Sub 1:30 Half Marathon in 2018 (Read 704 times)

    JMac Mickjogger Piwi thanks for the Feedback

    Rune nice link interesting read gonna read it a couple more times to let it all soak in.

    Piwi nice week and nice half training run

    Watson nice week

    Mark nice week sounds like a busy racing season

    Steve nice week


    for me I had another solid week and capped of June with 207 miles another record high mileage.

    I got out early on Sunday and managed to knock out a 10 miler, I should be able to continue getting in some extra miles on Sunday.



    Weekly Summary
    Monday, Jun 25, 2018 thru Sunday, Jul 01, 2018

    <tfoot> </tfoot>
    Day Miles Pace Description Link
    Mon 4.4 8:12 Afternoon Run strava
    Wed 4.4 8:19 Morning Run strava
    Thu 4.4 8:16 Afternoon Run strava
    Fri 6.5 7:39 Morning Run strava
    Sat 20.3 8:33 Morning Run strava
    Sun 10.3 9:09 Morning Run strava
      50.3 8:29    


    1m  5:38 (2018)

    5k    19:59 (2019)

    HM  1:33:56 (2018)

    FM  3:23:07 (2018)


      Steve- always good having new shoes.  I find I notice mine going in the forefoot before anything else.  The lives can vary quite a lot based on the type of shoe and the runner.  Nice week and if you can manage a 5km tempo at that pace during a long run, you would be under 20 minutes for a 5km race pretty easily I would've thought.


      Matthew - nice week!  Yeah running is a relatively small sport over here, so I can imagine it would be very different in the US.


      CF - nice week.

      3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

      10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

      * Net downhill course

      Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

      Up next: Still working on that...



      Not an 80%er

        Piwi - that's a terrific run 1h28 for the half during training!

        PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

        Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

        Tool to generate Strava weekly


          Mark - Nice consistency! I bet it will pay off nicely when your race season starts up.


          Piwi - A 1:28 half in training is fast! I think you do need to run more with Mark . Solid week as well.


          Matt - Smoking mile! I'm looking forward to seeing where you end up with some focused training for the longer distances.


          Flavio - Hope you recover soon!


          Corey - Congrats with the monthly mileage record. I did the same thing this month, by more than 40 miles. I'm not sure if that is good or not .


          Watson - Nice week and nice progress in your tempo runs. I think I'm looking forward to this week's tempo workout where I will try to do it under controlled conditions (flat, no traffic lights, not very exposed to wind), but the 2+2+1 miles at tempo pace worries me a little bit.


          Steve - Nice week. That tempo workout you had looks good. And I think you did it right when you feel you have something left at the end. Comfortably hard is the keyword.


          I stuck to my program again and got in the miles and the workouts done. The intervals and reps on Wednesday were fast for what I expected, and my legs felt pretty beat up afterwards. My 15-mile easy pace long run yesterday was just that, and I ended up with a very low average HR for the distance (even though it's skewed down a little bit by a couple of bathroom breaks). I also set a new monthly mileage record, for the third month in a row. In April I ran 160.3 miles with a slow start to recover after my race plus a couple of missed easy days due to a trip to Disneyland, in May I ran 174.1 with an off week due to travel and a cold, and in June I ran 216.8 miles with no off weeks. I'm not as consistent as Mark but I've had 6 good weeks in a row, and with the exceptions noted above I've been able to follow my program as I laid it out since my March marathon. I'm 95% sure I will be running the Summer Breeze Half on August 4 to see where I'm at in my training, and I'm hoping all the tempo workouts I have on my schedule before then (5, plus two more at m-pace) will give a good indication before the race comes around.


          Weekly Summary
          Monday, Jun 25, 2018 thru Sunday, Jul 01, 2018

          <tfoot> </tfoot>
          Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
          Mon 4.7 10:36 0:50 Evening Run 125 (65%) 272 strava
          Tue 4.8 8:39 0:41 Afternoon Run 133 (69%) 83 strava
          Wed 12.6 8:55 1:52 Intervals and Reps 141 (73%) 84 strava
          Thu 4.5 9:08 0:41 Lunch Run 128 (67%) 87 strava
          Fri 4.1 10:51 0:44 Taking recovery seriously 113 (59%) 162 strava
          Sat 15.0 8:40 2:10 Afternoon Run 131 (68%) 422 strava
            45.7 9:11 7:00     1110  

          5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


          Getting back into it

            Rune great stuff that consistency will bring results Im sure.


