2020 Boston Marathon Thread (Read 408 times)


    The virus also has a 99.1% or higher chance of not killing you as well as recovering from it. I was focused on the people who would NOT go to ANY of those places you listed for fear of contracting the virus and self quarantining longer. 

    I guess hotels and rental properties can’t say ‘hey clean up after yourself’ or sanitize anything. How ever will any hotel open again when the service industry is sick or responsible for spreading a virus (they’re not)?


    If people want to continue to live in fear it’s going to ruin a lot of things. Walk around wearing a mask to gain some false confidence you’re protected instead of staying home. I’m sure Boston will be just fine with all the industries shut down and no outside visitors.


    Fuck off.

    Runners run




      Thanks for posting this.  As a runner, I agree with her that they should let people know sooner than later.  I'm seeing so many people getting excited about starting their Boston Marathon training cycle and wondering if they're about to have their hearts broken again.  But, as someone who has organized events (not running events), I can understand why they want a plan before announcing.  The calls for refunds, deferrals, etc. will be immediate and fierce.


      As an aside, I bought the jacket this morning!    I was already thinking about it and decided it would be a good collector's item.  Now, the only question is whether I can legitimately wear it.  


      Will Run for Donuts!


        Thanks for posting this.  As a runner, I agree with her that they should let people know sooner than later.  I'm seeing so many people getting excited about starting their Boston Marathon training cycle and wondering if they're about to have their hearts broken again.  But, as someone who has organized events (not running events), I can understand why they want a plan before announcing.  The calls for refunds, deferrals, etc. will be immediate and fierce.


        As an aside, I bought the jacket this morning!    I was already thinking about it and decided it would be a good collector's item.  Now, the only question is whether I can legitimately wear it.  


        I'm sympathetic to the BAA's awkward position here, but at this point, there aren't many options left to them.  It's highly unlikely they can fit in a Boston Marathon in 2020 sometime after September and not conflict with the rest of the major race schedule.  Due to the rescheduling of races so far, I've got 5 marathons scheduled from Sept. to Nov. (like you, still hoping London goes on, because who knows when I'll get into that one again) and don't have a lot of free weekends for a third date for Boston.  They're just going to have to find a way to offer most of the 2020 field entry into the 2021 race, I guess.  I'm glad Boston has never been an "A" race for me - more like a glorified parade lap - so my base training will go on regardless.


        As for the jacket, my kids got me the 2020 edition for Christmas.  The only other Boston jacket I own is the 2015 one, which I pre-ordered when I was accepted for that year, my first time.  Of course, it arrived in the mail the very day my work informed me I'd need to go on a work trip that week, so I ended up missing the 2015 Boston.  Not a good trend I've got going here.


        delicate flower

           As an aside, I bought the jacket this morning!    I was already thinking about it and decided it would be a good collector's item.  Now, the only question is whether I can legitimately wear it.  


          Whether or not the race goes on, it's been a very difficult year for everyone in pretty much every aspect of life.  The jacket kind of feels like a badge of honor this year.  I will definitely wear mine.



          Good Bad & The Monkey

            See, the thing about COVID - like all viruses - is that it does not give two flips about whether you are afraid of catching it or not. It does one thing: it spreads. It will infect you whether you are afraid of it. It will infect you whether you are blasé about it. It will just keep spreading and spreading. And along the way it will kill, it will maim, it will use up resources, and it will cause permanent damage to individuals, communities, and economies.


            The thing is, the virus also does not care if we are ready to come out of our comes to get haircuts and lattes either because we think two months was already too much of a sacrifice.


            June is gonna be ugly.


            It won't spread if those afraid of catching it stay home an additional 3 weeks. Maybe you can explain community spread where those afraid of COVID 19 stay home as much as possible during the quarantine period to me.


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              We don't know the actual number right now.


              I live in TN. In TN, where we have lots of rural communities, the virus keeps spiking, and about 3% of those who get it seem to die from it. That is different than the 0.9% you indicated. Yes, I know, you think the antibody studies will show otherwise, but so far there is no data to support that and the best antibody study (from Spain) shows MUCH higher death rates. Even if it were 0.9%, that is 2.97 million Americans. Are you really willing to let that many Americans die so you can run down the streets of Boston? Jesus, *only* 3000 people died and I have to take my damned shoes off every time I board a plane.


              The virus also has a 99.1% or higher chance of not killing you as well as recovering from it.


              Mother of Cats

                I would just gently suggest that death is not the only significant risk from COVID 19, and so looking at death rates alone is not a good way to assess individual risk.  Other possible consequences from contracting it include long term damage to one's lungs, or financial ruin from the costs of being hospitalized.


                And even if you don't get hospitalized and get a "mild case" many of those mild cases are still sick for weeks.  A friend's husband, in his 30s and very healthy and fit, got it and was wiped out for several weeks.


                Re: cancelling the race.  I think it's best if they wait as long as possible, just in case things change.  To me, the argument of "they should let everyone know early so people don't get disappointed" would be much more compelling if the cancellation would come as a surprise.  At this point, anybody training for Boston knows that it's a question mark - everything's a question mark.    If you're not willing to train for the race, knowing that it very well may not happen, then take your refund.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                Good Bad & The Monkey



                  I would just gently suggest that death is not the only significant risk from COVID 19, and so looking at death rates alone is not a good way to assess individual risk.  Other possible consequences from contracting it include long term damage to one's lungs, or financial ruin from the costs of being hospitalized.


                  And even if you don't get hospitalized and get a "mild case" many of those mild cases are still sick for weeks.  A friend's husband, in his 30s and very healthy and fit, got it and was wiped out for several weeks.


