2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)

Running Problem

Problem Child

    I can't find the post about it. It's annoying I can't search for it.


    Currently running in the New Balance Vazee Pace. It's no longer made. I'll need something for training and racing. Brooks suggests the Launch. Runners world doesn't seem to have their shoe finder anymore.


    Shoe's I've run in:

    Vazee Pace (2017)

    Asics Fuze X Lyie (2016-2017)

    New Balance Zantes (2016 - current) speed work shoe for CIM 2016.

    Altra Instinct 2.0 and 3.0 (2016-2017)

    Altra Impact 2.0 and 3.0 (2015-2016)

    Saucony Ride 7 (2015-2016)

    Brooks Ravenna 3 (2014-2015)


    I can't say I've had a problem with shoes ever. I like the Vazee pace and the Asics. I don't know why I don't want to jump into an Altra. The Launch appears to have a slightly larger heel to tow drop (9mm in the launch 4, 10mm in the launch 5) than what I've been running in. It's not URGENT but something sooner than later. I found the Vazee Pace on Amazon for $70. I can't find the link Keen posted last time I asked for $55.

    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

    VDOT 53.37 

    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      Happy Global Running Day! I had no idea that was a thing, but apparently it is, at least on social media.  I ran 5 miles plus strides this morning to celebrate (unknowingly, but still!)



      Brew: That sounds like  a really rough workout -- and that's before you've actually started a training plan, right??


      Not much to report. I slept through my alarm Sunday and for the first time ever missed a race. I have to say my heart wasn't really in it, since I had already dropped down to the 5k anyway. Normally the night before a race I wake up every hour to look at the clock, but not this night. Saturday we were at my youngest son's lacrosse tournament from 8:30a to 6p, and I was hot, dehydrated, sunburned and exhausted, so it was probably for the best anyway.  I may try to find a 5k in the next month just to get an idea of what paces I should aim for for  fall marathon training.


      Training plan has started. It was SUPPOSED to start with 2x10K @ Marathon (M) pace but I was "recovering" from the relay (installing garage shelving) and decided to skip it. This is Q workout #2 for the week.

      Doesn't sound like you missed much by missing the race. You might have done yourself a favor oversleeping. I also didn't know June 6 (brothers birthday) was national running day. It's also National 6.6L diesel engine (Duramax) day. I don't think either matters and I'm honestly tired of there being a "day" every day. Can we just have "TuesDAY" again instead of nationa donut, beer, candy, tall person, round person, or ear day?


      I saw DW spent $250 at the Garmin website. I can't imagine what I'm getting for Father's Day. I'm already leaning towards having her send it back because I can "fix" the "problem" for free.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

      Speed Surplus

        So, I'm checking the forecast 5x/day and it's only getting worse. I'm starting to really worry about how to prepare for this weather.


        Currently looks like 43/35 with 60% chance of precipitation (likely snow) at the start, turning to rain showers along the course and gradually getting warmer.


        I've got to think the temperature will be like 37 at 7am if the high is 43. That's about as cold as I've ever raced in, and I wore two cotton shirts that day, plus a hat and gloves. But it was only a half marathon and it was DRY.


        Under normal conditions, I'd wear a singlet and half tights. I'm really not sure what to do now, as it will get into the mid-50s by the end of the race (high is 58 at finish). One complicating factor: Due to this shoulder injury that I've been running through, I will have a really hard time taking off a shirt in the middle of the race, particularly if the shirt is wet. Like, I really can't do it. I have to get my wife to help me take off my sweaty shirts half the time after a run. (I think I have a partially torn rotator cuff, but I've been putting off a doc visit until after this dumb marathon )


        I guess I'm considering wearing a long-sleeve tech shirt under a rain jacket, with the idea that I could maybe unzip and take off the rain jacket and tie it around my waist, as godawful as that sounds. Any other ideas? My wife suggested a partially pre-torn sweatshirt that I can rip off partway through 

        5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


        Cobra Commander Keen

          Oregon - Oh, no! At least it wasn't one you were really looking forward to. I have a fear of doing that so I typically set at least 2 alarms 1 minute apart, but somehow always end up awake at least half an hour before they go off.

          Brew - Shoekicker.com
          8 mile warmup then T and maybe R pace stuff afterward? I just put my workouts into my Garmin Calendar/watch and I have a workout like that but not until ~5 weeks before my goal marathon.
          I can agree with you on the days. If everything has a special day are there any special days?

