to be gaining at all on me.  Time to go to work again... if I can survive the next 5km, I know I can cash in on the downhill to eat into his series lead.  And I'm also motivated by gunning for 3rd place.  I got 2nd here a couple times, but I'm getting older now and every podium is special.  This is very different to the last race where there was a lot of tactical pack running... this time it's me, by myself, just trying to execute my plan.


                      Then I saw Will, who yelled at me to stop screwing around and run faster.  He's a good guy and I appreciated that.  At this point, in hindsight, the early race feeling of being a "bit off" had actually been replaced by "my legs are getting a bit tired".  And it was just about putting the work in. So I did.  Just tried to keep the legs turning over up the hills, and not back off too much during the occasional reprieve on the flat.  The left turn onto Glenmore Road at the 17km mark basically signals the end of the big climbs with only a few more undulations between me and the downhill.


                      The last of the random u-turns is off a diversion down Donaldson Drive (this one in particular always seems to remind me of the course certification).  Ben's definitely not gaining, and I just have to hang in there for another km.  So I did.


                      A few more rollers, then we're at the top and there's those views of Riverhead Forest that signal the final downhill.  This one starts steeper and flattens out towards the bottom, so you have to work the quads harder at the top.  The legs are definitely battling to try and keep the cadence up but I hung in there.  Every second might count towards the series results if I'm gonna have any chance of catching first place.  And it looks like I might be on for a course PB after all too.  The last 500m are on a limestone trail through the pony club, so this is a little tougher, especially as there's a bunch of turns just before the finish line.  Put in a little extra effort towards the line and it is a course PB! (1:17:24 official).


                      Awesome to see the family at the finish and my daughter even got to give me the finisher medal which was cool!  Better yet, Ben doesn't show up for another 43 seconds so I've taken a big chunk out of that series lead.  Still some work to do at Maraetai and Waterfront, but after the last couple of races I'm feeling like that's achievable.  And then my daughter ran a PB in her 2km kids race as well, so a good day all around.


                      Watson kindly commented on Strava that he thought this was my best race for some time.  I think he might be right, at least for the last couple of years.  While not my fastest race in that time, this is a tough course, and I had to battle for much longer than I would ordinarily expect in a half as I didn't feel totally on my game.  It was almost exactly same pace as Omaha in December, which is almost dead flat and had probably better weather (albeit there is a real mix of terrain there).  When I thought about it, this might actually be the best I have raced since March 2022, and I'm optimistic for the last two series races.

                      3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                      10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                      * Net downhill course

                      Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                      Up next: Still working on that...

                      "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                      Hot Weather Complainer

                        Keen - Grateful to see your kidnappers have allowed you internet access.  You're not assuaging the kidnapping rumours involving Darkwave by writing a post which could be interpreted as saying she took you out of the country.


                        Mark - I agree with watson that it is your best race for a while with the caveat that you've deliberately chosen races that are almost impossible to nail.  Excited to see you smoke the Waterfront yet again.


                        me - I think this was my biggest ever week, but thankfully my legs don't feel that way.  I struggled to get them turning over too fast in the LT session, no surprise there, but I didn't fade away.  The long run yesterday was great, in slightly cooler weather than forecast.  I used the Precision 1500 drink along with 2 gels and it felt like a cruise all the way until the last km or so when the wind picked up.  No hint of cramp, and I was waiting for it to turn into a grind but it never did.


                        Weekly for period: From: 05/02/2024 To 11/02/2024

                        <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                        Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                        in m
                        05/02 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:04 09:18 05:41 0
                        05/02 Easy med long 8.95 14.40 01:16:24 08:32 05:18 31
                        06/02 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:04 09:01 05:41 0
                        06/02 Tuesday Strides - 4 x 15 seconds 4.38 7.05 00:36:36 08:21 05:11 10
                        07/02 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:04 09:01 05:35 1
                        07/02 4 x 5 mins LT 9.12 14.67 01:10:17 07:42 04:47 15
                        08/02 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:10 09:19 05:45 0
                        08/02 Easy hour 7.51 12.08 01:04:45 08:37 05:22 26
                        08/02 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:08 09:30 05:48 1
                        08/02 Thursday Double 3.77 6.06 00:32:05 08:31 05:18 14
                        09/02 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:07 09:10 05:40 0
                        09/02 Friday Cruise 6.41 10.32 00:54:20 08:29 05:16 25
                        10/02 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:12 09:25 05:49 0
                        10/02 Steady long run 20.10 32.34 02:35:13 07:43 04:48 44
                        11/02 Warm up 0.35 0.56 00:03:18 09:26 05:54 3
                        11/02 Easy Sunday 5.43 8.73 00:45:50 08:26 05:15 27

