Sub 11:00 2 mile (Read 136 times)


    Hi everyone!


    I'm Chris from Palo Alto, and I want to know how I can run a sub 11:00 2 mile by the end of the cross country season. I am currently a freshman. I am currently running around 30-35 miles every week.

    (Most of these times except the 5k one are from eighth grade)

    My Personal Bests: 20:00 5k

    12:28 2 mile

    5:30 mile

    2:20 800


    Can anyone give me advice on how I should improve my long-distance racing stamina?






      Keep up your running volume, get your sleep, stay hydrated, and don't focus on hard time goals and you'll get to where you want to be.


      You're still getting stronger just because you're 14/15 years old.  If you have a coach, listen to them.


      -Someone who tried too hard at your age.

      Know thyself.


        Damn. Very nice PBs Chris. That said.. DaBurger is right. It doesnt matter how fast you are. Dave Smith (OK State Coach) talks about workouts and the best way to train. Saying that he thinks we need to just run how we feel and worry about times later. You, clearly, will be plenty fast by just working out and listening to your coach / body.



        My Personal Bests: 20:00 5k

        12:28 2 mile

        5:30 mile

        2:20 800

        And we run because we like it
        Through the broad bright land