          Clever - I've run a couple marathons in ~30* weather and another at ~40 and mist/light rain off an on. Based on those, I'd personally go with: Shorts, perhaps 2-in-1's.

          Singlet, maybe short sleeves.

          Light gloves.

          Arm warmers. Probably just a pair of really long, cheap wool socks. I've cut the toes open for my fingers, cut a thumb hole, then another hole that lined up with where I wear my watch. Functional and easier to pitch than a long sleeve shirt.

          Depending on the type and amount of precipitation, something along the lines of a windbreaker/rain jacket or a tall trash bag.


          Out of curiosity, what half tights do you typically wear? I've never had any myself, but it's something I'm considering getting.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:





          Mother of Cats

            Jeebus, thread moves fast.


            Ilana - thanks for IDing the half.  I'll update the chart this weekend. I understand the feeling about the workout.  One of my first workouts back after a long time off was a 3200m repeat on the track.  I got lapped by my former training partners.  It was really awkward on all sides.


            Rune - thanks for listing your race.  In answer to your question, I was just listing May stuff for the heck of it, after Dad listed his.  Thanks for noting your half as well - I'll include that in the update also.


            Rovatti - welcome back from your travels!


            Smax - you've reaffirmed my preference to stick to domestic travel and to road races.  My wallet and my body both thank you.


            Ace - feeling optimistic.  Now just gotta see what the weather gods give us.  I agree with your point on honest feedback.


            OMR - ya for more progress (I know I sound like a broken record, but it's a good record)


            Ilana and Oregon - sorry about both races.  Oregon, in your case it does sound like it was for the best.  I have a theory that any time I sleep through my alarm, the sleep was more important than whatever else I needed to do.


            Brewing - I always just use the HR strap.  Even though my watch has optical, it's just not accurate.  As for shoe recommendations, you could join the "running shoe geeks" group on FB and ask this question.


            CK - if your race is flat, you definite need to train on flat IMHO.  When you get into the marathon distance, or even the half, pancake flat is harder than gently rolling.


            *waves at DadMattPJ*


            SC - you could start with a cheap poncho and then toss it.  Your race sounds like it will start like Boston, less the wind, and maybe not as much rain, but will end much warmer.  In someways I think that's easier to dress for, since you just plan to shed layers.  The shoulder thing complicates it, which is why I recommend a cheap poncho - those tear off easily.




            9 miles very easy (9:03) plus drills, strides, DIY yoga.

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


              SC - Keen's idea of arm sleeves may be a good way to start. Or DW's easy off poncho. Though the poncho could be more of a wind-catcher than you may want to run in. Otherwise a cheap rain jacket that is easy off could work. Perhaps practicing this maneuver would be a good idea too. Good luck!


              Brew - I bought a pair of the Launch 4 earlier this year. I have liked them pretty well. I tend to have variety of shoes with a variety of heel drops at any one time, so changes there don't really bother me much. I often end up trying different brands and models based on what is on sale or clearance though, not from any real research or shoe knowledge.


              Brewing and I are in the 2018 in 2018 challenge deal on this site (anyone else?). Most weeks it is just trying to hit your weekly goal which is based on whatever you set for the year. But this week is the All Star battle where the high mileage folks from the 12 or so teams are put on 2 temporary teams (Red vs Blue). Brew and I are on opposing teams. I may break the 10% rule this week. So far I'm tired and hungry all the time.

                Ilana ~ 17? Wow! Do you have any ash fallout from fires? I went to Yellowstone for the 1988 fires (when they brought in the Army to help) and I remember wiping away the ash from our Humvee's windshield like you would snow. Surreal. Hope they settle soon, but it's early in summer ...


                SC ~ Anything over 45, even w/ rain would be t-shirt weather for me once I got going. I'd be thinking about a simple knit cap (Dollar Store),  cheap arm warmers, and gloves (probably the toss kind). If it's misting or a drizzle, I wouldn't start running w/ anything else (I'd have throwaways pre-start). It gets trickier if it is raining harder and colder (and, of course, a headwind like Boston this year makes it awful, but I didn't see nay wind concerns). I have an UA-type long sleeve compression shirt (very thin, very tight fitting) for such conditions; even when wet, it provides a touch of warmth. A cheap poncho (or lawn bag) is a good choice to get you started. Finally, a thin coat of vaseline can also be helpful (above and beyond lube for anti-friction). Good luck!


