What are your "goal miles" "races to run" for 2009? (Read 924 times)


    I want to set a certain amout of miles for 2009 but am not sure how many. I have two jobs, two kids and a farm! Some days are great to run.....others not so much. I am the type that I will kill myself to reach a goal. No matter what. Not such a great personality trait sometimes. I signed up for my first 10k this fall knowing that I had surgery 11 days before. The word stuborn works but stupid is better No I finished in 56 minutes. But paid for it with a "little" ha ha pain later. So, please tell me what your goals are for 2009 I have my first half next year and cant wait, it is all that I think about (please tell me that isnt odd) I also want to do an 8k. So I will have a 5k, 8k, 10k and half under my belt. I have a reason for my oddness. I have been fighting cancer for over 7 years and lets just say these are on my list.
    Somewhere someone out there is training when your not and when you race him, he will beat you!


      Happy Duck goals are a great motivator, I have only ever ran one marathon and that was way back when I was 23 years old and though I've always jogged on and off, early this year I came up with a goal of my own, I wanted to get fit for 50, my goal was to do a marathon in my 50th year but to do it quicker than when I was 23. I'm into my third month of training, I'm up to 30 miles a week, my longest run so far as been 10.6 miles, I've got another 6 months to go, I'm not saying I'll do it but I'll give it a good go. Happy Duck sorry to hear about the illness, but stay strong and keep focused, a positvie mind will lead to a positve outcome, best of luck. Best of luck Plodderfrom MAN. Smile
      Goals. <7:45mins -="" 1="" mile=""></7:45mins><50mins -="" 10k=""></50mins><1hr 50mins="" -="" half="" marathon.(march09)=""></1hr><4hrs marathon (may09) marathon=""></4hrs marathon (may09)>


        Lessee...I have been giving thought to this quite a bit, lately--New Year's resolutions, and all... Goal mileage: last year saw 1325, IIRC. This year will likely be ~1550, so next year I want to shoot for 1700. Perhaps closer to 1800 if I don't end up dealing with injury like I did much of '08 (right knee). Goal races: only new "distance" will be my legs of a 6-person trail relay in June. This is a pretty tough race and I think I will be running ~15 miles of the entire 80 mile course. I do have several goal PRs I hope to smash, though...5k, 15k, 25k, marathon, and hopefully a HM, too. I wasn't able to fit one in this past year. Definitely want to do more trail races, too.

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay

        Jazz hands!

          I'm going for 1000 and a half-marathon in May. We'll see what happens after that.
          run run run AHHHHHH run run run
            I want to run 1000+ miles this year Run a 1/2 Marathon in the spring and A full Marathon in the Fall.
              <19 minute="" 5k=""></19><40 minute 10k bq in the vermont city marathon in may 2000 miles total for the year i'm pretty sure about everything except the bq minute="" 10k="" bq="" in="" the="" vermont="" city="" marathon="" in="" may="" 2000="" miles="" total="" for="" the="" year="" i'm="" pretty="" sure="" about="" everything="" except="" the=""></40 minute 10k bq in the vermont city marathon in may 2000 miles total for the year i'm pretty sure about everything except the bq>

              5K - 18:25 - 3/19/11
              10K - 39:38 - 12/13/09
              1/2 - 1:29:38 - 5/30/10
              Full - 3:45:40 - 5/27/07

              Chris UK

                Aims for 2009 - 3000 miles training - hope to complete at least 2500. Don't get injured <20 for="" 5k=""></20><40 for 10k race a half marathon (or 2) run a full marathon keep my wife happy ;) for="" 10k="" race="" a="" half="" marathon="" (or="" 2)="" run="" a="" full="" marathon="" keep="" my="" wife="" happy=""></40 for 10k race a half marathon (or 2) run a full marathon keep my wife happy ;)>


                3000 miles

                Sub 19:00 for 5K  05-03-13 Clee Prom 5K - 19:00:66 that was bloody close!

                Sub-40:00 for 10K 17-03-13 Gainsborough 10K - 39:43

                Sub 88:00 for HM


                  Goals for 2009 Mileage: more than 1,800 miles Races: April 5K 19:59 or better May 5K 19:59 or better June 5 mile 33:59 or better July not sure ??? August 5k 19:59 or better September not sure ??? October 8K 33:59 or better


                    In 2009, I'd like to run 3000-3200 miles. For race, I'd like to run a sub-7 hour 50 mile (my first time at that distance) in January and a sub-2:40 marathon in May. I haven't really planned beyond those two races yet.

                    Run to Win
                    25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)

                      As far as goal miles go, I'd like to run 1200 miles next year. That's 100 miles a month. I set it low because I know it will still motivate me. As far as races go I haven't made any decisions yet. I'm starting nursing school in January so right now I'm just maintaining and "waiting to see". If I had to pick my race of choice for 2009 I would have to say the Denver Marathon because I can drive there easily. You should look into the mileage groups. For this year I was in the 1000 mile group and when I hit that milestone it was awesome! That was a huge motivator for me.
                      Finished my first marathon 1-13-2008 in 6:03:37 at P.F. Chang's in Phoenix. PR in San Antonio RnR 5:45:58!!!!!! on 11-16-08 The only thing that has ever made any difference in my running is running. Goal: Break 2:30 in the HM this year Jay Benson Tri (place in Athena category) 5-10-09

                      Maggie & Molly

                        you all have major goals and I am in awe of you...for me it is a very simple TO RUN. I ended up running about 150 miles all of this year due to injuries and then lack of modivation to get back out there. I really, really want to get back into the swing of running and that is my goal......

                         "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                        Wisdom of Confucius

                        HF 4363

                          There is also a "goals" group. http://www.runningahead.com/groups/GSC/Forum There are a lot of different mileage groups, goal threads (sub 20 minute 5K, sub 3 hour marathon, sub 6:00 pace 5K, etc.), etc., etc. One stop goal shopping is an interesting concept.
                            I want to set a certain amount of miles for 2009 but am not sure how many. I have two jobs, two kids and a farm!
                            I have one job, no kids and no farm and still find it hard to find enough time to run so I'm in awe that you can find the time and energy. Best of luck to you in 2009. I'm closing in on some good goals for 2009. A sub-3 Marathon (and my first marathon) is the big one. A sub 1 hr 15k is a nice target although I'll probably only get one shot at this on a rolling course. A sub-18 5k is on the cards too. Most calculators would have this as the hardest goal but I'll get many chances at this so I think that will even things out. Mileage wise, I did 2222 in 2007, my first full year of running, 2008 will end up around 2500+ but with the last 6 months at 1450. 3000 might be ambitious for next year but barring injury I think it should be possible.
                            Goal: Age grade over 80% on a certified course.
                              Due to an injury in the summer I almost missed the 2000 M goal I had for this year (still hanging on there), so the first goal for next year will be not to get injured, and perhaps do 2200 M. Other goals: - Run 2 marathons. And at least one of them <3h30' - try to get as close as possible to 1h30' in a hm - 15k in less than 1h5' - run my first 5k :d -="" try="" to="" get="" as="" close="" as="" possible="" to="" 1h30'="" in="" a="" hm="" -="" 15k="" in="" less="" than="" 1h5'="" -="" run="" my="" first="" 5k="" :d=""></3h30' - try to get as close as possible to 1h30' in a hm - 15k in less than 1h5' - run my first 5k :d >

                              Targets 1) No injuries 2) Keep having fun 3) Some kind of PR

                              Old, Slow, Happy

                                I want to get 2500 miles if I get my knee going. I will be running 2-ten mile races, 2-halfs, and 4-5K's. I'd like to think I might get a full marathon in November, but I don't know about that one.