2022 Advanced Racing Thread (Read 497 times)


    Cal: Nice running lately, and congrats on the 50k last weekend!


    Thanks JTR! I thought you already had some issues with covid booster before, is this another one?


    As I said, I felt I improved lately with the running, but, then, I got back to last year, which was not the best year at all - and my current running is worse than last year. My goodness, now I really feel getting older Sad


     CalBears, as long as you don't growl at me I'm happy.  Very impressive mileage.  How is the Santa Rosa marathon?  That location really appeals to me.


    that's what I would probably do in my best years, but now I feel like I am totally unmotivated to give anybody bad time. So, no growl for sure. Santa Rosa location is pretty good - basically, wine country. But the course is so so, and weather can be a factor. At least they start it at 6:30 - so, you at least might have an hour of decent weather. But sometimes it's sunny at 7am already. Though, part of the race goes on the trail and there is some shade.


    Cal - a warm welcome back. You always do very well on marathons!


    So, sad flavio... You probably thinking about me of the past Sad


    Cal - I've missed you. You got a good chuckle out of me with my retirement point. You really would have had a field day if you heard my inner thoughts this weekend: I actually stopped a run on Saturday morning and just walked back home, completely unmotivated and declaring I wasn't running the marathon at all. Have never done that in my entire running career, i.e. start an easy run and just stop because I didn't feel like it. But a good run this weekend restored my faith! But don't worry: you definitely will not be see me here this spring for marathoning: I am totally burned out on them.


    I am unmotivated 100% - for totally unexpected and very life heavy reason. I am in such a stress, and not very excited to run, but I run because it still helps me to fight the stress for an hour or so... Darn... Re your "retirement" - will see - you are to young to retire. Setting PRs are great - but there is so much more than that - mostly the life style that running gives you...


    Cal I think you’re one of the only people who has said my messages are cryptic. The Covid 2020 thread said I was something much different.  I’m just blunt. Direct. Straight forward.  It’s strange in a world where adults must not say what they truly want to say and actually soften messages and withhold information.


    RP, your messages maybe non-cryptic for americans with their american background. But they are cryptic to me - not all of them, of course, but plenty. I just don't understand the references in many cases and because of that it just doesn't make sense to me. Sad


    CK - great mileage, as always!


    Hey CalBears.  I just stopped in after a long period of inactivity.  I've just started back again with the intent to achieve some physical health goals.  I'm not so much looking for race times right now.



    Good to hear from you MrMatt. Who would think that Big Toe incident causes such a change! I remember days when you run like 3 or 4 marathons during a weekend? Smile


    RP - I am not sure about Boston too. I will probably register and will try to make it. But the f&&%##g life is so complicated lately - I just cannot look a few days ahead, not to mention 8 months ahead Sad

    paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      Cal: Boston really is the only thing I have to be motivated about now. Some times it is forced. I've worked so hard to get there and now that I'm in I just have to finish.


      JMac Nothing wrong with quitting a run. A lack of motivation happens. I'll miss you hanging out here in spring so maybe 2023 will have a completely different thread direction. I'm wondering if ANYONE here, besides me, will be racing a marathon in 2023.



      Question to JMac (Jack Daniels fanboi)/the entire forum

      I was talking to keen earlier about a JD workout. It's what I did today. 200m R/200 recovery, 200m R/400m recovery, 400m R/200m recovery.

      What's your take on the recovery paces? Walking allowed? Bible says two things:

      1. Recovery 2-3x run/working period
      2. easy jog equal to the distance just run and possibly walking the last 10-20m.

      The purpose of the workout is running form at high speeds. Full recovery is necessary to run fast with proper form. This isn't interval work trying to get a lot of time spent at a high intensity. SO, which recovery would you use and why? I went with #1 because more recovery = better performance running at higher speeds. Keen was more inclined to do distance.