            Flavio I ran that 1.28 to try to remotivate you 

            My lungs felt fine but legs got a bit heavy in the last 5kms.


            Cfarr really good mileage there keep it up.


            Mark that is a hectic race calendar but you are a club runner now 


            Steve you will go under 20 min easy in a race if you are just over for a 5k tempo. Go do one of those Parkrun 5ks they are cool fun and free and every saturday.


            Matt nice you got that chart to work, Thats a smoking mile time. I dont think Ive got the ability to run at 3.05/km which I think is 5 min/mile pace. I sprinted home the last km one day on a gravel track crossing 3 roads and got 3.10 for the km but at 50 its hard !

            55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

            " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

            Somewhere in between is about right "      



              Mark, Rune, Cfarr - good weeks.

              Piwi - Wellington marathon would have been a tough finish.  Last 8km into a moderate northerly.  I've ran the half four times and the northerly appears most years.

              Steve - good weeks.  If each of your 6 intervals were in the 4:01 to 4:02 pace, then you're super consistent with your speed.

              PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


              40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


              2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


              2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


                Piwi- Awesome 1:28 in training, what are you training for currently? And yeah, I'm glad I still have the speed some 6 weeks after my last track race! It takes awhile to develop those fast twitch muscle fibers when you're used to longer distances. We did a lot of faster intervals (31-33 second 200s) in our training during track in order to develop our speed in addition to endurance.


                Rune- Thanks, I'm excited to see where some solid training can take me, I really have no idea what I could end up running as an end goal.


                I am thinking about doing an early November 5k about 11 weeks out from Rock 'n Roll Arizona so I have something to do between now and then. I don't think I've reached my 3 mile/5k potential yet (I ran 16:00 3 mile in high school), so I think a 16:00 5k would be an ambitious, but attainable goal for November, if I train right. From there, I will have speed, but I will build into the HM in Phoenix, then build again into Boston. Not sure how beneficial that 5k would be, but it sounded fun hehe

                PR's: 800 - 2:01.9, 1600 - 4:34.4, 3 mile - 16:00, Full Marathon - 2:54:49

                Goals: Break 1:20 HM, Break 2:45 FM, Break 34:00 10k, Break 16:00 5k

                Upcoming Races: 

                Strava link

                  Matt Im currently training for nothing with a goal of nothing using the nothing training plan 😀

                  55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                  " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                  Somewhere in between is about right "      


                    piwi, 1:28 in training, wow! what to say... congrats!

                    Steve, I agree with the others, run a park run somewhere and get what's yours, the sub 20 is within your reach...

                    Mark, what a race plan! I'll enjoy watching your racing... there is space for a lot of good race reports Wink


                    Flavio, Hope you recovered and you are well this week. You are right on the time, i got carried away. But the objective is to get close to that 38' on the second on September to run a good HM at the end of the same month. For now I do not have recent 10k (or 5) time to consider, so I can only train and set an ambitious goal (at least for me) Smile


                    I can see you all had a great week of good running!


                    I recovered from the HM. Today I went off for a 7:30 pace in a 6 miles (aiming for 45' with a couple of hills in the middle) and managed just below 43'30, so I think it's a good start for my new plan! I will ramp up miles this and next week and slowly get work outs in. I hope to get a new time on the 5k (parkrun?) to update my Threshold workouts, but I might not find the time (family is taking over my time now that the kids are not in school and holidays start - for them...)


                    I will keep reading here to find inspiration and motivation and  hope to get on consistently with miles in my plan

                    PRs since re-started in 2013:

                    5km: 19:43 (Belfast park run Sep-16) | 10km: 40:16 (Belfast Lagan side 10K Sep-18) 

                    HM: 1:30:09 (Belfast city Half Marathon, September-18) | FM: 3:25:05 (official chip time Belfast city Marathon, May-19, marathon was 0.3/4 longer, original time 3:27:20 for 26.5/6...)


                    Upcoming races:  



                    RIP Milkman

                      The activity on this board is crazy if you aren't paying attention for a few days!


