2024 Advanced Training and Racing Thread (still competitive jerks) (Read 282 times)


    Andy - that soreness seems unusual.  I get it for like a couple days when I do weights after having not done them for a while.  But when I'm doing them as part of a normal routine, I might have a little minor soreness the day after, then fine the day after that.  I tend to do low reps (4-6) at a higher weight.


    Fishy - that's a solid week of work there! I've been trying to slow my easy runs down a bit.  I just have a naturally high cadence which makes that a little hard without it starting to feel really unnatural though.


    Krash - that is a really long run haha.

    3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

    10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

    * Net downhill course

    Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

    Up next: Still working on that...


    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      RP- On second thought I think you need to run more!!  Chanel this into running...picture your Boss's face as the track and pound it to submission in a series of intense 800s.  Seriously I do hope you can find something soon.  Keep looking.



      I tried man. It's a reason I have already taken a week off more than once here. It is depressing to know nothing I do makes an impact, and the boss just FINDS ways to screw me again and again. I can't even get another job. Heck, I had an interview a week ago. TWO people were selected to interview. It is a brand new position. Apparently they're paying a consultant. IN THE INTERVIEW they told me how they might not pick someone, they might open it up again because they need a specific set of skills and "consultants make 12  times what we pay" so if I see it posted again don't be worried. This is after they explain how they essentially want someone with experience doing the job


      I have never been in an interview where I'm told the position might not be filled. I misunderstood the job opening to mean they have an opening, or they just told me they didn't want me. I'm giving up on looking for another job. Every single time I interview I think it goes well, it doesn't, I don't get feedback or if I do they tell me more qualified individuals with direct experience applied, and I've seen this since 2020. Heck....I just saw a job I interviewed for THREE TIMES went to a girl with no direct experience. So clearly they wanted a young female not a white guy. I give up. It is a pipe dream to think I will find a job where I want to be there. I'm here for 40 hours. If I'm not given any work I'm not asking for it. I won't develop any skills my boss wants because they don't communicate anything to me. I'm supposed to know what he wants without asking, and all I know is whatever I give him is what he doesn't want. He just wasn't able to explain it until AFTER I submitted literally anything. neverminded him blatantly excluding literally every single piece of work I submitted to justify his personal hatred for me. If only this place actually asked employees about their managers, and used the information to make a difference. No one cares. The boss is in place because they are the best candidate. Instead of telling the Emperor he is naked I'm to compliment him on his cloths. I should know what color they are because I once put clothes on.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Overweight per CDC BMI

        AndyTN, sore like can barely run or sore as in you notice it? I almost always have some level of soreness, I just attribute it to age and that something is almost always going to be sore. I tend to stick to the 8-12 rep range and do 2-4 sets. A lot depends what is going on running wise. If there is a goal race, fewer sets. Summer when nothing is going on, more reps and usually more strength training. I tend to strength training on the same day as a run workout (run in am, strength in pm) and usually have a rest day the next day.


        ETA,  I'm using dumbbells at home in a spare bedroom,  so I have to stick with weights I can safely hold.

        Sore as in it slows my running down for a few days and using the massage gun makes me squeal. The pain in my Piriformis is what I am trying to reduce and the strength work has definitely helped with that. The reverse lunges with the back foot going inward really helps target the Piriformis and seems to be what causes the most soreness. I guess I should try doing those with just body weight with more reps the next few times and keep everything else the same to see how that feels. I might also try doing those with just body weight a few times per week after I run. I have my Half in 2.5 weeks so I will have to take it easy anyway.


        I go back to my weightlifting days in college when my friends and I would treat really sore muscles as a confirmation of a really good workout but we were only working a particular muscle group once per week so it didn't matter. With running, I need those muscles 6 days a week so a good strength workout is a double-edged sword.

        Memphis / 38 male

        5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          AndyTN,  just an anecdote,  but I've been having nagging hip and back pain. I'm sure sitting all day when wfh isn't helping.  Anyway, the thing that has helped recently is not stretching either specifically.  I've tried foam rolling in the past and it would also make thing worse. From a different issue,  a PT had told me not every case of muscle tightness needs stretching or loosening.  Sometimes the tightness is a protective effect.


          Cobra Commander Keen

            Krash - You're really logging some killer LRs, I'm most jealous.

            Flavio - What kind of ramen?? I do love myself some tonkatsu.

