MCL strain or "Curse you Doug B!" (Read 435 times)

Beware, batbear...

    Doug told me I'd be posting an injury report this week... aargh. Manifest injury - I was destined for it, I suppose. I was about a mile from home on a six-miler when a car played red light/green light with me. When I stopped short (off the edge of a sidewalk no less) My leg twisted and my knee buckled. Long story short, I felt a pretty tough twinge to the inner side of my knee. It went away while I was running straight, but then when I got home, just about anything that I did that twisted the knee gave me the "twinge." I'm pretty sure I have an mcl sprain. I don't think it's a full tear because I don't have much swelling. I'm wondering if anybody else has had this and about how long it takes to recover. PT advice would be good too. I know R.I.C.E. I've bought a compression sleeve for the knee. Which reminds me. How long should I wear the sleeve? All the time? I wore it to work today, took it off at lunch, and started feeling nauseated and faint. I think it was a blood flow thing. I put the sleeve back on and after a little while I started to feel normal. Am I wearing it too much? Do I ice it over the compression bandage, or take off the bandage to ice? Finally, anybody read any good books? I know I'm not going to be running for a while. Black eye

    2014 Goal -- Run 5X per week, pain-free (relatively) by end of summer.


      compression is good. ice over top of the compression is also fine. more ice is better. as much icing as you can stand is best. 20 min several times a day.

      - Joe

      We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.