I ran on the treadmill and liked it! ??? (Read 1094 times)

    I do a lot of treadmill running, especially on crap weather days. I learned awhile back that I can't watch football when I'm on the treadmill. Or if I do, I can only glance at it off-and-on. Why? Because for some unknown reason, if I'm running, I tend to mimic the motions/cuts of the ball carrier. It only took one YOIIIIPS carom off the side and then the back of the treadmill to show me the error of my ways. Unfortunately, unless I'm concentrating on it, I can't NOT mimic a bit. And all it takes is a bit.
    Similar experience here. I ran on a TM once watching a hockey game. I ran for over an hour without noticing. But I really had to focus to stay on the TM.
      I kissed a girl and I liked it... first thing that came to mind when I read your title Um, I usually watch CMT, but I also avoid the treadmill at all costs!
      LOL - I thought the same thing. Actually - I run on the dreadmill quite often. Between having small children and a husband who works opposite hours from me, some days its the only way to get a workout in. I don't mind it too much. I DVR shows and watch while I'm running. I also like to mix it up by doing extreme hill workout - see how long I can run at the highest incline.

      Member Since 2008

        I have my treadmill set up so I can play video games. I still hate the thing though.

          welcome to the darkside Shocked I have run 40+ mile runs on TM / many 100+ mile weeks on TM / Your training in the evil ways of the TM has just started, but I feel much dark power within you!

          Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



            It would definitely help me if I could run a virtual race when working out on the treadmill. They need to come out with those types of DVD's. I bet somebody could make some money off that. Wii Running anyone? I would buy that game unit then.

             "So of cheerfulness, and good temper, the more it is spent, the more remains." R.W. Emerson

              It would definitely help me if I could run a virtual race when working out on the treadmill. They need to come out with those types of DVD's. I bet somebody could make some money off that. Wii Running anyone? I would buy that game unit then.
              The make of treadmill I have does have something that you can hook up to a dvd player... and it changes the scenery and stuff based on the speed and incline... synced with the treadmill... kind of canned stuff but it does exist...

              I fly.

                It would definitely help me if I could run a virtual race when working out on the treadmill. They need to come out with those types of DVD's. I bet somebody could make some money off that. Wii Running anyone? I would buy that game unit then.
                They do make Wii Running, it isn't really running the way real runners run though (plus if you just shake the controller it makes your Mii run).

                Bring it on.


                  I like to watch music videos with lots of dancing or really, really trashy TV that I would not otherwise watch (TMZ, the Soup, Bridezillas). I usually end up watching Mickey Mouse with my son though. That does not make the time go fast. I think it actually makes time go backwards.
                  Haha. Unfortunately just about everything makes the time go backwards for me. I had to mute the TV and have the closed captioning and then also listen to music. Even that didn't do it sometimes.


                    I just have good coversation with the voices in my head - They all seem to tell me to keep running
                    Glad the voices tell you to run and not do more interesting things.

                    PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

                    Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


                    2022 Goals

                    Back to 10k


                    TRIing to beat the heat!

                      I run on the treadmill a lot during the summer (it's just so hot in FL). I wouldn't say that I "like" it, but after a few sessions, I get used to it. I tried watching the gym TV while dreadmilling, but couldn't quite focus on it. So now I just listen to my iPod. I have a friend who actually likes to do her long runs on the treadmill. Wowza!

                      2012 Goals

                      Sub-1:42 for half marathon √ (1:41 at Disney, Jan '12)

                      Sub-22 for 5k √ (21:51 in Sept '12)

                      BQ for marathon- FAIL

                        I do a lot of treadmill running, especially on crap weather days. I learned awhile back that I can't watch football when I'm on the treadmill. Or if I do, I can only glance at it off-and-on. Why? Because for some unknown reason, if I'm running, I tend to mimic the motions/cuts of the ball carrier.
                        Once I found myself mimicking bowling, bowling for bloody sake! Now that's a zoned out TM runner.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          I run asphalt and the mills. At times I'll do a very hilly 6 mile on a wide sholdered road and then go to the Y for a different atmosphe/running surface/social aspect/flat surface/constant pacing and for a decent 3 mile LT run. Saturdays are normally 1-2 hrs. then switching afterwards with spinning. Done many 3 hrs. runs on the mills too. I believe both serve a purpose as does trail running.
                            I have found myself watching the DIY network while on the dreadmill... it has to be extremely cold, windy and dark outside before I am willing to put a foot on the machine though... I know I have never ran on it while it was light outside. I will have to try the "virtual" running thing, do you think the Prefontaine Movie would help? Big grin
                              I do most of my running on the mill and usually set the incline at 1.0 and leave it there. What do you all do with regard to incline? I'd like to set it at a level that decreases injury risk and helps me to run at paces similar to what I'd do outdoors at the same effort level.

                              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus



                                I find the TM a really good training tool, what better way to teach yourself disassociation, no music no TV, get focused, staying positive, talking yourself through the rough patches, remember you heard it here first, loose the mind - you'll loose the legs. As for the incline I usually give the button a hit after every mile for a maximum of 5 miles. Keep running.
                                Goals. <7:45mins -="" 1="" mile=""></7:45mins><50mins -="" 10k=""></50mins><1hr 50mins="" -="" half="" marathon.(march09)=""></1hr><4hrs marathon (may09) marathon=""></4hrs marathon (may09)>