                7 progression yesterday. Began very slowly (9:27) and dropped 30" per mile; final @ 6:27. Very balanced effort.


                Cobra Commander Keen

                  Matt - I wasn't aware of the challenge, so I'm certainly not there. The All Star battle sounds interesting.

                  Ace - You're a Weezer fan, right? What do you think of the new Toto covers?

                  Dad - Nice progression run. I need to do one of those someday, they look fun.

                  Brew - Saw the workout on Strava last night. How'd it go?

                  Finally finished adding all the workouts for my upcoming cycle to my Garmin calendar. So. Much. Threshold.

                  5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                  Upcoming Races:




                  Strict WTF adherent

                    Ilana - I did wake up in the middle of the night, but only because McW forgot about the time difference and texted me at 3 a.m.

                    I took in 3,500+ calories during the run, just not a lot of volume. I ran into Dave the next morning as I was leaving breakfast and he was going in, and we both commented that we still weren't really hungry yet. I finished that plate of huevos rancheros though.


                    Matt - LOL at cacanino


                    DW - Definitely not going back soon. There are many road marathons waiting to be run (poorly) before that happens.


                    SC - when it's cold and wet, I go for this


                    Equipment stuff: I don't remember if I mentioned this, but my 920xt melted down the weekend before R2R2R. Literally, it melted at the charger contacts. Knowing that Garmin would replace it, but not quickly enough, I picked up an Epson SF-510 on Amazon for $60. It does most of what I want, except for offering the option for a fourth field on the main screen and to customize autolap distances. But the big kicker is that it lasted through R2R2R with life to spare.


                    Six easy for me on Monday. Sore on Tuesday, demonstrating that I was not fully recovered from last weekend's adventure. So naturally, I did the Hudson 1/2/3/2/1 min thing on Wednesday. Twice. I am not smart.


                      CK - I assume you are using a 2Q program for your marathon in November? Yes, there is a lot of threshold runs there, and m-pace. At least it's just 2 hard workouts and the rest is just noodling around to get your miles up.


                      Dad - Nice progression run! 6:27 at the end is solid!


                      Did one more of my leg strengthening workouts yesterday. 8x400 reps, and I ended up running all the reps too fast. On the other hand, I didn't really feel my form suffering until the last rep so I think it was ok. 400 splits were between 1:20 and 1:26, average right below 1:24. Did a full set of Kenyan drills beforehand as well, and today my ankles are sore as heck, especially my left one. But I think that is to be expected with a considerable amount of time and distance spent with my feet striking the ground farther forward than they usually do.

                      5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


                      Getting back into it


                      Pace Prophet

                        No ash, we're far enough away, but the smoke in the valley is thick and visibility is poor.  I waited until 9am to run this morning, hoping the breeze would move the smoke out, but it was pretty bad.  I still have some admissions left on my 20-punch pass for the rec center, so I think I'll switch to the treadmill until things improve. (I run outside in blizzards.  But I am defeated by visible air.)


                        The 17mpw was because I was doing modified Galloway (modified to ADD MILEAGE!): I'd run 3-5 miles once or twice a week, and then a long run with walk breaks every 2 weeks until I got to 20 miles, then 3 weeks to 23, then 3 to 26.  So the non-LR weeks I might run all of 10 or 12 miles total.  My training pace was 12 minute miles (including walk breaks) and my marathon was 4:33, 10:26 pace, 2:18/2:15 split.  I was 9th/37 in my AG.  Ah, memories.  (This is all written down in my paper log.  I didn't have a Garmin back then!)


                        Clever - I ran a marathon in similar conditions some years ago. Photographic proof  I did tie the rainjacket around my waist, as you see, but dropped it off at an aid station on the way.  I also wore long shorts and wished I had tights.  Don't forget the gloves.

                        Strict WTF adherent

                          Ilana - Flipping through those pics. That looks miserable. Oh wait, that looks nice. And the crazy bicycle people have taken over.

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            Matt - I wasn't aware of the challenge, so I'm certainly not there. The All Star battle sounds interesting.

                            Brew - Saw the workout on Strava last night. How'd it go?

                            Finally finished adding all the workouts for my upcoming cycle to my Garmin calendar. So. Much. Threshold.