      My 200s were about 42 seconds, recovery 2:15. Longer than 2-3x run. (2:06 is 3x run...so I'm kind of sandbagging it)

      400s were about 1:25 and recovery was 2:30-40.  Shorter than 2-3x run. (3-4 min recovery just sounds massively excessive for me)


      None of the working portion of the workout felt excessively hard/unbearable. It felt like I was putting in effort to run a 5:40/mi pace because that's fast, and I could still focus on the form. I took this to mean I was doing it right and since the times didn't fall off I'm believing I did the workout at a proper speed/pace/effort without overreaching or sandbagging. I didn't have to walk any of the recoveries. Time based recoveries seemed slightly easier just because I'm not doing any of this on a track. I did it on a flat section of road and tried my best to have equal out/back up/downhill runs since the road might go up at a 1% grade so just doing what I can to not run everything downhill so I could feel good about fast times.


      The point, for me, is to get my road speed back, maybe run CIM, and maybe get a Turkey Trot 10k PR. I think I've only run 10ks (Turkey Trots) on Marathon training. I also like being kind of fast on the roads.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Intl. correspondent

        Jmac - I’m gonna stick to my winning formula 

        RP - Please don't think this is an insult, even though this is the insult thread.

        You see, people have varying styles of writing. Like to my English as a second language eyes, Mark & Watson write in a more formal style,

        where as Piwi and Cinnamon write in a more informal style.

        You sometimes write in an exotic style, in fact for a while when I joined here I thought you were also not a native speaker.

        I suppose non natives will sometimes miss some of the references like Calbears said.

        Of course I'm not saying it's wrong or that you need to change.

        I'm sure some of what I write does not get across as well as I still sometimes do direct translation when writing.

        Re: your question my vote is more rest and use time instead of distance for the rest period, when doing R pace.

        PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

        Up next: some 800m race (or time trials) / Also place in the top 20% in a trail race

        Tool to generate Strava weekly


        RIP Milkman

          Well I had the classic wrote a whole response and then somehow it all got deleted. Don't you love that?


          Keen - great 5K PR! I missed that on Strava. Your marathon really sticks out now from a timeline perspective vs your other PRs.


          Cal - you can growl at us, that's why this isn't the Waltons thread (or as Flavio calls it, the insult thread)! We all need to be spoken to sometimes (my sandbagging comes to mind). Otherwise, we're all just mindlessly giving Kudos when the entire point of these threads (at least historically) was to give advice to people, not a place for runners to hang out and have their egos stroked. That's why I like this thread, and originally joined RW. I don't need someone to tell me what a great job I did in a race if I ran it terribly: to me, that's more insulting than any "insult" that is thrown in this thread. Just like I completely understand why you feel the way you do about your current running. I am genuinely impressed at just the sheer number of marathons and ultras you do, but I'm not going to run around and tell you how proud you should be of running a 3:10 this year given your abilities.


          RP - it is definitely a jog, not a walk. However, I'd describe it more as a shuffle than anything. When I am running those and check back post workout, I will see that those jogs sometimes approach 10:00 pace for me. It's whatever a step above walking feels like.

          5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




          Intl. correspondent

            Well I had the classic wrote a whole response and then somehow it all got deleted. Don't you love that?

            I type my big answers like the weekly on a text editor. And always copy the text before submitting 😁


            Cal - you can growl at us, that's why this isn't the Waltons thread (or as Flavio calls it, the insult thread)! We all need to be spoken to sometimes (my sandbagging comes to mind). Otherwise, we're all just mindlessly giving Kudos when the entire point of these threads (at least historically) was to give advice to people, not a place for runners to hang out and have their egos stroked. That's why I like this thread, and originally joined RW. I don't need someone to tell me what a great job I did in a race if I ran it terribly: to me, that's more insulting than any "insult" that is thrown in this thread. Just like I completely understand why you feel the way you do about your current running. I am genuinely impressed at just the sheer number of marathons and ultras you do, but I'm not going to run around and tell you how proud you should be of running a 3:10 this year given your abilities.


            Signed. Cal's feedback was very useful last year during my marathon training block and his assessment post race was on point. Direct, to the point.


            Keen - Great job, a 5k PR in those conditions is fantastic. You ran 76 miles in that week LOL LOL LOL, I believe even somebody as strong as you weren't 100% recovered come race time. You're gonna run that sub 18 pretty soon 💪

            PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

            Up next: some 800m race (or time trials) / Also place in the top 20% in a trail race

            Tool to generate Strava weekly


              I've got a busy life right now so sorry for not checking in but ...


