yet another garmin quest. (Read 1666 times)

Maggie & Molly

    I've been reading and reading and reading.  I think I am down to the 210 and the 305.   I can get the 305 with hr monitor for about 130 - 140 and will need to purchase the footpod for about 70.  Total.  200ish.  I can get the 210 with footpod and hr monitor for 300.  I haven't seen much feedback on the 210 although pretty much everyone likes their 305.  I just like that the 210 is smaller.  I think that everything I would want in reports is available on both except that I have seen that the 305 has the 'return home' option.  I haven't seen that mentioned with the 210.    Help?

     "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
    Wisdom of Confucius

    HF 4363

    SMART Approach

      You don't need footpod for 305 unless using on treadmill. I have 305 and love it.

      Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

      Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

      Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique


      Maggie & Molly

        I do at least half if not more of my winter running on the treadmill.  I don't need the footpod for either when outside though. 

         "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
        Wisdom of Confucius

        HF 4363


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Curious: if running on a treadmill, why do you wear a GPS device?


            I've been reading and reading and reading.  I think I am down to the 210 and the 305.   I can get the 305 with hr monitor for about 130 - 140 and will need to purchase the footpod for about 70.  Total.  200ish.  I can get the 210 with footpod and hr monitor for 300.  I haven't seen much feedback on the 210 although pretty much everyone likes their 305.  I just like that the 210 is smaller.  I think that everything I would want in reports is available on both except that I have seen that the 305 has the 'return home' option.  I haven't seen that mentioned with the 210.    Help?

            Presbyopia?  Yet?  This is a factor for me, and has been since I was about 45 years old.  If your near-vision is getting worse then you may be happier with the 305 and it's bigger display.  If the lighting outside is not good enough I cannot read the 305's display.  Think of the early parts of marathons that start in the dark - I can't read the thing for the first miles or two! 


            Just another factor to consider.


              Curious: if running on a treadmill, why do you wear a GPS device?


              +1 - why do you need a footpod for this?  Doesnt the treadmill give you your distance?


                Curious: if running on a treadmill, why do you wear a GPS device?

                I wear it for its heart rate monitor. And it makes uploading to RA easier.

                Lazy idiot

                  Presbyopia?  Yet?  This is a factor for me, and has been since I was about 45 years old.  If your near-vision is getting worse then you may be happier with the 305 and it's bigger display.  If the lighting outside is not good enough I cannot read the 305's display.  Think of the early parts of marathons that start in the dark - I can't read the thing for the first miles or two! 


                  Just another factor to consider.


                  I know the 205 has a backlit mode if you press the power button.  I guess I assumed the 305 has this as well.

                  Tick tock

                    How important is the HRM to you?  If you go with the 205 w/o it, you can find that around $110 and sometimes even under $100 when there are specials.


                      I know the 205 has a backlit mode if you press the power button.  I guess I assumed the 305 has this as well.


                      Yep, you're right there.  As with the 205, pressing the power button puts the backlight on.  You can set whether that turns it on permanently, or for a set period of time too.

                       "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                      Maggie & Molly

                        Curious: if running on a treadmill, why do you wear a GPS device?

                         because I like all the graphs, etc. and I stop and start the dreadmill and don't have to worry about accuracy.

                         "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                        Wisdom of Confucius

                        HF 4363



                          I know the 205 has a backlit mode if you press the power button.  I guess I assumed the 305 has this as well.


                          Sad but true - even using backlight function doesn't help me enough to be able to read the screen.  If I have it set to one item on the screen then I can read it.  Even just having two things displayed makes it unreadable for me except in decent ambient light.

                          Lazy idiot


                            Sad but true - even using backlight function doesn't help me enough to be able to read the screen.  If I have it set to one item on the screen then I can read it.  Even just having two things displayed makes it unreadable for me except in decent ambient light.


                            After I wrote that, I hoped I hadn't made a poor assumption regarding eyesight.  Sorry about that, Ken.  Smile

                            Tick tock

                               because I like all the graphs, etc. and I stop and start the dreadmill and don't have to worry about accuracy.


                              Just hit the lap button when reach each mile and edit the interval in RA.


                              The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                              2014 Goals:


                              Stay healthy

                              Enjoy life


                                ^^  That's what I do.  I use the Garmin for the HR monitor when I'm on the treadmill and hit my own laps. 

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