                  RIP Milkman

                    We don't know the actual number right now.


                    I live in TN. In TN, where we have lots of rural communities, the virus keeps spiking, and about 3% of those who get it seem to die from it. That is different than the 0.9% you indicated. Yes, I know, you think the antibody studies will show otherwise, but so far there is no data to support that and the best antibody study (from Spain) shows MUCH higher death rates. Even if it were 0.9%, that is 2.97 million Americans. Are you really willing to let that many Americans die so you can run down the streets of Boston? Jesus, *only* 3000 people died and I have to take my damned shoes off every time I board a plane.



                    I think pretty much everything in this post was wrong (I spot at least 3 errors). Everyone just ignore this.

                    5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                    RIP Milkman

                      No major marathon is happening this fall unless a treatment is found (vaccine was always going to be later). I'm not so sure about even medium sized marathons: every locality is going to be too worried about both the medical and legal risk of people pouring into their areas because all the majors are cancelled.


                      There may be more marathons where you can only sign up if you're local, similar to what many beaches are doing where only local residents can go.


                      I would venture to say even next spring may be challenged, but of course, that is so far away it's too hard to speculate.


                      DW - I think the reason for cancelling is moreso for local officials, not for the runners. The BAA is going to face tremendous pressures from all of those officials to cancel ASAP so they don't need to expend resources on this, or perhaps more importantly for elected officials, have to listen to their constituents on a weekly basis about how they don't want this in their town. If you look at most of the Northeast, at best we will be in a phase where things will look close to normal, but the big events will not exist, e.g. sporting events, concerts, major conferences, etc. Those types of things, unfortunately, are not coming back anytime soon.

                      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 





                        Whatever they do, I'll be completely satisfied with any option that allows me to run Boston at some point in the future.



                        My guess is that is not going to happen, and the BAA is waiting for May 31 to see how many runners cancel their participation. Then, considering that the opportunities to qualify for 2021 will be reduced due to most of the certified marathons are not going to happen, they may be able to accommodate the 2020 runners along with the reduced number of 2021 qualifiers.

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          No major marathon is happening this fall unless a treatment is found (vaccine was always going to be later). I'm not so sure about even medium sized marathons: every locality is going to be too worried about both the medical and legal risk of people pouring into their areas because all the majors are cancelled.


                          There may be more marathons where you can only sign up if you're local, similar to what many beaches are doing where only local residents can go.


                          I would venture to say even next spring may be challenged, but of course, that is so far away it's too hard to speculate.


                          DW - I think the reason for cancelling is moreso for local officials, not for the runners. The BAA is going to face tremendous pressures from all of those officials to cancel ASAP so they don't need to expend resources on this, or perhaps more importantly for elected officials, have to listen to their constituents on a weekly basis about how they don't want this in their town. If you look at most of the Northeast, at best we will be in a phase where things will look close to normal, but the big events will not exist, e.g. sporting events, concerts, major conferences, etc. Those types of things, unfortunately, are not coming back anytime soon.

                          I disagree.

                          Locally in New York you have been screwed and had it worse than ANYONE for the longest time I'd honestly support banning any sort of travel in to or out of New York at this point. You have 1.55% death rates in NYC. Locally...100,000 cases state wide and 373 deaths. 0.373% chance of death in Nevada from Covid 19. No reason NOT to allow the Rock and Roll marathon in Las Vegas this October.

                          NYC Marathon....fuck that thing. Higher chance of death from COVID 19 in New York than almost anywhere else right now an the Governor doesn't seem to be able to see a way out of it. Of course you could just stay North of Ulster County and be safe. Seems like the tests show 10% or less of the population being positive for COVID 19 outside of Southeast New York. Stay our of Westcheter County. 25% positive tests there.

                          MASSACHUSETTS ....87,052 cases with 588 deaths. 0..675% chance of death from the Massachusetts Covid 19.


                          With over a 99% chance of surviving the COVID 19 virus if you contract it I don't know what legal risk there is. No more than going to the Chicago marathon and becoming a victim of illness or crime because you stayed in an area with lots of crime. So while the rest of the country seems to be recovering from the COVID 19s and even in Boston it's a low chance of causing death I'd honestly be shocked at this point of the BAA said they were canceling the race entirely due to the corona virus pandemic.

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            We don't know the actual number right now.


                            I live in TN. In TN, where we have lots of rural communities, the virus keeps spiking, and about 3% of those who get it seem to die from it. That is different than the 0.9% you indicated. Yes, I know, you think the antibody studies will show otherwise, but so far there is no data to support that and the best antibody study (from Spain) shows MUCH higher death rates. Even if it were 0.9%, that is 2.97 million Americans. Are you really willing to let that many Americans die so you can run down the streets of Boston? Jesus, *only* 3000 people died and I have to take my damned shoes off every time I board a plane.



                            Yes. I am. There are more than 2.97 million people out of work right now. It has nothing to do with running down the streets of Boston. Somehow we have 1.5 million cases of COVID 19 and somehow almost 300,000 people have recovered. Without a vaccine. 92,000 have died. Somehow Cambodia has all of their 122 cases recovered without a vaccine without any deaths. I'm sure it's data manipulation.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child


                              Fuck off.


                              Well thought out and educated response.


                              You didn't even attempt to answer the one question I asked about how a hotel will open when the service industry is sick.

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                                I think pretty much everything in this post was wrong (I spot at least 3 errors). Everyone just ignore this.


                                wow. thanks for protecting everyone!