              Keen well paced 5k and kudos on setting a PR! That sub 18 is so damn close. I'm waiting for the RR but I'm really wondering how competitive it was. I feel like entering a race with a few people around your pace, especially a slightly faster person who goes out too hot would really blow you past that threshold. Wheezer covered Rosanna?? How did I not know this?




              JMac- I never said what my injury was as honestly I never had it diagnosed but I had high hamstring pain as well as pain in my back while running.


              RP - you are cryptic sometimes though  I have no examples off the top of my head, but you certainly are blunt when I understand what you're trying to say. Regarding your point about never running sub 1:30 HM until you went sub 3 is honestly a testament to you having the control to train at appropriate paces to current fitness rather than where you want to be. That said just racing more would certainly have caused it to happen earlier. Whatever, I believe it's important to lean into the parts of running that we really enjoy and for you that's clearly the marathon and associated training. In my book walking is absolutely allowed in the recovery of repetitions. I try not to for intervals and Threshold work.


              Steve - damn the travel troubles. It's getting ridiculous. I wish we had actual recourse when an airline overbooks a flight.



              Dave - 23 second PR, nice work and stellar pacing! If you felt strong at the finish do you think you left time on the table? Being able to PR while not reducing mileage much is a great sign.


              My week was frustrating as I picked up a second injury (shoulder) but at least it's healing quickly and doesn't impact running.


              3 runs:

              * 3.7 mile trail tempo (6.6 total) - I've done this 3 weeks in a row and really like it as I can't look at pace and feel bad about my fitness. OTOH the first two attempts I could feel something tightening up and then hurting in my back and that didn't occur this week so that's a huge win. Subjectively the last two times the final half mile was getting quite hard while I was able to keep more of a true tempo effort this time.

              * 4 mile easy run. I meant to run 90 minutes but had to get to my Twins' triathlon where I biked and ran with them for a little bit so it wasn't a fully terrible thing.

              * 9x300 - goal was 4x4x300 on 100 walk/jog starting at T effort and going a little faster each set. i.e. something light just to see if the legs can turn over. I overran my first couple reps and just opted into running mile effort which kept coming in around :67 before I cranked up the effort a touch for the final two reps (59, 55).


              (boring xtraining stuff) I swam 7000 yards the first 3 days of the week with the third day being with a masters swim club and a lot of fun (I'm learning to butterfly) but I also lifted that day and hurt my shoulder (I blame the Cleans) so I haven't swam since. I did a little biking on the weekend just to stay active.



              My goal this week is simple: 2 workouts, long run and one easy run. Our track club is time trialing a mile tonight. That will be fun and my workout though I'm contemplating going out at PR pace because it's only a mile and I want to see how long I can hold that. I'm also torn on if I should wear my Endorphin Pro or my non-super shoe spikes. Either way this is gonna hurt 

              1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


              Mmmm Bop



                JT I'll be at Boston 2023. I don't think anyone else will be there though. Sounds like everyone is taking it off which makes me sad only because in the RWOL 3:20 or bust days I'd seen photos of the group meeting for Brunch on Sunday, I think, and thought it would be cool to meet my online friends. I might try and organize a brunch with anyone I know from the Best Coast who is going for the 1st or 6th. I'll be there until Wednesday morning.


                I’m still planning on running it and will be appointing JT as my chief coach and cheerleader!  But I’ll also be registering for London as back up just incase the Yanks don’t let me in. 

                Milkman - You won’t be retiring until you’ve won a Moose Mug…so you’d better get your act together for NYC.


                Cinnamon - 86% AG is bloody amazing and especially running the race solo. 👍


                Dave - That’s an impressive 10k and looking good to PR at the marathon. 👍


                Keen - Must try harder.

                Weezer - I used to be really into them and loved the green and blue albums.

                5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                Cobra Commander Keen

                  Flavio - Thanks! I probably won't have anything looking like a real taper for a 5k until a turkey trot a few weeks before CIM. I'm pretty sure I can get that sub 18 next month, even so.

                  Zebano - Thanks! How'd you get the shoulder injury? I'm glad it healing quickly, in any case.
                  Weezer - Rosanna (audio only)
                  The race was actually very competitive. Full results here
                  There were fairly considerable prizes for top 3 overall (I only know of one other local race to have such prizes), plus performance gates to even get to them.

