Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


    Dan Jones 5th at Western States 100. Another top Kiwi effort after Ruth Croft won the women’s race last year.


    Women’s record was broken by about an hour and 20 min. Crazy. I have a buddy running it, he just hit 100k.



    Hot Weather Complainer

      When did Gen Y get erased?  I always thought millennials were born closer to the turn of the century and Gen Y was 1980- mid 90s.  Wikipedia tells me Gen Y and millennials are the same but I'm sure that wasn't always the case.

      5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


      2024 Races:

      Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

      Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

      Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

      Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


        Steve - That sounds like a great plan, just go out in PR pace and see what happens. If you blow out you will recover completely one minute after the race ends, so there's really no downside.


        RP - Heh, I had never seen the blood test abbreviations in English, that was interesting.
        Kudos for keeping tabs on test results over the years so you know your baseline.


        Mark - On the other hand she had to deal with a pandemic and a snowflake for a prime minister heh.
        Seriously though, the flip of that coin is that there are now a lot more people in the world and things are naturally more expensive (especially housing).


        Piwi - you will obviously run sub 18 and smash that record.


        Hashi - Woah, great job at the half 👏👏👏


        Generations - I don't believe these classifications mean anything, they're like the horoscope. I mean, you might make a case for it say in the US, but not anywhere else (Even then, rural US versus east coast US are vastly different). The "rules of the game" and how society behaves are not the same in all places.


        me - Nearly 9 hours of running. I'm tired 😫 I had to use strong negotiation tactics to finish the last 30 minutes in the long run today.

        Weekly for period: From: 06/19/2023 To 06/25/2023

        <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
        Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
        in ft
        06/19 35'E 4.30 6.92 00:35:00 08:08 05:03 180
        06/20 80'E + 6x100m strides 10.23 16.46 01:24:00 08:13 05:06 850
        06/21 3miT + 400mE + 2miT + 400mE + 1miT + 400mE + 400m@mile pace 10.80 17.38 01:16:00 07:02 04:22 430
        06/22 70'E + 6x100m strides 9.02 14.52 01:15:00 08:19 05:10 922
        06/23 40'E 4.87 7.83 00:40:00 08:13 05:07 259
        06/24 60'E + 6x100m strides 8.39 13.51 01:06:01 07:52 04:53 364
        06/25 2h30 Long run 18.63 29.97 02:30:00 08:03 05:00 1129

        Totals: Time: 08:46:01 - Statute: 66.24 mi - Metric: 106.58 km

        a smith

        king of the non-sequitur

          I am the last boomer and act like one. one thing i do remember is that when i was young we didnt talk so much about certain generations being a certain way so perhaps part of the change is that people like to classify and generalize more at least in that they talk about dogs. people always ask me "what kind of dog is he?" so they can make all kinds of judgements about him. his name is Cody and he's a good dog.


          reading along has made me want to lift weights again. it's hard when your arms are like pencils!


          for those of you who Don't know Western States is the USA's granddaddy of trail mountain 100 milers. congrats to Courtney at WSER, amazing! 1st male was Brit Tom Evans about 30 mins off CR. hell congrats to everyone with a buckle, especially those out there for 30 hours plus!


          Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

          Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

          Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

          Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 


          Are we there, yet?


            for those of you who Don't know Western States is the USA's granddaddy of trail mountain 100 milers. congrats to Courtney at WSER, amazing! 1st male was Brit Tom Evans about 30 mins off CR. hell congrats to everyone with a buckle, especially those out there for 30 hours plus!


            30 hours is the cutoff for an official finish and buckle.  For those who know badger, he's on track to finish around 29:00.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Mother of Cats

              When did Gen Y get erased?  I always thought millennials were born closer to the turn of the century and Gen Y was 1980- mid 90s.  Wikipedia tells me Gen Y and millennials are the same but I'm sure that wasn't always the case.



              I think Gen Y/Millenials got blurred together.


