What's realistic? Sub 4:30 mile. (Read 3485 times)

Just Be

    I don't want to say whether I believe your claims or not, but this could all be cleared up fairly quickly if you would provide evidence as to who you are and the race that you ran the 4:01.
    I'm going to take a lot of heat for this I'm sure, but the race where I ran the 4:01 was not an official race, in fact, it was just me running on the track at the time, being timed by a friend. Tongue I didn't even run on a team in college for various reasons that I'd rather not talk about, but that still doesn't change the fact that I ran the mile in a 4:01. Having said the above, Yes, it wasn't officially timed. Yes, it could easily have been off because of that but I trust the accuracy of the person who timed it. Yes, it was on an 'olympic standard' 8 lane 400m track. Yes, the track is outdoors. I think that covers the first onslaught. Big grin The day was rather calm, it was in the spring, nice low humidity, sunny, and I had 2 people cheering me on.

      I guess I shouldn't have answered your direct question about my previous PR, then. I'm trying to totally start anew with the assumption that I have no extensive running past history, if that makes sense.
      No, it doesn't make sense. You ran 4:01 not very long ago and you are still a young man. These two facts are extremely important to you, or to someone coaching you, as you try to get "down" to a 4:30 mile. You'll have to pardon many of us if we can't get past this piece.

      Runners run

      Just Be

        No, it doesn't make sense. You ran 4:01 not very long ago and you are still a young man. These two facts are extremely important to you, or to someone coaching you, as you try to get "down" to a 4:30 mile. You'll have to pardon many of us if we can't get past this piece.
        Fair enough. Maybe my self coaching premise is flawed, then. In my mind, it is better for me to start with no real expectations in case I am unable to meet my goals since I know that this is how I am most likely not to quit again. I've had a lot of rocky roads in the past trying to start back into running again and stick with it and I think that now I am finally mature enough to handle it, and by not telling myself that I 'can' or 'will eventually be able to' break a 4:30 is a big part of what keeps me going. It's probably a backward way of finding motivation for most people, but it is working well for me right now. Smile EDIT: To further clarify, I keep the 4:30 goal as mostly just a secret hope in the back of my mind for this year. I'm not telling myself that I *will* do it, but that it would be really awesome if I did.
          I'm going to take a lot of heat for this I'm sure, but the race where I ran the 4:01 was not an official race, in fact, it was just me running on the track at the time, being timed by a friend. Tongue I didn't even run on a team in college for various reasons that I'd rather not talk about, but that still doesn't change the fact that I ran the mile in a 4:01. Having said the above, Yes, it wasn't officially timed. Yes, it could easily have been off because of that but I trust the accuracy of the person who timed it. Yes, it was on an 'olympic standard' 8 lane 400m track. Yes, the track is outdoors. I think that covers the first onslaught. Big grin The day was rather calm, it was in the spring, nice low humidity, sunny, and I had 2 people cheering me on.
          This is beyond crazy at this point. 4:01 milers don't pay for college. They don't pay for shoes. They are unleashed at multiple times during a season to drop a hammer down. They snap their fingers at the bell lap. Their workouts are beyond crazy. And you're saying the weather contributed to your 4:01 because there was low humidity and it was calm? Plus, and I do mean this sincerely when you go to other message boards, 4:01 milers don't use smiley faces as often as you do.

          "Good-looking people have no spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter." - Lester Bangs

          undue monkey

            Just Be

              This is beyond crazy at this point. 4:01 milers don't pay for college. They don't pay for shoes. They are unleashed at multiple times during a season to drop a hammer down. They snap their fingers at the bell lap. Their workouts are beyond crazy. And you're saying the weather contributed to your 4:01 because there was low humidity and it was calm? Plus, and I do mean this sincerely when you go to other message boards, 4:01 milers don't use smiley faces as often as you do.
              I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle at this point. I'll defend one last point and then bow out of this discussion with regard to defending myself. I just mentioned the weather in the case that anyone was interested, I never said that it did or didn't contribute to my final time. Keep in mind that correlation does not imply causation; just because I don't fit the profile of other fast runners doesn't mean that I'm not a fast runner. I feel like the recent posts in this thread have left me in a negative light among some of the posters on this board and that was not my intent at all. I truly do enjoy it here and want to keep posting, and I'd like to ask if we can all just agree to disagree on this issue and I'll do my best not to bring it up anymore.


                "I've been following Eddy's improvement over the last two years on this site, and it's been pretty dang solid. Sure the weekly mileage has been up and down, but over the long haul he's getting out the door and has turned himself into quite a runner. He's only now just figuring out his potential. Consistency in running is measured in years, not weeks. And over the last couple of years, Eddy's made great strides" Jeff 14 Jan 2009

                undue monkey

                  absolutely fantastic!
                  15 years old and still so true.
                    I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle at this point. I'll defend one last point and then bow out of this discussion with regard to defending myself. I just mentioned the weather in the case that anyone was interested, I never said that it did or didn't contribute to my final time. Keep in mind that correlation does not imply causation; just because I don't fit the profile of other fast runners doesn't mean that I'm not a fast runner. I feel like the recent posts in this thread have left me in a negative light among some of the posters on this board and that was not my intent at all. I truly do enjoy it here and want to keep posting, and I'd like to ask if we can all just agree to disagree on this issue and I'll do my best not to bring it up anymore.
                    Very good. You know whether you ran a 4:01 mile or not and you don't need that accomplishment validated by some message board. Also, don't take my cynicism as being uninterested in your pursuit of a 4:30 mile so I hope you keep us updated on the ups and downs of your training. I would however recommend a video at your next attempt to shut up some of the naysayers.