                  Mikkey - Yes, Sensei. I will not fail again.

                  5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                  Upcoming Races:


                  OKC Memorial 5k - April 27

                  Bun Run 5k - May 4



                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Riverside 5000 Race Report

                    The day before this race I resigned myself to it not happening. DW is a librarian and on a state book award committee with a meeting on the far side of OKC the day of the race, which necessitated someone watch the kiddos as we went our separate ways. Our first babysitter had some issues pop up and backed out, but my best and favorite Sister-in-Law stepped up (she has a daughter the same age as DD1).

                    Saved from the prospect of yet another solo track time trial, I headed off to a cheap Air BnB the night before the race so I could get some extra sleep instead of having to leave the house by 4:30am to make sure I was there in plenty of time for a warm-up, etc.

                    I showed up to the race about 75 minutes early wanting to get my bib first thing, but the table for this wasn't set up yet. I killed a bit of time then set off on an easy 4 mile warm-up on the river trail that was used for my spring HM. By this time bib pickup was ready, so I grabbed that and headed off to put on the fancy race shoes (Asics Metaspeed Sky).

                    The weather wasn't ideal overall, but was certainly better than what we've all been putting up in training. 72F/22.2C is certainly better than the more usual morning "lows" of closer to 82F/27.8C, and there was also a 5mph/8kmh wind that would be with us for all the "out" sections and against us for the "back" portions.

                    The course itself was something of a two loop lollipop - out on the north-bound side of the road, turn around a median and most of the way back on the south-bound side of the road, around a median again to the north-bound side of the road, hit the first turnaround again and then back to the finish on the south-bound side.

                    After a few final strides I lined up in about the 3rd row. Farther back than I would normally want in a fairly local race, but there were some fairly large cash prizes for top 3 men/women as well as for masters and so there were plenty of fast people who showed up.

                    The horn went off and the race started quite smoothly - there were separate races for adults and under 18s, which eliminated most of the issues with kids lining up far in excess of their abilities. I didn't look at my watch for the first 400m or so, but when I did found that I was going a good deal faster than the 5:50/mi target suggested by my coach. Typically I'll use power (from Stryd) to guide a race effort as well, but having made a few changes my guidance from it was more of a "don't go below 345W" target I had gotten from something of a predictor workout. I backed off a bit but still passed the first water stop at 1km a few seconds ahead of where I wanted to be. To this point everyone seemed to be following the tangent (quite an oddity), which was to the left side of the road owing to a slight bend in that direction. I passed a few people here, but other wise there wasn't a lot of jockeying for position that I could see.


                    KM 1: 3:35, 355W

                    Ok, that was a tad fast. But it was with the wind I tell myself, so perhaps that won't derail me much if any. The road starts to take a gentle curve to the right and exactly no one that I could see changed their line - they all stayed on the left-hand side of the road. The leaders may well have run the same tangent as I did, but even by this point they were so far ahead that I couldn't tell.
                    I backed off the effort a little bit but was still able to pass a few people just before the turnaround. Coming at the turnaround from the tangent off the outside of the road lead to a slightly more gentle turn and I found myself right behind another runner.

                    "This is great, I have a windshield!" was a fleeting thought but glancing down at my watch showed 6:0x/mi, which wasn't at all acceptable. I moved around him and set my eyes on the next couple runners ahead of me.


                    KM 2: 3:40, 355W

                    Well, I backed off just a bit too much, it seemed. I now tried picking things up just a bit while moving into the gentle headwind. After the turn the course was now curving slightly to the left, again making that side the shortest path. About halfway to the next turnaround the road started a bit of a curve to the right, and again everyone I could see stuck to that side instead of shifting their line. By this point I'm somewhat in the mode of "I don't necessarily have to run faster than anyone to pass them, I just have to run a shorter distance".

                    Getting close to the turnaround there was a line of cones in the middle of the road to separate people who were about to go out for their second loop and people heading to the finish. I cut right by this trying to follow the tangent and passed my coach and his wife (both having their own race issues) just before the turn and headed out for that last loop.

