Are five finger shoes really good for running? (Read 175 times)



    Here's another one:


    4. Thread created by a new account with an alias name so the notorious crackpot can chime in and hijack the thread.


    Note: if that happens, I'll just take my ball and go home. Don't feed the troll; the thread dies there.


    That hasn't been his MO for the 17 (holy shit) years I've been sparring with him, but perhaps so

    sport jester


      Oh, princesses...


      The good news is unlike any regular posters here, I'm writing for a training website. You can read my latest article published today, entitled, What Does it Mean to be a Gamer? under my pen name. The best part of having that writing credibility, is every word I write, I've proven to them to be true. Not to mention that all of my references have a credible third party to validate my story.


      Oh, and if you want to ask Vibrams if my claim is true, you can call them to verify my e-mail dated 02/02/12 at 10:53 entitled contradictory barefoot research. It was sent to Mike Gionfriddo after a phone conversation with him.

      Experts said the world is flat

      Experts said that man would never fly

      Experts said we'd never go to the moon


      Name me one of those "experts"...


      History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

      Prince of Fatness

        Oh, princesses...


        For all of you folks pining for a return to normalcy, here you go.

        Not at it at all. 


          I have to know: What does it mean to be a gamer?

          It should be mathematical, but it's not.


            Oh, princesses...




            Oh, and if you want to ask Vibrams if my claim is true, you can call them to verify my e-mail dated 02/02/12 at 10:53 entitled contradictory barefoot research. It was sent to Mike Gionfriddo after a phone conversation with him.


            Yes, I often call companies to get them to confirm they received email from random people 8+ years ago.

              Oh, princesses...


              The good news is unlike any regular posters here, I'm writing for a training website. You can read my latest article published today, entitled, What Does it Mean to be a Gamer? under my pen name. The best part of having that writing credibility, is every word I write, I've proven to them to be true. Not to mention that all of my references have a credible third party to validate my story.


              Oh, and if you want to ask Vibrams if my claim is true, you can call them to verify my e-mail dated 02/02/12 at 10:53 entitled contradictory barefoot research. It was sent to Mike Gionfriddo after a phone conversation with him.


              A new brewery in town just opened. I know the owner and the brewer, they’re awesome. Anyway, today was their first day serving outside. It was great.


              i contend, that I could have 3 more DIPAs tonight, write an article as coherent as the one you did, submit it to that same site, and have them publish it.


              its going to be titled: The Pull-up Bar: What the Military Doesn’t Want YOU to Know, And Why


              i WILL also use my pen name...Proto Chicken.


              If it doesn’t get published, I’ll fb live me doing the masking tape exercise with a Kenyan woman.

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                With everything going on in the world  it gives me great comfort

                that sports jester is back

                  I have to know: What does it mean to be a gamer?


                  It means to lie, embellish, and make shit up about how important, respected, and knowledgeable you are. If it was just mental illness then it wouldn't be a "gamer", it would be a sad case of someone with grand delusions. In these days of easy verification of resumes and credentials, it's hard to be a gamer anymore.


                  On that note, because there are no races to investigate, I wonder if Derek from Marathon Investigations would be interested in doing an article on bogus claims in the running world?

                  60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying



                    It means to lie, embellish, and make shit up about how important, respected, and knowledgeable you are. If it was just mental illness then it wouldn't be a "gamer", it would be a sad case of someone with grand delusions. In these days of easy verification of resumes and credentials, it's hard to be a gamer anymore.


                    On that note, because there are no races to investigate, I wonder if Derek from Marathon Investigations would be interested in doing an article on bogus claims in the running world?


                    Good ol' Derek is still publishing stuff, although some of it is "greatest hits" kind of posts about stuff he once posted. I have much to say about Derek (and have elsewhere), but you gotta hand it to him for going on about Kelly Agnew, a guy he really had nothing to do with outing, but he's making dimes and nickels off it.


                      They were designed, originally, to be deck shoes on a racing sailboat. When used for that purpose, they're very effective. Less stubbed toes.







                      sport jester


                         , I wonder if Derek from Marathon Investigations would be interested in doing an article on bogus claims in the running world?


                        Probably the best words you could write. Of course I'd be up for the challenge.

                        Experts said the world is flat

                        Experts said that man would never fly

                        Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                        Name me one of those "experts"...


                        History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

                          Making trolls eat their words — Kill Your Darlings

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                          sport jester


                            Wait a minute, you set the challenge and then too cowardice to follow up with your threat?


                            What better definition of useless princess do I need?


                            You don't know how much that would mean to me if he's willing to do it publicly. I asked you to contact the UofO since you're an alumni, but you didn't do that either. Funny that you dismiss my claims, but then refuse to publicly test them to shut me up. Maybe this is your backhanded compliment that you're the one backing away from any challenge, not me...

                            Experts said the world is flat

                            Experts said that man would never fly

                            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                            Name me one of those "experts"...


                            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                              Wait a minute, you set the challenge and then too cowardice to follow up with your threat?


                              What better definition of useless princess do I need?


                              You don't know how much that would mean to me if he's willing to do it publicly. I asked you to contact the UofO since you're an alumni, but you didn't do that either. Funny that you dismiss my claims, but then refuse to publicly test them to shut me up. Maybe this is your backhanded compliment that you're the one backing away from any challenge, not me...


                              I dunno man, over the past few years, you've morphed your online persona to be more of a threatening name caller.

                              But you aren't good at it.

                              sport jester



                                Yes, I often call companies to get them to confirm they received email from random people 8+ years ago.


                                Funny, because when the time came for Vibrams to look it up, they chose to settle out of court than let the public know they were warned to the fraudulent sales pitch they were using. Oh, and the joke of Vibrams and everyone else at the time, is they were following the quackery of a useless drunk named Daniel Lieberman. I called him on his fraud on 9/25/09.


                                It really doesn't matter if I called out Salazar in 2002, or Vibrams with their BS. Its the same crap science all shoe companies follow to keep you buying the most expensive shoes you can afford.


                                It doesn't matter if the company today won't confirm my exchanges with their CEO, but I can assure you my record of our discussions still exist. And that's all that matters in a court of law.


                                Didn't you know, the definition of intelligence isn't what you know, it's also based upon how soon you knew it. That you still don't comprehend it only solidifies proof your lacking any knowledge of running or biomechanics whatsoever...

                                Experts said the world is flat

                                Experts said that man would never fly

                                Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                                Name me one of those "experts"...


                                History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong