Scheduled down time (Read 1382 times)


    Thanks, Eric.  I try to spread the word about RA whenever I have the chance.  You're hard work is appreciated.


    old woman w/hobby

      Thanks, Eric.  I try to spread the word about RA whenever I have the chance.  You're hard work is appreciated.









            Oh sure, a "malfunctioned network card."  Like we believe that!


            We all know the NSA's setting up shop here.





            (Thanks for your work.)

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Thank you Eric for all you do!  I love the site.


              I had a similar problem with a server at a school I support.  I thought it was the NIC but it turned out to be the patch cable.  That was easy to replace but very frustrating to figure out.  Good luck with your fix!


                Love the site!  Good luck with your upgrades!


                Funky Kicks 2019

                  Thank you for the head's up and for all the hard work you do to maintain this site and encourage our addictions. Smile

                  Leah, mother of dogs

                  Ivy Bell

                    Thanks.  This is a great tool and the heads up is appreciated.


                      8-9 pm Wednesday. Thanks. I guess I'll just catch up on my race number découpage project.


                         I never know what to expect when shutting down a server that's been running continuously for years. 

                        No server can run continuously for years.


                        (Thanks Eric)








                        Not Current Photo

                          Thanks Eric.  I have been using RA for 18 months after several years of logging runs and sneaker miles in an Excel spreadsheet.  RA is a fabulous program.  I just paid my subscription and made a donation for the 18 months that I was free-loading.  Best.


                            8-9 pm Wednesday. Thanks. I guess I'll just catch up on my race number découpage project.


                            I may go out for a run, and feel gratitude to eric : )


                            Runners run

                            eric :)

                              Firefox 21.0 http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj110/RickyDonoho/screenshot2013_zpsab33b545.jpg


                              Thanks for the picture.  I don't know why the summary page is blank but I'm pretty sure it is unrelated to the announcement message.  I am also unable to reproduce the problem with FF 21 either.  Which OS are you using?  I can't tell from the color scheme.

                              eric :)

                                Thank you everyone, especially the ones that have contributed towards the hosting for the new servers.  I wanted to do the upgrade late at night when traffic is at the lowest, but the data center apparently has visiting hours.  They offer more for the same price as my previous data center so I don't mind the restriction as much.