                            It went....okay. I found some more info so it seems like 8E is a warm up and to get some miles on you rlegs before the workout. This is different than Hanson's who would do 1.5-3E + 5-6T + 1.5-3E in JD terms. If you're doing the 2Q workout I'm sure you'll be find for this one. It's not TOO difficult. I walked the "rest" portion because I believe the point is to get REST for the second threshold/tempo/12-15K paced run. I think I went too quick for the first 2 of 3 miles on 3T then didn't have enough gas for the second mile of the 2T and dropped below goal. Splits appear to be showing a decrease in speed for the first 3. I had a slight headwind for mile 3 plus a little hill to climb that ALWAYS feels like I slow down. The second mile of the 2T was rough. I couldn't get under 7:00 pace (possible too fast 3T), and even though I wanted to quit I told myself to ENDURE, maybe surprise myself, and get the workout done instead of cutting it short. It wasn't AS easy as I thought it would be, but it wasn't overly difficult like I read some other reviews of JD2Q workouts. I think it's a little confidence booster knowing I can hit the T paces right now, and if I stick closer to the 6:56 (VDOT 48.8) prescribed pace it might be possible to finish all the T runs without blowing up.


                            I just don't remember marathon training being this hard. I must have blocked it out. It sounds like having a second kid is probably the same way...or worse.


                            dw there is a running shoe group on the page of faces? jeeze....I should never be surprised what types of groups exist. Maybe there needs to be a "facbook group day. Join a new group."


                            all star week yeah I'm in it. I'm even paired right next to Matty. As for breaking the10% rule...they be more "guidelines" than rulez. I might just try and hit 80. Go big or go home right?


                            sc It looks like the weather is getting SLIGHTLY better for you on Sunday. I'd second the arm sleeves using long socks and some gloves. Looks like 7-9am is okay. Rain at 9 then stops at 10. CIM had similar weather and I (someone who likes cold) ran in a shirt and shorts. It rained for the first 5 or so miles, stopped so everyone threw their gloves (I kept mine) and then started raining a few miles later. I pulled mine out and kept my hands from freezing. I HATE HATE HATE HATE LOOOOAAAAATTTHHHHH cold hands. Rain stopped a mile or two later (mentally I've blocked it out) and I tucked the gloves back in. Arm sleeves SHOULD be easier to remove than a jacket. Cut up an old long sleeve shirt and use those with some rubber bands by your shoulder? Cold legs haven't bothered me too much on raining cold runs unless it's sub 40 and I'm running past 5 miles. Wool socks could help if you have some. The fancy finger toe kind. Depending what I have going on Sunday I MIGHT swing by for a run. If I do I'll be the guy asking "does anyone know Something Clever? I'm looking for Something Clever." It shouldn't annoy TOO many people, right?


                            Flight to S-town (or is e Sea town?) tonight. Figuring out Friday and Sunday. Apparently the rush out of town Friday is because there is traffic (it's a 1.5 hr drive already) and MIL wants to leave town just to leave town. Even if we can't check in to the rental until 3:00 pm. So we could either spend time in Seattle (my choice) or drive to a small town and wait. Maybe I'll go run a hill or something. Apparently someone became defensive when the questions about leaving time (and logic) was raised.  Seattle is mostly flat like The City, right?

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                              Did one more of my leg strengthening workouts yesterday. 8x400 reps ...


                              Nice workout, but since you mentioned the words "leg strengthening" I thought I'd toss this option out there (I plan on doing Saturday):


                              3x (5’ rest b/w sets)

                              15xpush ups
                              10xsquat jumps
                              20m bounding


                              There are, of course, a million variations, but builds in strength and speed.


                                ilana:  +1 to McBen on those crazy bike photos.

                                SC:  McBen beat me to the lightweight wool.  I haven't been in a position to have to try this, but it's probably what I would opt for.  As an eyeglass wearer, I have to wear a baseball cap if it's raining, and it's surprising how much insulation that offers.  So, a cap in the early miles might also be something to consider.  Also, my pelvic area tends to get tight when cold, so I'd probably also opt for the half-tights or some other additional layer.  Oh, and gloves.  And maybe calf sleeves.  And a parka.

                                Brew:  I'd be a big fan of ear day, except we'd probably have to have separate days for free and attached lobes, so that would probably cause all sorts of problems.  And let's not even get into piercings, which I'm sure has its own day already.  Yep, I googled it...it was May 16th.  How could I have missed that??  Go big or go home.  Go too big and go home injured.

                                Dwave:  Haha, no worries on being a broken record.

                                rune:  Nice 400s.


                                30M on the bike for me today.