                    "Good-looking people have no spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter." - Lester Bangs

                    Just Be

                      Very good. You know whether you ran a 4:01 mile or not and you don't need that accomplishment validated by some message board. Also, don't take my cynicism as being uninterested in your pursuit of a 4:30 mile so I hope you keep us updated on the ups and downs of your training. I would however recommend a video at your next attempt to shut up some of the naysayers.
                      Thanks, I will keep you guys updated on my progress as I hit various major milestones. Smile As to the video thing, I can provide one, but I've watched a few on youtube just to keep the motivation up and I can tell you from the comments there, it won't shut up the naysayers. Big grin My best bet for accomplishing that is to meet up with someone from the boards who is well known and respected by the majority of the regulars here and lives near my area and ask them to record and then vouch that they were the ones who recorded the video. *cough, trishierunner* Smile Oh and no worries about your cynicism, it's expected. I just don't like it when it becomes disrespectful. I'm glad I know what page you're on now and that we can move forward. Smile
                        Thanks, I will keep you guys updated on my progress as I hit various major milestones. Smile As to the video thing, I can provide one, but I've watched a few on youtube just to keep the motivation up and I can tell you from the comments there, it won't shut up the naysayers. Big grin My best bet for accomplishing that is to meet up with someone from the boards who is well known and respected by the majority of the regulars here and lives near my area and ask them to record and then vouch that they were the ones who recorded the video. *cough, trishierunner*
                        If I remember correctly from the CR forums, there is someone who could vouch for you. A co-worker of yours posts regularly here: http://runningahead.com/groups/LOWHRTR/Forum If he vouches for you, I'll believe it.

                        Just Be

                          If I remember correctly from the CR forums, there is someone who could vouch for you. A co-worker of yours posts regularly here: http://runningahead.com/groups/LOWHRTR/Forum If he vouches for you, I'll believe it.
                          Wow, I was going to email him shortly and ask him to join the boards. Tongue Had no clue he'd already registered. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! Smile I will certainly be at the GSFC 2 mile race in April, and I hope that I'll break 12:00 during that run, but it's a pretty hilly course so I'll be happy with any finishing time under 13:00. There will be another one held in the fall of 2008, in October is typically when they're run, so by then, my time should be even better.
                            First off… I think it is awesome that you are setting a goal of running a fast mile BUT.. No disrespect but there is NO WAY you ran a 4:01 mile by yourself. I trained with many world class runners including Bob Kennedy and I can assure you that even he would have found it near impossible to run that fast alone. To get back to your goal of a 4:30 mile (BTW 4 laps of a HS track is actually only 1600 meters) #1 What was your fastest 1600m in High School? That would be a better gauge than a mile timed by a friend. … a good friend I may add. #2 Looking at your log… you will need a lot more miles under your belt at a quicker tempo. For example I ran a 1600m last spring to test my fitness. I ran a 4:59. At the time I was in fairly good shape and I was running easy runs at a 7:15 tempo or faster. My harder runs were in the mid to low 6:00 pace for 45:00 to an hour. #3 Find a group of runners to train with and have a group of runners racing you on the track when you attempt to run a fast time. Good Luck and Have Fun
                            Runners around the state are getting better today ...are you one of them? TRAIN HARD

                            Just Be

                              To get back to your goal of a 4:30 mile (BTW 4 laps of a HS track is actually only 1600 meters) #1 What was your fastest 1600m in High School? That would be a better gauge than a mile timed by a friend. … a good friend I may add. #2 Looking at your log… you will need a lot more miles under your belt at a quicker tempo. For example I ran a 1600m last spring to test my fitness. I ran a 4:59. At the time I was in fairly good shape and I was running easy runs at a 7:15 tempo or faster. My harder runs were in the mid to low 6:00 pace for 45:00 to an hour. #3 Find a group of runners to train with and have a group of runners racing you on the track when you attempt to run a fast time. Good Luck and Have Fun
                              I'm not sure what my best time was in high school, probably somewhere around the high 4s, like 4:45 to 4:55. If I am remembering correctly, I didn't start really peaking until my early 20s. Regarding my log, keep in mind that I've only been running with discipline now since the start of September, 2007, so my paces *should* keep droping a lot, including my tempo pace. I plan on competing in some local track events after I finish my base phase in April. March will mark the start of hill speedwork and will be my readaptation period for the higher intensity loads, then in April I'll start real speedwork and real competition at maximum effort. I hope by the time April rolls around that my 80% MHR range will support a pace per mile of 6:30 or less, but that might be expecting too much. Thanks for the words of encouragement, it means a lot! Smile
                                I'm going to take a lot of heat for this I'm sure, but the race where I ran the 4:01 was not an official race, in fact, it was just me running on the track at the time, being timed by a friend. Tongue I didn't even run on a team in college for various reasons that I'd rather not talk about, but that still doesn't change the fact that I ran the mile in a 4:01. Having said the above, Yes, it wasn't officially timed. Yes, it could easily have been off because of that but I trust the accuracy of the person who timed it. Yes, it was on an 'olympic standard' 8 lane 400m track. Yes, the track is outdoors. I think that covers the first onslaught. Big grin The day was rather calm, it was in the spring, nice low humidity, sunny, and I had 2 people cheering me on.
                                Who are you? Quenton Cassidy?