                        Totals: Time: 10:05:12 - 🦅Imperial: 68.38 mi - Metric: 110.03 km

                        5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                        2024 Races:

                        Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                        Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                        Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                        Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                        Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                        Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                        Timaru Ten October 26, 2024




                            Steve - it's weird how sometimes when you run really big weeks you feel fresher than after some of the lighter ones!  Nice work.


                            Flavio - good call cutting the LR short if you weren't feeling it.

                            3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                            10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                            * Net downhill course

                            Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                            Up next: Still working on that...

                            "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                              Steve/Flavio Solid weeks. Lots of volume.


                              Commander Thanks for the vote of confidence. We still have to race each other in an ultra someday.


                              Mark Very exciting stuff. Glad you took a chunk from the lead. Looking forward to more chunks being taken. You remarked that the strategy for that course is to empty the tank earlier than usual. Is this because you can use the last 2k of down hill to hang on to the pace?


                              My Week



                              Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                              in ft
                              02/05 Morning Run 8.53 13.72 01:09:08 08:06 05:02 545
                              02/06 Morning Run 10.05 16.17 01:19:34 07:55 04:55 699
                              02/07 Warm Up 2.04 3.27 00:17:11 08:25 05:15 141
                              02/07 Tempo 4.00 6.44 00:23:56 05:59 03:43 0
                              02/07 Cool Down 3.04 4.90 00:25:27 08:22 05:12 174
                              02/08 Morning Run 9.04 14.55 01:15:50 08:23 05:13 486
                              02/09 Shakeout with strides at the end. 4.03 6.48 00:32:56 08:10 05:05 197
                              02/10 Warm Up 3.03 4.87 00:25:45 08:30 05:17 16
                              02/10 By George 10k 6.28 10.10 00:35:54 05:43 03:33 0
                              02/10 Cool Down 5.04 8.11 00:40:30 08:02 05:00 276
                              02/11 Lunch Run 10.05 16.17 01:23:37 08:19 05:10 515

                              Totals: Time: 08:29:48 - 🦅Imperial: 65.12 mi - Metric: 104.77 km


                              Short Race Report:


                              The weather was overcast and something like 48 degrees F / 9 degrees C. The course was pancake flat, and a double out and back. First few hundred meters I was stride for stride with another guy sharing lead. I did my usual thing of matching at the shoulder, then pulling ahead ever so slightly to test the reaction, then dialing the pace back again. After 3 or 4 reps of this I pulled ahead by a good margin.


                              Everything felt about the same in the first half. Aerobically I felt slightly better than I did on my tempo run Wednesday (which is ... weird?). As I got to the turnaround at the half way point, the clock was at about 17:58 and I thought to myself that was the easiest sub 18 5k I have ever run. Sometime after mile 4 I started breathing harder, but I didn't feel awful yet. Not too much later a group running their cooldown is running in the opposite direction, which included darkwave who gave me a shout. 


                              Mile 5 was my slowest at 5:49. Last mile was tough aerobically but my legs were fine. Picked it up for a small kick to finish in 35:56 official time, 1st OA. Then met and chatted with darkwave afterwards. It was nice meeting you darkwave, hopefully in the near future we will end up in the same race again. Maybe one of your clubs track races. 



                                Mark Very exciting stuff. Glad you took a chunk from the lead. Looking forward to more chunks being taken. You remarked that the strategy for that course is to empty the tank earlier than usual. Is this because you can use the last 2k of down hill to hang on to the pace?



                                Correct - if you haven't caught someone by the 19k mark on this course, you ain't catching them!  Two races left and tactically I think I will target the next one as it is the tougher of the two courses (the last one is dead flat).


                                Good job on the 10k - you ran what looks like a perfectly even split.  It's a good sign if you were feeling that strong at halfway.  I envy the weather conditions too!

                                3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                                10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                                * Net downhill course

                                Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                                Up next: Still working on that...

                                "CONSISTENCY IS KING"