                      Flavio - Glad to see you got back out there this morning. You'll probably be sore from a 3 mile run and it's going to be depressing, but keep it up! Happy to have you back, we need your snark 


                      Piwi - I like you don't even mention you ran a 1:28 in training, just snuck it in your Strava. Super impressive because you did 5x1K earlier in the week. I think you're actually in really good shape right now and could probably go sub 1:25 if you starting doing a bit of tempo work and tapered into a half. But we know that is never coming so I'll just stop right there 


                      Waston - Good week, continued consistency is key for you.


                      Matt - What's your college situation? I know you said you didn't make the team, but are you staying on campus?


                      Mark - Never done a long run after a workout, that's impressive. I know a lot of guys do that but I'm too lazy, I feel like an easy run before my long run is enough tiredness going into it.


                      Steve - Are you on Strava, I can't remember. You and Mark post without the fancy tables!


                      Cfarr - Record mileage is always a great feeling, well done.


                      Rune - You're doing some amazing work out there, keep it up. I was concerned you're building up too fast, but if you feel this good, no need to take a forced down week given a half is coming up in August


                      Marco - Everybody doing park runs these days, we don't have those near me. I do like that hobby joggers like us can win them though.

                      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                      RIP Milkman

                        Me - Kept up with the 10 miles a day this week, but got in my first Q workout for the marathon. The temperature was 95/35 going out the door, with dew points at 69/21. So yeah, it was hot. I was actually surprised how good I felt for the run before the T work. I made sure to stop every 2 miles for water, which I think kept me hydrated and cooled me down. T pace suffered mightily as I was around 20-30 seconds slow, and I almost bailed on the last mile, but I got it in. Can't be happier given the conditions. Will continue at this mileage this week as I get my next two Q workouts in.


                        Weekly Summary
                        Monday, Jun 25, 2018 thru Sunday, Jul 01, 2018


                        <tfoot> </tfoot>
                        Day Miles Pace Description Link
                        Tue 9.8 7:52 First time run commuting! strava
                        Wed 10.0 7:57 80 a day keeps the doctor away strava
                        Thu 9.7 8:10 Evening Run strava
                        Fri 7.6 8:01 Afternoon Run strava
                        Sun 15.1 7:51 1st Marathon Q Session: 8E+3T+2T+2E strava
                          52.2 7:58  

                        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                        Cobra Commander Keen

                          Piwi - Good week, and killer "training" half.

                          Mark - Nice week as well.

                          Steve - Solid week. New shoes are nice, aren't they? I certainly think you shouldn't have an issue going sub-20 for 5k.

                          Cfarr - Congrats on the mileage PR!

                          Rune - Congrats on yet another mileage PR.

                          JMac - This place (and sub 3:20) tend to move really fast, especially over a weekend. 10 a day is just a good number, isn't it? Nice week.

                          I was a touch low on mileage thanks to a watch beta firmware issue (battery drained completely in ~10 hours, so my alarm didn't go off and I woke up way too late), but pretty good overall. Ran a very small 5k in my hometown over the weekend, which was fun (and for a good local cause). It's a beastly course, easily the most difficult I've ever run, and I'm quite thrilled with a ~19:36 (hand timed). Now for the real "goal" 5k on Wednesday - sub-19, here I come!


                          Weekly Summary
                          Monday, Jun 25, 2018 thru Sunday, Jul 01, 2018

                          <tfoot> </tfoot>
                          Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                          Mon 11.2 7:38 Watching another thunderstorm roll by 131 (67%) strava
                          Tue 10.6 8:21 1 rabbit & 2 turkeys 145 (74%) strava
                          Wed 2.2 7:57 Warming up and seeing my track coach get chased off 140 (71%) strava
                          Wed 3.3 6:47 6x 200m R + 4x 400M R & testing the new pink Go Fast shoes 163 (83%) strava
                          Wed 5.8 8:00 The long cool-down 155 (79%) strava
                          Thu 5.0 8:15 All your vitamin D are belong to me. 158 (81%) strava
                          Thu 3.5 8:32 Pack Pint(less) Run 156 (80%) strava
                          Fri 10.1 8:19 3 rabbits, lots of short loops, and no water at the fountain 143 (73%) strava
                          Sat 0.3 7:56 The tiniest warm-up 134 (68%) strava
                          Sat 3.1 6:16 Leedey Bison Stampede 5k 171 (87%) strava
                            55.1 7:54      

                          5k: 17:58 11/22 â”‚ 10k: 37:55 9/21 â”‚ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 â”‚ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                          Upcoming Races:





                          Hot Weather Complainer

                            Jmac No I'm not on Strava but I am a software developer...but am too lazy to write my own html!