                    By now I'm really starting to feel the effort and have mixed feeling about having the wind at my back again. On the one hand I can now run faster with less effort, but a crosswind or even headwind feels better from a "cool you down" perspective.

                    KM 3: 3:40, 355W

                    Blasted wind. Yeah, that's it. I'd totally be running faster if that KM wasn't primarily into the wind. I check my watch and I'm just right at or slightly slower than goal pace. Try to pick it up a little going with the wind now. Make sure to run that tangent again when the road curves to the right. I pass a few people here who were run/walking the race, but given that they were also off the best line there wasn't any need to weave around or through them and I try keeping my eyes on those ahead of me. Little else is even entering my mind at this point - I'm ignoring my watch because even it seems like too much else to consider as some tunnel vision develops.

                    Just after the turn I pass another couple of people and somehow manage to do the math and tell myself "not quite a mile left to catch anyone else".

                    KM 4: 3:38, 353W

                    Things are super-fuzzy from here on. I don't really remember anything happening to my left (where other runners were finishing their second loop) or to the right (on the trail I used for my warm-up and it only makes sense that others were doing the same) and mostly have a "run faster" buzz in the back of my mind.

                    I reach the point just before the second turnaround where the cones start (prompting me to stick to the right) and I do manage to think "Nope. Screw that. That's not the tangent, I don't to run that far, and the course cert said 'no restrictions'".


                    Interestingly enough, the few people in visual range did largely decide to run the tangent here rather than following the direction of the orange cones. I pass one guy here and pour on all the effort I can (a little more won't kill me, will it?) in attempts to catch the woman ahead of me (not even close) and finish just a tiny bit behind the other guy I was chasing (chip time had me ~.6 sec ahead of him, though).
                    As I was approaching the finish I could see that sub-18 wasn't going to happen but that I'd be very close either way to my goal.

                    I cross the line, very nearly plow over some clueless high school kids who were walking through the finishing chute, and find a very beautiful piece of curb upon which I can sit and suck wind more effectively without the risks now inherent to maintaining a standing posture.

                    KM 5: 3:35, 373W
                    Total time: 18:05

                    After the world opened back up thanks to my brain getting an adequate volume of oxygen I didn't even consider checking the official results to see my time - I knew I had a good PR and was plenty happy with that general thought and knowing that I had never before pushed that hard in a race. Seeing after a cool-down that I had actually hit my goal time was another nice high, though.
                    I don't think I had anything at all left after the race, which I think oddly contributed to how "not terrible" the race felt. I was so focused on just what was ahead of me that I don't really remember checking on my breathing or how my legs were feeling for at least the last 2k.

                    A 9 second PR is certainly quite nice in and of itself, but I do think I could break 18 by a decent margin given better conditions. As my next 5k is about a month away and (supposedly) our 100F/37.8C+ days are supposedly behind us I'm certainly hopeful that I'll be able to get a solid chance well in advance of a turkey trot prior to CIM.

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:


                    OKC Memorial 5k - April 27

                    Bun Run 5k - May 4



                    Hot Weather Complainer

                      Keen - That is a very fast race.  Apart from the woman in front of you, you're the quickest person home over 31.  Her time is so impressive I looked her up (a bit harder to google the more common name of the first woman) and found she went to the Olympic trials and has a marathon best of 2:40:50.  Given that you didn't taper and conditions weren't ideal, I think this means your new A goal is sub 2:40 


                      Just start eating Nutrigrain eggos with peanut butter.



                      5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                      2024 Races:

                      Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                      Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                      Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024

                      Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                        RP - Please don't think this is an insult, even though this is the insult thread.

                        You see, people have varying styles of writing. Like to my English as a second language eyes, Mark & Watson write in a more formal style,

                        where as Piwi and Cinnamon write in a more informal style.

                        You sometimes write in an exotic style, in fact for a while when I joined here I thought you were also not a native speaker.



                        People in NZ are generally informal when speaking. I can change it up or down depending on who I'm with. Sometimes I'm on a construction site and anything goes and other times I'm working in very formal situations.

                        I do find a majority of runners to be of high intelligence and can't sink to my level of humor 

                        I do have trouble distinguishing RPs post from does he mean what he says or the total opposite.


                        Cal I hope you are OK. Is it work stress or family ?


