Interesting signs you've seen while running? (Read 298 times)


    I've been thinking about starting this topic for a while now, and saw an interesting sign on my run this morning that made me decide to go ahead and do it.  I run just about every run with my smartphone and one of the benefits is being able to take pictures of things that I see on my run.  Some of these signs might not seem that interesting to some of you, but they were to me for one reason or another.


    Here's the first one that I ever bothered to take a picture of.  Running in Mandan, North Dakota I saw this sign as I was coming back into town on a gravel road.  We don't have many snowmobiles running around in Lubbock, Texas so I thought it was picture worthy.


    I went quite a while without seeing any picture worthy signs but I've run into a bunch of them in the last 6 months or so.


    This was outside of Safford, Arizona, I was on mile 7 of a 10 mile loop that I had mapped out and the only option was to keep going or backtrack and turn it into a 14 mile run and end up late to something I couldn't be late for.  I kept running and thankfully the inmates must not start working until 8:00 because they were pulling up in a van about to get out and start working as I ran by.


    This one was in Crested Butte, Colorado over Christmas Holiday when I got out to earn my more miles than degrees membership.  It was -7 so I didn't have to run very far, but thought this sign was worthy of a picture.  Again, not something I would see in Lubbock, Texas.


    This one is outside of Willcox, Arizona.  Not exactly sure what an Earth Fissure is, but evidently you need to slow down for them.


    Took this one on the Mescalaro Indian Reservation just outside of Ruidoso, New Mexico.  I just chuckled to myself thinking of someone trying to take a wheelchair on that trail.  I think it was built with ARRA money.


    And the one I saw today, running on the Platte River Trail in Denver, Colorado.  I guess it's like some of the warning signs like not using a hair dryer when you are in the bathtub.


    So there's my interesting signs that I've seen while running.  Anyone else?


    I think narrative descriptions would be fine, but would like to limit it to signs that you actually saw on a run and not just driving by in a car.  No real way to police that though.

    Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

    Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)



      On one of the favorite routes I run with my 13 year old someone has gone through and defaced about 4 signs, but this is our favorite.  The handmade sign underneath is almost certainly the creation of people who live to the left of the arrow and are so special that they don't want anyone ever traveling down their street (it's a section of hoity-toity subdivision with lake access).  I've yet to run or bike down that street, but someday I might just to be a bitch.

      I wanted DS to stand under the signs for a photo, but he said he doesn't want to be known as "that kid who stood under the pecker sign."

      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

           ~ Sarah Kay


      Funky Kicks 2019

        I live out in the country and many of the properties on my running routes are just seasonal hunting camps.  It's not uncommon for them to get broken into, so it seems like the owners try to outdo themselves with the most threatening posted signs possible.  This one is my favorite.


        Leah, mother of dogs



          - Andrew


            I haven't run by this one... but I just read an amusing article about this particular sign.  Can I call it a sign or is that signs plural?







              From a friend in Nashville...closing a road all for that one woman...

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                This one says it all.




                Bacon Party!

                  I want some spray patch


                  pace sera, sera


                    Seen at a local meat shop today (I would've taken a pic but I didn't have my phone with me):


                    We have big breasts.

                    Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

                    Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

                    Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022






                        I haven't run by this one... but I just read an amusing article about this particular sign.  Can I call it a sign or is that signs plural?


                        So where exactly is this?  Looks like Culver City (CA).  I'd like to make a pilgrimage.


                          So where exactly is this?  Looks like Culver City (CA).  I'd like to make a pilgrimage.



                          they may be down by now.  but yeah... Linwood Howe Elementary in Culver City.  I like in the video where someone tapes a new sign on the bottom that says "if you are still reading you have a ticket".










                            they may be down by now.  but yeah... Linwood Howe Elementary in Culver City.  I like in the video where someone tapes a new sign on the bottom that says "if you are still reading you have a ticket".




                            Some of these small Southern California cities like complicated parking restrictions for some reason.  There are places in West Hollywood that, while not this extreme, are pretty bad -- maybe three or four separate restrictions.



                              Runners run

                                From a friend in Nashville...closing a road all for that one woman...


                                what is she doing... crawling 13.1 miles?


                                does that mean it takes her 6 hours to complete or 18 hours... I never know what people mean by 12 AM and 12 PM.




