2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


pie man

    I didn't post the time cause I didn't want to admit how slow it was.  It was a very small race, maybe 50 people.  And a memorial for a fallen classmate/teammate from HS.  I did also win in 2013 with an actual decent time (under 19), which was itself slower than previous winning times.

    11:11 3,000 (recent)


      Ace - Thanks. The travels were nice, but I was very ready to come home to my family at the end of it all.


      Dad - Yes, Norway was nicer than Panama, but it was an interesting contrast for sure!


      RLK - I bet your dad will have a great trip. There are lots of nice things to see and experience there. Good to hear you are feeling better again with your running!


      FB - Panama was a work trip for a conference, Norway was a trip to see my parents and visit some friends on the way, so it was (luckily) not just one long business trip. Got to stop over in the Bay Area for a couple of days in between as well.


      SC - According to a formula I found a while ago with effects of ascent/descent, an 83 ft drop per mile (2000 ft over 24 miles) would adjust a 7:35 pace to a 7:22 pace. But that's just a general guideline of course. Hope the race works out for you and you beat your goal!


      I think I feel a hair better now, although my legs don't exactly feel fresh. Trying to hit 50 miles for the week, so since I missed my morning run today and have a birthday dinner to attend tonight I will have to do a lunch run today. Did one yesterday with 5x400 and 6x200 reps (per JD), and was able to get the legs to turn over at the required pace, and got 10 for the day with that session and a short run with the dog early evening.

      5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


      Getting back into it

      Running Problem

      Problem Child

        keen no track experience her. No cross country either.I've only run since probably 2014. max almost axe murdered me on a trail but forgot his axe. I ended up drinking beer.


        SC Good luck with Tunnel next weekend. For that 18 miler how many miles did you run leading up to that? I'm doing the Jack Daniels 2Q plan which is similar to Hansons (2 workouts a week) but the rest is up to me (easy miles) to make a weekly mileage. As for that 3:12....Part of me thinks it was a long time ago. Part of me thinks I still have that guy somewhere.


        Bad day of work yesterday. Taking a half day today because I don't want to be here. Relay starting tomorrow morning so I probably shouldn't drink as much beer tonight.

        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

        VDOT 53.37 

        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


        Pace Prophet

          SC - then I'll just keep my mouth shut. 


          CK - I was also an adult-onset runner.


          Actually I started "running" (some of you know this story) in grad school in the late 1980s in order to do triathlons, since I could already swim and bike. It was my least favorite and my worst of the three sports, and it surprised me that I ended up becoming a competitive runner in my 40s!  (I didn't like bike racing because I don't like drafting close to other riders.  I did a few races but it wasn't for me.)


          I have never been to Norway, but I rather enjoyed my time in Panama when I was there on my sailboat (2002).

            FB - Growing up we always referred to Oklahoma City as "the city".


            THE city is New York. Said with all the arrogance of a native NYer.


            Nice to see rlk and OMR on the upswing!


            fb ~ HS XC was the best! (We were undefeated and won our league and county championships). It was harder to contribute in track; I ran a 4:19 1500m, but was only 3rd/4th best on my team. Running fast didn't hurt as much back then!


            DkW ~ Yes. My fall race plan is:

            Potomac Valley Games 3000m (2 Sep)

            Arlington 911 5K (8 Sep)

            Clarendon Day 10K (22 Sep)

            Glory Days XC (5K) (6 Oct)

            XC on the Farm (5K) (21 Oct)

            Richmond HM (10 Oct)


            11 w/ 45 min "steady" (~7:04 avg) today ... toasty!


            Duke Of Bad Judgment

              FB/CK: I have bad judgment and I endorse the use of Trail Toes.  100 miles of heat and water crossings at Western States and 0 blisters.  The only time I have had blisters of note after I started using TrailToes was 1) when I soaked a foot in epsom salts for several days before a stupid-long run to solve a problem, and it softened the skin up 2) in even stupider-longer races where practically everyone has foot issues - even then, mine were fairly minor.


              Clever: The bad news: I was talking with someone else who coaches people here recently - his view is that the Tunnel course is good for 10-15 seconds/mile if you are ready for the long downhill, which I'd agree with.  You might be optimistic about getting more than that.  (You're probably the first person to be optimistic about their marathon.)  The good news:  It doesn't really matter anyway because as I said before you won't know what pace you are actually running - inaccurate gps readings and inaccurate mile markers.  Last year, mile 16 was the first marker that was (probably) in the right place.  If you have the "right effort feel" dialed in and run at that effort you'll be doing the best you can anyway.  I expect to be out there one way or another - volunteer or standing at the finish.  Hopefully I'll see you at the finish glorying in your safe BQ.


              Ilana: I'm headed your way at the end of July so I expect a personal message from me. EDIT: (you can) expect a personal message from me.  Doh...


              RunTheChamp: Norway and Panama are not exactly close to each other, and not two places I'd expect people to "recently travel to".  Do you have some kind of covert job - bitcoin kidnapper perhaps, something like that?


              McB/CDave: Sore?

              Speed Surplus

                PJ - Sorry, wasn't trying to shame you! Anyway, slow times are better than no times, as in... DNS or DNR (does not run). No shaming from me!


                Ilana - I should be at least in similar shape to my Eugene run, no? I averaged 46 mpw in that buildup.