                            I did some slight damage to my calf last night during an interval session.  I planned 3x(2,2,4) and on the last interval of the second set felt a bit of pain then in the last 30 seconds it suddenly got a lot worse so I ended it.  I iced it and have my compression calf sleeves on today and wore them all night.  It doesn't feel great.  All calf pain I've had recently has been lower calf but this time it's on the top left corner of my left calf.  It was strange, I felt something there as soon as I started warming up last night and thought to myself I hadn't felt that spot before then really felt it when I was pushing hard.  I'll look after it and if I can run tomorrow will probably ditch the tempo and stick to easy pace, although it kind of feels like I won't be running tomorrow.

                            5km: 18:34 11/23 â”‚ 10km: 39:10 8/23 â”‚ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 â”‚ M: 3:34:49 6/23


                            2024 Races:

                            Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                            Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                            Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                            Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


                              Piwi - I like your training plan. I wish I could good around running random stuff and casually log 1:28 HMs in training runs 


                              JMac - Thanks, I was wondering if I should remind you that you actually encouraged me to increase my mileage . I've been nervous about it myself but it seems like I'm doing OK. I think the fact that I had 12 weeks of buildup before I started the actual program has helped (6 just easy, 6 with reps and some longer runs mixed in). But your mileage comment stuck with me a little bit, and eventually got me to consider upping my mileage by 5 mpw to the max for the plan I'm following (55 mpw peak).  And nice training week for you. The tempo workout sounds brutal in those temperatures. And remind me, are you following the full 18-week program this time around?


                              CK - Nice week even if it's "low mileage" by your standards. And nice 5k, that course profile looks tough with the last mile being uphill . Good luck on Wednesday. I've considered doing a 5k race somewhere but have decided against it. I really want to get in a good tempo workout that can give me an indication on where I am around that speed.


                              Marco - Good luck ramping up your miles. Good to hear you feel well recovered from your HM.


                              Steve - Sucks with your calf. Hope you get it figured out.


                              Mark - You should add my planned HMs to the race calendar, and maybe even the full marathon. August 4 - Summer Breeze Half Marathon, goal 1:32:56.  September 16 - Alameda Running Festival, goal 1:29:59 (yes, I said it, I hope I'm ready for it then). October 21 - Amsterdam Marathon, goal 3:19:59, at least for now. Let's see how well this training program works for me...

                              5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


                              Getting back into it


                                Wow it really is all go on here at the moment!!


                                Rune - nice week and I will add your races.  Good job on the mileage record too, satisfying hitting those milestones and I'm sure you'll see the benefits in those races.


                                Watson/Piwi - I've thought about doing the Wellington Half or 10km, but it's just a bit of a lottery with the wind down there, I believe it was really tough a couple of years ago too.  It would be different if it was nearby, but if I've got to catch a flight then I just wouldn't want to risk those conditions.  Cold and rain I can (generally) deal with, but wind is just such a punisher and sucks all the fun out of it (the same is largely true of snowboarding, funnily enough).


                                Piwi - sneaking in those sneaky sub-1:30's in training again, haha I think you are the forum ninja!


                                Matt  - pretty interested to see how you would go in a 5k.  You have definitely got the speed to crush a pretty quick time.  I have got improvement in my 5km PR (did it 2.5 weeks after a marathon on a course with hills and some grass) but I doubt I would get close to 16:00.


                                Marco - it's hard juggling family, work and running sometimes!! I definitely find it tricky and am sometimes up at 5am on a Saturday just so I can fit everything in (I do normally go to bed around 9pm though haha).


                                JMac - really solid week and good to see you building back up the mileage.  And, damn, those conditions would be just miserable.  I can see why you were stopping every 2 miles for water, smart move.


                                Keen - what sort of watch are you using?  Anyway nice week and looking forward to seeing how that 5km goes.  Your training has been really solid so hoping for a good result.


                                Steve - hope that injury is nothing serious.

                                3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                                10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                                * Net downhill course

                                Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                                Up next: Still working on that...

                                "CONSISTENCY IS KING"