Shoulder pain?? (Read 633 times)

    Hi guys, I'm a complete novice runner, having done the first two workouts in the C-5K program, and I've noticed a really bizarre pain in my shoulder when I'm running that I just can't explain. It's nothing unbearable, just a funny jabbing at the top of my left shoulder, and it only happens actually during a run. The rest of the time it's fine. I know it's probably nothing and it doesn't worry me at all I'm just intruiged as to what could be causing this - anyone had the same thing happen to them?? Thanks!
      Yes, I've had that experience, especially starting out. It will get better as your body gets more used to running. Little transient aches are normal I think when first getting started. Likely some muscle fatigue as your body adapts. Make sure you do some weight training a couple times a week to keep your uppper body strong too.



        I had it when I first started running... Eventually it went away..
        Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon - Sep 28

        Hold the Mayo

          I used to get this when I first started running (and when I started back running again... and when I started running again the third time Smile ). What worked for me somewhat was to just gently stretch the area (swing your arms, pull your arm across the front of your body, whatever will stretch the area that hurts most) and also gently massage it when it hurt. Focus on relaxing the muscles - try letting your arms hang down by your sides for a minute or so - anything to change the strain on the muscles and let them relax. Eventually you'll build up strength there and one day you'll notice you did a run without your pain. I don't know if it's fatigue or a cramp, but it will go away.

          Hoping to Run Again :-(

            Yep, you're certainly not alone. I noticed the same thing when I was starting out. Don't know if it's a repetitive motion thing when your body's not used to it, or what. I do know I used to tense up my shoulders at first (also my toes) and once I learned to relax it went away.
            ~ Fly ~
            Only as much as I dream can I be.
            veggies on the run
              Wow thanks for your replies, it's good to know I'm not alone. I actually did notice that in my run just now it was aching a lot less, so hopefully it's going away already!
                This is amazing - I thought that I had had every possible running injury know to modern science (and most of them twice) - but I never even dreamed of having shoulder pain as a result of running, but it looks like its not all that uncommon..... I would have never thunk it..... Shocked

                Champions are made when no one is watching

                  Try to relax your shoulders. Do some upper body strengthening. It will help.

                  - Anya

                    I have had a similar pain before... feels like nerve pain. Often when feeling I would also feel pain on the bottom of my last rib. I think it might be a cramp of the diaphragm or possibly nerve pain.

                      I've been having similar issues since I began running two months ago. I've had upper shoulder knots for years, and they get better and worsen all the time. Usually, the ones on my right shoulder get worse when I'm doing a lot of typing/computer work for school, since I'm a righty. But running made the knots so much worse! I had a friend tell me to relax my shoulders, which didn't help at all because that was essentially like asking me to run with my arms completely limp and dangling. I need to use my muscles to keep my arms up! However, after doing some reading, I've found a method that seems to work all right. I was actually holding my arms up at a much sharper angle than I originally thought. Try lowering your arms a bit, and widening the angle between your upper and lower arms. While my issues haven't disappeared, they were there before I began running, so I don't expect them to go away. But they definitely don't get nearly as bad now that I lower my arms a bit.