                Max - In the email I received this year, they said that they marked the first 3 miles using a wheel, and then GPS after that. So, there's hope that at least the first 3 will be accurate-ish. Not sure why they would rely on GPS after that (other than laziness), but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm going to try manual splits on my Garmin and hope for the best.


                As for the 10-15 seconds per mile... I have run a couple of marathon pace and effort workouts on a track (and downhill) during this cycle. And 5 miles at 7:15 pace on the track fresh was more challenging than 7 miles at 6:57 pace on the actual marathon course... at the end of a 15 miler. Granted it was earlier in the cycle and I'm probably in better shape now, but... based on my pace experiments, I think it's bigger than a 10-15 second difference for me. I'm notoriously bad up hills and good down them - it might have something to do with my freakishly long legs.


                Anyway... hope to see you at the finish, if not along the way!

                5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                Duke Of Bad Judgment

                  Clever: A wheel would be a huge improvement - at least then you'd be able to confirm/adjust early.  Last year the first 3 miles were the worst.  I was aiming for 7:30-ish, exited the tunnel, hit the 3rd mile marker, and saw something like 27 minutes on my watch.  After panicking briefly, I decided either it was not going to be my day or the mile markers were way off.  I already knew not to trust the markers from previous years' races, and was running by heart rate anyway, but still, it was hard to dismiss that Official Data right in front of me saying I was running 9 minute miles.  Hoping for the best for you, but trying to enable you to plan for the worst and still do ok.  Given that there are at least 8 races on that course each year, and have been for a few years, it seems like someone could wheel it and write good instructions that say things like "Mile 6 is 50 feet past the end of the big talus field on the left".  The markers still wouldn't be 100% accurate but they'd be much closer.


                  Resident Millennial

                    ha, and growing up outside of Philly (shout out to fly) but a 65min / 90mile train ride away from NYC, we called NYC "the city" Smile


                    sclever- and your break will be well deserved! nice word-vomit post. that's my favorite style.

                    looking forward to ilana's prediction for you! looks like a solid, even if "WTF"-y, training cycle.
                    i'm assuming Tunnel counts for (F)BQ despite the massive elevation loss?


                    brew- are you doing RTO? have fun!

                    mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                    pie man

                      I call the fictional place from The Tick ‘The City.’

                      11:11 3,000 (recent)


                        Clever -- nice wtf cycle. Good luck! It will be interesting to get Ilana's input.


                        Is the Tunnel a certified Bastow qualifier with the downhill? EDIT. LMDDGTFY (I believe in privacy). I see that it is a certified BQ course. yay. Wiki says that St. George drops 2,600, has 7,400 runners and is the 13th largest marathon in the US, and it is also qualifier. Go fast downhill!

                        m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


                        pie man

                          It would be odd for a majorly downhill race to not accept majorly downhill races as qualifiers, no?

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)

                          Speed Surplus

                            All: Yes, Tunnel is a BQ (Barrancabermeja Qualifier) marathon.


                            Max: I can feel the exact feeling of seeing 27 on the clock when you think you're running 7:30 pace, and it's not a good one. If it happens to me, at least I will be sort of expecting it. It's been extremely useful to hear your thoughts and experiences about this race.


                            One thing I forgot to mention about my WTF cycle was that I occasionally did do workouts. I did some tempos, some MP runs, some fast finishes, some intervals, and even some fartleks. But I didn't structure them very rigidly. If I was feeling good, and I had run easy for a few days, I'd do one.

                            5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                            Mother of Cats



                              BQing:   Must be a USATF certified course or the international equivalent.  No indoor marathons allowed. No restrictions on location of start/finish or net drop.  Gun or chip time count.

                              OTQing:  Must be a USATF certified course or the international equivalent.  The event must be sanctioned by the USATF or the international equivalent.  No restrictions on location of start/finish.  Net drop can not exceed 3.25 meters per kilometer (the B-race has a net drop of 3.23 meters per kilometer).  Gun time only, with the occasional very rare exception.


                              Marathon World Recording: Course must be measured by IAAF measurer, who should either ride in the lead car during the race to confirm the measured course is being run or otherwise validate that the correct course is being used.  Course should be remeasured as soon as possible before the start or after the finish by a different measurer.  Start and finish must be within 50% of the course distance. Net drop can not exceed 1 meter per kilometer.  Transponder timing is allowed - not sure if that means chip time is valid.   Interesting question that probably doesn't come up in practice, since any world record contender is likely starting at the very front.

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                              Cobra Commander Keen

                                Yup, I totally underestimated the adult-onset runners around here.

                                Brew - Bummer about the rough day at work. Better days yesterday and today? You've hardly been running longer than I have, in the grand scheme of things (I started in 2015).

                                FB - I'm a DDG fan as well!

                                PJ - I like your thinking on the subject.

                                Clever - That's a nickname I haven't seen before. Nice one.

                                Watch your step everyone, DWave is dropping knowledge all over the place!

                                I'm considering jumping into a 5k on Sunday since the temperature should "only" be ~60F and the course should be pretty flat. Given how warm things are getting this early in the year (today was 80F by 6am) and that I really prefer not-hot races this may be my best opportunity to get a race in before starting marathon training next month so I can be sure my paces are right. The potential hitch in this plan is that I have a niece the same age as DD1 coming over this weekend and I may be required to stay home in order to make waffles and pancakes and help preserve the peace.

                                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                                Upcoming Races:


                                OKC Memorial 5k - April 27

                                Bun Run 5k - May 4