Snacks at Work (Read 850 times)

    Any recommendations on a snack/nutrition bar I can stow at my workspace, will give me sustained mental energy during the work day and help me gradually drop some weight? I've been steadily gaining weight over the last few weeks, and I strongly suspect its the type bar I've been eating. Thanks!

    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

      Pretzels, especially the unsalted ones. I always have a bag around and just snack on that. Hits the spot mostly! Or those 90 cal quaker granola bars are pretty good, although not too filling.

      Best Present Ever

        My favorite work snacks are Bearitos no-oil microwave popcorn, dry roasted edamame (both of which are nicely salty/crunchy), apples, and, though not things one can keep at ones desk, nonfat Fage yogurt and non fat lattes. I look for either high volume/low fat or high protein. I have to watch the portion size of the edamame as it's easy to crunch through the whole bag without paying attention, but they are pretty filling even when i stop after 1/4 cup or so.


          Do you have a fridge? I eat strawberries, or I buy cutup fruit like pinneapple. I might have a piece of laughing cow cheese with it. I always crave sugar in the afternoon but fruit does the trick and way less calories.


            I always have a pile of various fruits and nuts at work for snacking...

              Can you bring bananas and apples? Fruit, especially bananas, give energy that lasts a long time.. and of course it's good for you. Granola bars aren't that much better than eating chocolate bars. A handful of almonds is also great, as long as you don't go crazy and eat cups and cups of it. If you must bring a packaged granola bar, Nutrigrain bars are pretty good.
                Thanks to each of you. Yes, I do have a fridge at work. I very bad about eating fruits. But I will try to work on that. My wife got me a bunch of kashi crunch and chewy bars. Any dangers with those? Definitely going to go for the Bearitos and edamame! I love salty and spicy stuff!

                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                  I keep a ton a ton of food here at work. My personal favorite is a 12 pak box of fig Newtons. Right now I have 2 apples, 1 Bananna, A large ziplock bag of Homemade granola, a couple of Cliff Bars, 3 varities of Tea, A multi pac of peanut butter crakers and in the fidge in the kitchenette i have a couple of yougurts and some V8 juice. I highly recommend the Fig Newton Bars. Filling, fantastic energy source with out over doing the calories. I'd skip the "Bars" especially if they are meal replacement bars. Far to many calories. Set eating times and know what your going to eat. eg.; I have a good breakfast at home. 9:45 I have a fig newton and maybe some crackers. 12:00 is Lunch.....then 3:00 I have fruit. Times vary because of the demands of my job. Bugs mentioned pineapple.......If your bad at eating fruits, try canned pineapple. The granola is a good alt too. I make mine with lots of nuts and pumpkin seeds. It also forces you to drink more liquids.
                    Thanks to each of you. Yes, I do have a fridge at work. I very bad about eating fruits. But I will try to work on that. My wife got me a bunch of kashi crunch and chewy bars. Any dangers with those. Definitely going to got for the Bearitos and edamame! I love salty and spicy stuff!
                    One of my frequent snacks is a 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean Crunch mixed into a low fat yogurt. Also, 2 tbsp peanut butter on apple slilces makes me very happy. Big grin


                      Raw vegatables?
                        I have been eating "Sweet and Salty Almond Bars" (160 cals per bar). I've also been eating "General Mills Fiber One Chewy Bars" (140 cals per bar). The sweet and salty bars are my pre-run snack - I love them. The fiber one bars are supposed to be filing because of the increased fiber, but really both are not much more than a glorified cookie. I know there have been a lot of votes for fruit and nuts, but neither is good option for me. I love all kinds of fruit, but for me, it's completely unfilling (if anything, it makes me even hungrier). Nuts are way to high calorie to be sitting around someone with poor portion control like me - I sometimes eat raw almonds but only if I pre-count them into portions and bring only 1 portion at a time.
                          I love fruit - esp apples and bananas, and if they are not filling enough you could add peanut butter. I also love string cheese.


                            Cashews, pistachios, almonds...I rotate them. I also cut up some carrots into stick, cut up an orange (peeled) and chuck them together in a zip lock bag. mmmeeeyummmm

                            Love, Run, Sleep