My car looked better with a window (Read 572 times)

Now that was a bath...

    Muthaf**ka. My car got broken into last night and they stole my Sat Navigation System. I am so pissed! I guess I should be glad that they left the stereo, DVD player & screen, digital camera that was on the passenger seat and stack of loose DVD's - but still - I'm pissed! That's two excess bills to pay as the car and the Navman are under separate policies. The day started off bad as I was supposed to be supervising the prisoners doing some work at my children's Playcentre, but they canceled last minute because they don't like to work in the rain. Well that's their excuse and their sticking to it. I wonder if they are actually down Hunter's Corner getting high on the proceeds of my Navman. Watch out PD boys, I'm mad. That means your arses will be scrubbing the toilets with your own toothbrushes next week. Freaking criminals.
  • jlynnbob "HTFU, Kookie's distal tibia"
  • Where's my closet? I need to get back in it.


      Wow...I can't believe they'd take the time to break in and only steal that! Are crooks in NZ kinda slow? That sucks. Was this right in your driveway? Stuff like that makes me really nervous.

      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

           ~ Sarah Kay

        I know the feeling... someone thought my car could do without the passenger window last fall. Turns out you really need those... particularly in a place like Minneapolis. Worst part(s) of the ordeal: I found it after I had finished a really great run, one which happened to be on my 1,000th consecutive day of running, on my 24th birthday. Talk about a celebration killer.

        Rich wants to be my catcher.



          Same thing happened to us too, last week. I feel your pain, and I miss my GPS terribly. This is our second one that's been stolen - as much as we kind of need it, I don't know if we will bother to replace it again.