              I'm a 1974 edition, and I consider myself to be Gen X, but on the latter side of it.  My partner is a 1967, and is an early Gen Xer.


              IMHO, the most prominent aspects of being a Gen Xer (at least in the US) are:

              - our childhoods were a weird hybrid of abandonment and freedom, in part because we were the first generation to come from households that consisted of either divorced parents or parents that both worked full time.


              - we were the generation that truly experienced the jump from analog to digital - we started our educations learning from books and then had to rapidly adjust to relying on electronic sources of information.  My law school class was both one of the last to learn how to do legal research in a physical library and one of the first to learn how to do legal research on line.


              - every generation rebels in its own way.  Some generations demonstrated their individuality/rebelled via drugs, or sex, or flagrant display of personal information and emotions online.  Generation X's signature was physical activity - X sports, moshing, headbanging,  breakdancing, hiking.   We are the generation that thinks combat boots and/or sneakers are proper attire for nearly any occasion. (I'm not saying that Generation X didn't also indulge in drugs, sex, or oversharing of info, just that it's not our generational signature).





              Generations - I don't believe these classifications mean anything, they're like the horoscope. I mean, you might make a case for it say in the US, but not anywhere else (Even then, rural US versus east coast US are vastly different). The "rules of the game" and how society behaves are not the same in all places.


              I'm coming at this from a US-centric perspective, but at least here, the divisions are very real.  I think a lot of it is because the background against which one are raised is formative.


              For example:  Some generations learned how to find information through card catalogues and phone books and indexes at the back of books.  That teaches one way of problem solving - a mostly linear approach.


              Younger generations learned how to find information through Boolean key word searches, and so learned a completely different way to answer questions and solve problems - one that is more star shaped.   (and of course, now there is natural language searching, and in the future searching and information retrieval will be heavily guided by machine learning and AI).


              The result is that different generations information-gather and problem-solve in different ways, because that's how each generation was formed.

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


              Mmmm Bop

                Is there any subject that darkwave isn’t clued up on.

                Is Western States the race that Cal has been trying to get into for about the last 20 years?

                5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                  A buddy of mine (age 59) just finished at Western States in 27:42. What a beast. And some of you may know Baboon from the forums here; he’s doing IronMan Coeur d’Alene today. Shooting for <12:00. Another beast. I tell my wife about these things so she doesn’t think my shit is so crazy. It doesn’t really work. 

                  Anyway, back to more pedestrian activities, like my week. I went into my track workout not knowing whether I was going to do 800s or 1000s. But either way, I was going to try to add a bit of speed to the warmup in attempt to resolve the slow early reps. All I did was include 3 strides in the end of the 3.5 mile easy jog warmup. Worked like a charm! I like my paces to be 6:20-6:30, and I was coming in right around 6:30 from the get-go. Decided while running the first rep to make them 1200s. First two were in the 6:25-6:30 range, then damn, my watch dies in the third. Oh well, still a good workout, and mission accomplished.


                  Planned on my usual Saturday AM group LR. But a lot of the group including most of my usual partners were doing an 8k race instead. On Friday I started to feel the FOMO, and registered at 7 PM. I’m not really in racing shape plus I had just done that Wednesday workout. So I did an ~8 mile easy jog before the race, and decided to make the race sort of a progressive fast finish. Started around MP with mile 1 at 7:29, then 7:18, 7:10, 7:02, 6:54. Mission accomplished there too. Finished in 35:31, which despite not racing all-out, still ended up good enough for 2nd AG. And my first ever 8k, so it’s a PR!

                  Solid week. 

