Blisters - to pop or not to pop? (Read 978 times)

    Pop it. Pop it pop it pop it. Pop it. Seriously. Pop it. Heals MUCH faster that way. Pop it. Did I mention you should really pop it? Do it with a needle and put some neosporin on it and a band aid for a day, then you'll be good to go. Then wrap your foot with coban under your sock before you go out again and you won't get any more blisters. Just a single layer. Since I know someone's gonna ask, coban is the stuff that holds your cotton ball in place when you give blood. Great stuff.

    Member Since 2008

      pop it!


        Drain it, don't pop it! Big grin


        Runners run

          I have two ways to deal my blisters. 1) Pop it as soon as you know you do not need to wear shoes that could make the skin move after it has been popped. Latest I would do it is when I relax at evening. Then blister has time to heal until next day. 2) If you know that you have to run long runs next few days, let it be as it is until you know that next day is going to be a rest day or easy short recovery run. After you last long run, pop is as soon as possible. After one rest day the blister do not any more bother, at least, me. After you have popped the blister, remember to check it quite frequently and if it has developed new water then pop it again. Repeat this until no new water forms under the skin. I always pop the blister with what ever I get my hands on. Even with nail cutter. I have few times let the blister to be as it is and it is a pain in my foot if I do not pop it. Also, do not break the skin in the middle of the blister. Always pop the water out from the edge of the blister. Smaller the hole the better, of course.

          My sweet new crank!

            I think drain is the right term. Popping it implies that you are tring to squirt it at someone or something. For me it is usually nail cutters, never have issues, infections etc, neosporin helps me too. Bald Man -not sure what you were saying, should they let it fester or heal?
            Ryan O'D Gurnee, IL by way of Madison, WI via Wichita, KS via Denver, CO


              I always pop em. It's fun.


              Hawt and sexy

                Pop it. It's not close. I have bought sterile lancets for this purpose. If diabetics can use them to test themselves, I can use them to get rid of blisters. Seriously, if you want to run, just go to the pharmacy and buy sterile lancets. You will use them more often than you want to know.

                I'm touching your pants.

                  Pop it. Then use a blister pad and some ducktape to keep it in place before it heals when running.
                  "If I control myself, I control my destiny."

                    I must admit - I popped it, wait, expelled it, wait, squirted it in my husbands face. Big grin I did yard work today and didn't run. I put a large bandaid over it and I'll see how it feels in the morning after my run. Thank you so much for all of your input and advice. I really appreciate it.


                      I must admit - I popped it, wait, expelled it, wait, squirted it in my husbands face. Big grin
                      Boy, if THAT ain't love... Wink

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay
