Custom topics list (Read 511 times)


Interval Junkie --Nobby

    Thank you!!! This would be the top new feature I've wanted since joining.


    Very nice, Eric Smile.


    Any way you could squeeze in the Forum/Group the topic is listed under?  The context (group) of some topics matters a good deal and isn't apparent from the topic title.


    "General" is unnecessary, but "Racing" -> "Injuries" means something different than "Off topic" -> "Injuries".  Not to mention "RL Meetup!" takes a different priority depending on how involved one is in the group.


    Great work -- I might never look at the main forum page again.

    2024 Goals: chest out my nephew at Philly

    eric :)

      Any way you could squeeze in the Forum/Group the topic is listed under?  The context (group) of some topics matters a good deal and isn't apparent from the topic title.

      I agree!  I haven't added it because I can't find a good place to put it without taking up much room.  Any ideas?


      Will Crew for Beer

        I agree!  I haven't added it because I can't find a good place to put it without taking up much room.  Any ideas?


        How about grouping them by Forum?


        Forum 1

        Topic 1

        Topic 2

        Forum 2

        Topic 1

        Topic 2

        Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


        Options,Account, Forums

          Can one click the Subscribe button? I tried, thinking that would subscribe me (rather than adding it to the follow list), but it seems to only open the submenu. Is Subscribe the same as Follow, or different?


          Does anyone know if: Subscribe the same as Follow, or different?

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

          eric :)


            Does anyone know if: Subscribe the same as Follow, or different?


            I forgot to answer your question.   Sorry about that.

            Subscribe will send you an email if someone made a new post*

            Follow does not.


            Both will be listed on the "My Topics" page so you can monitor those topics.


            * if you do not verify your email address, then no emails will be sent, in which case it's the same as follow.

            eric :)


              How about grouping them by Forum?


              Forum 1

              Topic 1

              Topic 2

              Forum 2

              Topic 1

              Topic 2

              This scheme may not work well if you belong to multiple groups that aren't too active.  The new page aggregates all new topics in reverse chronological order so you don't have to visit each forum to see what's new.


                This scheme may not work well if you belong to multiple groups that aren't too active.  


                Agreed. BTW, the custom topics list page is broken on iPhones -- any touch activates a "http://www.runningahead.com touch" alert, and the touch is not processed.


                not bad for mile 25

                  How about a key to the icons?  I see the graph means a poll, but what are the dark page, light page, red pushpin, faded pushpin?  I haven't subscribed or followed all those; just contributed or perhaps just read them.


                  MTA: I see envelope icons as well.

                  eric :)


                    Agreed. BTW, the custom topics list page is broken on iPhones -- any touch activates a "http://www.runningahead.com touch" alert, and the touch is not processed.


                    Interesting...  Apparently, the iPod Touch is not the same as an iPhone.  I tested the page on the iPod Touch, figuring it's close enough in terms of software since I don't have an iPhone, and found that it did not handle the "touch move" event, which is needed to determine if the page needs to load more topics.  I inadvertently left the debug code in, which was the alert.  I made the fix.  It'll take about 10 minutes to generate a new build and to deploy across all servers.


                      That's very strange. Safari should be the same on the two devices. The only difference I can think of would be that touching a phone number on an iPhone asks if you want to dial it.


                      Options,Account, Forums


                        I forgot to answer your question.   Sorry about that.

                        Subscribe will send you an email if someone made a new post*

                        Follow does not.


                        Both will be listed on the "My Topics" page so you can monitor those topics.


                        * if you do not verify your email address, then no emails will be sent, in which case it's the same as follow.

                        So I'm supposed to be able to push the Subscribe button and have it do something different than just show the Follow button below it. So it's a browser issue for me, I guess -- firefox. The Subscribe button seems to do nothing except open the menu to allow access to Follow, right now.

                        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                        eric :)

                          So I'm supposed to be able to push the Subscribe button and have it do something different than just show the Follow button below it. So it's a browser issue for me, I guess -- firefox. The Subscribe button seems to do nothing except open the menu to allow access to Follow, right now.

                          Do you see any js errors?

                          eric :)

                            How about a key to the icons?  I see the graph means a poll, but what are the dark page, light page, red pushpin, faded pushpin?  I haven't subscribed or followed all those; just contributed or perhaps just read them.


                            MTA: I see envelope icons as well.


                            The icons are updated versions of their counterparts in the forums, and thus have the same meaning:

                            colored: unread/new posts

                            grayed: read


                            Pins don't have any meaning on the page since they control where the topics go in the forums.  I kept them to maintain consistency with the forums.


                            Options,Account, Forums

                              Do you see any js errors?


                               TypeError: b is undefined
                              [Break On This Error]     


                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              eric :)

                                I found the problem.  Your email address isn't verified and the dialog to prompt you to verify it can't be loaded due to a mix of old and new js framework code.  I'll upload the fix momentarily.