                  Weekly for period: From: 06/19/2023 To 06/25/2023

                  <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                  Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                  in ft
                  06/19 Morning Run w/10 strides 7.02 11.30 01:00:03 08:33 05:19 282
                  06/20 Morning Run 8.01 12.89 01:11:51 08:58 05:34 364
                  06/21 4 x 1200m - watch died! 6.22 10.01 00:50:30 08:07 05:03 138
                  06/21 manual entry for rest of workout 2.20 3.54 00:19:00 08:38 05:22 0
                  06/22 Morning Run 6.02 9.69 00:55:37 09:14 05:44 246
                  06/23 Morning Run 7.04 11.33 01:02:09 08:50 05:29 338
                  06/24 Warmup 7.77 12.51 01:11:11 09:10 05:41 89
                  06/24 Run with Pride 8k 4.96 7.97 00:35:34 07:10 04:28 0
                  06/24 Cooldown 1.23 1.99 00:12:10 09:53 06:07 0
                  06/25 Morning Run 5.51 8.87 00:49:24 08:58 05:34 240

                  Totals: Time: 08:07:29 - Statute: 56.00 mi - Metric: 90.10 km


                    Is there any subject that darkwave isn’t clued up on.

                    Is Western States the race that Cal has been trying to get into for about the last 20 years?

                    I feel her knowledge of garage carpet is insufficient 


                    I have Dan Kelly on my strava. Some of you might remember him from the forums. He just ran a 100 miler in 26 hours which I presume is Western States ?


                    Flavio you could have made that 29.97km a 30 

                    Nice job. It's so much easier running those ongoing runs with others. Sub 18 is a dream at this stage.


                    Dave good job on the warmup. I would even add to it. Try what Darkwave suggested.

                    The 8k sounds like a blast. No pain cave and an award !

                    55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                    " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                    Somewhere in between is about right "      



                    Mother of Cats

                      Is there any subject that darkwave isn’t clued up on.


                      Racing 5Ks in a time equivalent to one's marathon performances.


                      And also, as Piwi noted - garage carpet.

                      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                      Mmmm Bop


                        I have Dan Kelly on my strava. Some of you might remember him from the forums. He just ran a 100 miler in 26 hours which I presume is Western States ?




                        I met him before the 2018 London marathon as I gave him my bib because I got injured and he happened to be in London at the time!  Glad I didn’t run it as it was a heatwave. 

                        5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                        Mother of Cats


                          I met him before the 2018 London marathon as I gave him my bib because I got injured and he happened to be in London at the time!  Glad I didn’t run it as it was a heatwave. 


                          I remember that - a group of us trained mostly for Boston in the spring of 2018, but we had one member who was doing London, and just rearranged his schedule so he could train with us.  So he watched us freeze in Boston, and then got roasted the next weekend.



                          My week: 7 miles of running (all today) and 9 hours of pool-running.

                          M: 90 minutes pool-running.
                          T: 90 minutes pool-running.
                          W: 90 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga.
                          Th: 90 minutes pool-running and upper body weights/core
                          F: 90 minutes pool-running and lower body strengthwork
                          Sa: 90 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga
                          Su: 7 miles (9:40) and live in person yoga.


                          This was a recovery/end of season week. Just a lot of pool-running and junk food, with some other stuff added in.  I know the pool-running looks really miserable, but it wasn't.  I had friends to chat with every day, and 90 minutes was just the right amount of time to stretch my legs and be social without feeling like I was doing any work.


                          The only things really interesting were:


                          a) I went to my first in-person yoga class since early 2020. I haven't been avoiding in person yoga because of fear of others; it's just that most of the yoga studios in my area closed, and the ones that are still open don't offer classes that I am interested in at times that I am interested in. But I decided to make time for an afternoon in-person yoga class today, just so that I could check myself in a studio with mirrors, and hopefully also get some corrections from the instructor. The latter didn't happen, but at least I got a chance to eye-ball myself and note some things to correct.


                          b) I have been convinced that I need to start doing some hiking, and maybe even a bit of trail running, to build ankle strength. Fortunately, I don't live very far at all from some short trails/hiking areas, so I spent some time there this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday.  Honestly, I can't say I enjoyed it that much - I'd rather be in the gym (less sunshine, less bugs). But it did feel like it was making my ankles and feet work in a way that gym rehab work doesn't.