                        Keen awesome report. You nailed the effort. I've felt like the last few years I've not been willing to hurt enough in a 5k. It's that hurting that gets those extra seconds.

                        55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                        " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                        Somewhere in between is about right "      


                        cinnamon girl

                          Dave - nice job on the 10k. You must be feeling pretty strong (and not sore!) to consider racing a half this weekend. It's not something I would do unless it was at MP.

                          Keen - nice 5k time and race 

                          Steve - that experience sounds so exhausting, even though physically it shouldn't be. Wasted time and energy sucks. Keeping track of (and acknowledging) perceived effort ratings of workouts by your coach 👍


                          Hi Mikkey and JT    I won't be at Boston as I haven't done a marathon since 2019. I'm thinking Paris or Barcelona in the Spring.


                          Ian - I'm interested in which 10 marathons abroad you've done


                          Moving again but this time only 5 miles, not 1500. It's still a little tiring though. The bike was unplanned but my car had died during the process of moving and 👍 wasn't working so I bought a bike to get home. I had been thinking of replacing mine that had been stolen a few years ago so I guess it was time! It's been a lot this week and managed what I had energy for - it took a few days to get wifi so I missed some time here.


                          M: rest
                          T: 7.5 mi (8:26)
                          W: 9.1 mi (7:55)
                          T: 5.25 mi (8:47) + hot tub
                          F: off / move + heavy lifting
                          S: 2 hr +425 ft (8:24) + 60 min bike
                          S: 2 mi easy, 2 x 3200 (13:04, 13:02) with 2 min rest, 2 mi easy + more heavy lifting






                          Mmmm Bop



                            Hi Mikkey and JT    I won't be at Boston as I haven't done a marathon since 2019. I'm thinking Paris or Barcelona in the Spring.





                            100% Paris!

                            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)



                              Cal - you can growl at us, that's why this isn't the Waltons thread (or as Flavio calls it, the insult thread)! We all need to be spoken to sometimes (my sandbagging comes to mind). Otherwise, we're all just mindlessly giving Kudos when the entire point of these threads (at least historically) was to give advice to people, not a place for runners to hang out and have their egos stroked. That's why I like this thread, and originally joined RW. I don't need someone to tell me what a great job I did in a race if I ran it terribly: to me, that's more insulting than any "insult" that is thrown in this thread. Just like I completely understand why you feel the way you do about your current running. I am genuinely impressed at just the sheer number of marathons and ultras you do, but I'm not going to run around and tell you how proud you should be of running a 3:10 this year given your abilities.


                              There is a difference between being supportive and "mindlessly giving kudos", just like there's a difference between offering advice and criticism vs. throwing insults.  I'm fairly sure some on this thread - if they are being honest with themselves - have veered more towards insults at times.  Thankfully we have not seen much of that in recent weeks.  Intention counts for a lot... I've no doubt Cal is genuine in his comments.

                              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                              * Net downhill course

                              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                              Up next: Still working on that...

                              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                                Flavio, +1 on which costume you'll be wearing.  Sorry you had to change plans but good to be realistic.  And my gmail draft folder is 75% RA posts


                                JMac, I can totally relate on the 180 every week on changing goals but I just don't see how a 60+ mpw runner of your caliber just stops.  What are you going to do?


                                CK, very impressive PR but am I allowed to admit surprise you weren't already a sub 18?


                                RP, you might be the best runner I've ever encountered at training.  Your ability to not over estimate your paces(when you could easily talk yourself into it) is impressive.


                                CalBears, I'm sorry your non-running life is so stress inducing.  My attempt at internet humor went awry, I fully endorse constructive criticism and all sandbagging callouts.  My sister very briefly lived in Santa Rosa and my 1 short visit I enjoyed the abundant wineries without the Napa attitude,


                                Zebano, ugh on another injury! Sending good rehab vibes


                                CG, moving sucks the life out, good job getting in what you could.  Hope the move was for good reasons.


                                I did another workout today(6x800) and my legs thanked me.  Still playing around with paces and not sure how many sec per mi to allot for gravel but it was a hard effort that felt good.

                                5k 24:53 (2020) |10k 52:24 (2021) |HM 1:57:14 (2019) |FM 4:24 (2007) |50k 5:57 (2022)