                          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                          Hot Weather Complainer

                            Mikkey - Thanks!  Yep, there is potential to surprise myself but worst case scenario in a 5km really isn't that bad.


                            Western States - Dan Jones did pretty well for his first attempt at an ultra (or one that long anyway).  I was following the tracking, he was 7th most of the way then dropped to 9th including getting passed by Courtney but then surged back to 5th.  I imagine the carnage at the end is a million times what you see in the last km of a marathon.


                            Dave - Nice effort on the second place, especially when not going 100%.


                            Flavio - Yeah given it's a threshold test and not a PR or goal race, I'll just go out at around 3:45/km and try and hold on.  Hagley is the biggest Park run in the area with about 200 showing up each week, and usually 5-10 really fast people.  On Saturday it was won in under 15 minutes.  I'll probably be around 15th with a few people to chase or try and fight off which should help.


                            Really nice week and good discipline to stop the watch at 29.97!


                            darkwave - I'm 1976 so even closer to the end of Gen X.  In NZ we were the first generation to not get free university tuition, and had to take out student loans with 7% interest from the day we started.  The following generation got these loans interest free for as long as they stayed in NZ (after we'd paid ours off of course).  We also were the first generation to have divorced parents - a blessing for me, because while post divorce was a huge struggle financially, pre-divorce was violent and terrifying.  We also had awesome early 90s music in high school 


                            I think each generation has some common characteristics "every generation blames the one before" (thanks Mike and the Mechanics) but attributing behaviours and opinions to an entire generation is crazy.  All the boomer hate these days is ridiculous, they weren't all rich property hoarders.  Most of them had harder upbringings than we did.


                            piwi - I'm confident you'll get that course record, and sub 18 probably isn't as far off as you think.


                            My week - Caught up with my coach which was good for my sanity.  I'm excited to focus on shorter stuff for the rest of the year before having another marathon attempt at Christchurch 2024.  We had a brief chat about how we'll approach that.  JMac suggested basically no taper which could be the secret to solving this puzzle but I think the strategy most likely to give me a good race is running it as a progression.  That's the only difference between some really good training runs and the races.  So probably 5-7km @ 5:10-20/km before progressing down to "race pace".  I'm leaning towards Sydney next year over New York now since I can delay the decision until after Christchurch.  It's a nice looking course, although there is potential for warm humid weather in September which would make it very tough after training through Christchurch winter.


                            Also had my final exam for my first paper which went really well, albeit a very long exam compared with previous years.  Since then I've felt like I have an amazing amount of free time especially on the weekend.


                            One more week before resuming "full" training, but it is race week again.  My last race that I enjoyed was a 5km on New Years Eve so I'm quite excited about this one.


                            Weekly for period: From: 19/06/2023 To 25/06/2023

                            <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                            Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                            in m
                            19/06 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:16 09:54 06:03 0
                            19/06 Easy 45 6.16 9.91 00:46:35 07:34 04:42 3
                            21/06 Warm up 0.35 0.56 00:03:24 09:43 06:04 0
                            21/06 Easy 70 8.50 13.68 01:10:17 08:16 05:08 6
                            22/06 Recovery hour 6.73 10.83 01:03:02 09:22 05:49 21
                            23/06 Warm up 0.32 0.52 00:03:04 09:35 05:54 0
                            23/06 Easy 45 with 4 x 15 seconds strides 5.49 8.83 00:45:31 08:17 05:09 8
                            24/06 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:10 09:36 05:58 0
                            24/06 15 mins Zone 3 into 10 mins Zone 4 8.45 13.60 01:06:26 07:52 04:53 27
                            25/06 Recovery hour 6.69 10.77 01:00:22 09:01 05:36 21

                            Totals: Time: 06:05:07 - Statute: 43.35 mi - Metric: 69.76 km

                            5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                            2024 Races:

                            Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                            Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                            Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                            Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                            Mother of Cats

                              Steve - FWIW, I think you and your coach are asking all the right questions here.  I hope you truly enjoy the upcoming 5K!  And congrats on doing so well on the exam.


                              Dave - congrats on the 8K PR, and I'm glad the workout went better with a few strides.  (it still blows my mind that people can run fast off of jogging plus a few strides)


                              Merkle - a belated answer to your training question.  Honestly, if there's even a question in your mind as to whether you should take a week without workouts before going into marathon training, I would take that week.


                              I don't think one has to take a break between shorter distance training and marathon training as a general rule.  But I've learned two points on the subject from observation over the years:


                              1) it's always better to err on the side of taking a break at the end of a season or between seasons, rather than try to push things and have to take a down week later in the cycle.


                              2) any time a highly motivated runner has even a subconscious question as to whether they should pull back for a week, the answer is YES.  Your subconscious is telling you something - I'd listen.


                              Flavio  congratulations on a negotiation win in today's run!


                              Piwi - good luck chasing the course record for your age group!


                              Hash- congratulations on the half!


                              Jmac - good luck with the shockwave - I'll be very interested in your experience with and thoughts about it (I've never done it, and hopefully never will need to).


                              Marky-Mark - that's some nice vert (this is me trying to sound like a trail runner).

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                                Dave Thanks for the input. I am averaging just over 50 mpw for the year so far. So hopefully the base is already there. Glad to see your 1200s went well ! Sometimes you just have to try again. Not every workout goes well.


                                JMac Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the feedback and vote of confidence. So I did follow Sage Canaday's plan pretty much to a T for Salisbury 2022 when I joined the thread. I followed it loosely for NCR. Both 16 week build ups. But actually for Salisbury 2023 I somewhat loosely followed Jack Daniels Plan B and did a 12 week build up. I think 12 weeks is the correct number for me. I have an old version of his book. He has Plans A, B, and C. I think Plan A is meat and potatoes. Plan B is for people who like more speed work. And Plan C, as I said, is meant for a mixed race season. It has a good bit of tempo work and intervals. I think, as you said, I need to do more tempo work to "glue together" my raw materials. I have 28 second 200 speed, and I've been keeping the mileage high (except the last couple weeks) and long runs seem more natural. The raw speed and raw endurance are there, I just need to create a bridge. I also think this cycle I need to spend more time at marathon pace.


                                My Week: Last week of Short Distance Focused Training 


                                Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                                in ft
                                06/19 Warm Up 2.04 3.27 00:16:42 08:11 05:06 79
                                06/19 Sharpening: 4 X (400 fast / 400 jog) 2.00 3.23 00:13:23 06:42 04:09 0
                                06/19 Cool Down 2.04 3.28 00:16:07 07:54 04:55 98
                                06/20 Morning Run 8.06 12.97 01:04:17 07:59 04:57 417
                                06/21 Morning Run 6.03 9.70 00:49:25 08:12 05:06 318
                                06/22 Shakeout. Strides and drills after. 1.52 2.45 00:12:43 08:22 05:11 26
                                06/22 Warm Up 2.04 3.28 00:17:19 08:29 05:17 125
                                06/22 Twilight Series Race 3: Run with the Knights 5k 3.12 5.01 00:17:41 05:40 03:32 233
                                06/22 Cool Down 1.02 1.64 00:08:32 08:22 05:12 43
                                06/25 Lunch Run 9.06 14.58 01:06:57 07:23 04:36 479

                                Totals: Time: 04:43:06 - Statute: 36.93 mi - Metric: 59.42 km


                                Intentionally took 2 days off since I am now switching gears for marathon training. Taking a day or 2 (sometimes more) off between cycles is just something that I believe works for me. Mildly disappointed with the 5k but I'm not going to dwell on it. I fully expected to be closer to, or under 17:30. I am positive that on a flatter course I can be well under 17:30, but the long hill in the last mile just took the life out of me. Kind of frustrating since I have been doing so much hill work, but, oh well.