            DWave - I never would have guessed that you'd drive a black SUV. I''ll be there June 5th and leave the afternoon of the 7th, so no Grandma's overlap! Another run would be great.
            I haven't really gotten much out of the footpath thing yet, but I've been strongly considering heading to my LRS and trying out a few different pairs of super shoes with it. Same surface/same pace for all shoes and compare the different runs to see which one looks better "by the numbers" in addition to the subjective "how does it feel" metric.


            Fishy - Your training's looking really good, I'm anxious to see how the race goes.

            Andy - I've never had soreness like that. The only time I've been close was after a week of functionally no training (very little running, zero lifting) for a week and then a running workout followed by a (10% cutback) lifting (5x5 squats and either OHP/dead lift or bench/barbell row). I had a few days of soreness after that, but nothing before or since.
            How's your protein intake, both right after workouts and in general?


            Merkle - I'd also be willing to meet halfway-ish if we can find something suitable!

            I'm getting over an odd little bug, doing better every day. I just felt really fatigued in the mornings over the weekend and bailed on a LR attempt this past weekend. Running workouts were decent but not great Monday and today (Wednesday). It seems that my endurance is very much ahead of my speed right now (unsurprising) - case in point the Wednesday workout below in which I did an extra rep that was also a bit longer than the others (no auto lap!) but also my fastest of the workout.

            Lifting is going well, with some expected occasional stalls. I have noticed that I'm losing some flexibility, though. The thought of adding in yet more exercise work isn't exactly tempting.


            Weekly for period: From: 02/12/2024 To 02/18/2024

            <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
            Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
            in ft
            02/12 5x 2k M 11.62 18.70 01:25:24 07:21 04:34 0
            02/12 Morning Weight Training 0.00 0.00 01:09:56 00:00 00:00 0
            02/12 12 x 1/1 6.23 10.03 00:48:48 07:50 04:52 253
            02/13 1 owl 8.01 12.88 01:18:13 09:46 06:04 318
            02/14 5 x 4:00 / 4 x 3:00 12.46 20.05 01:37:25 07:49 04:52 269
            02/14 Lunch Weight Training 0.00 0.00 01:07:59 00:00 00:00 0
            02/14 No more physical activity today 4.11 6.61 00:38:18 09:19 05:48 322
            02/15 1 rabbit 8.00 12.88 01:16:50 09:36 05:58 341
            02/16 2 rabbits & the Strava tax 10.00 16.09 01:27:50 08:47 05:28 400
            02/16 Lunch Weight Training 0.00 0.00 01:16:11 00:00 00:00 0
            02/16 Nah 2.25 3.62 00:18:20 08:09 05:04 0
            02/17 Afternoon Run 2.00 3.22 00:17:32 08:46 05:27 69
            02/18 Afternoon Run 2.00 3.22 00:17:26 08:43 05:25 75

            Totals: Time: 13:00:12 - 🦅Imperial: 66.68 mi - Metric: 107.29 km

            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


            Upcoming Races:


            August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

            October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

            November 2  - Crossroads Marathon





              Overweight per CDC BMI

                Andy - I've never had soreness like that. The only time I've been close was after a week of functionally no training (very little running, zero lifting) for a week and then a running workout followed by a (10% cutback) lifting (5x5 squats and either OHP/dead lift or bench/barbell row). I had a few days of soreness after that, but nothing before or since.
                How's your protein intake, both right after workouts and in general?

                My protein intake has never been a problem because my diet is a caveman diet of meat with some junk food mixed in. I did have a salad with chicken breast for lunch today so pat on the back for some green stuff. I go through 1-2 dozen eggs a week with all meals having at least a good portion of meat.


                From a different issue,  a PT had told me not every case of muscle tightness needs stretching or loosening.  Sometimes the tightness is a protective effect.

                I have heard the skepticism about stretching but I know when I take off a few days from running, I get a lot more tightness from not moving things around and not stretching. The pain I am trying to avoid is the muscle pain from going hard for a week or doing fast intervals. The strength work has helped relieve that.



                Andy - Are you always lifting the same weights or are you moderately increasing them?
                If you are continuously increasing them or changing the stimulus then it's normal that you will feel a bit sore and sometimes maybe be a bit slower 1 or 2 days later. At least that's my experience. 

                These are my own weights at home (30 or 45 lb) so I can't change them. I think what I am going to do is just do the strength work with body weight twice a week until after my Half in 16 days and then experiment after that. I want to feel a little soreness to know I worked that particular muscle well but don't want any soreness for more than a day.

                Memphis / 38 male

                5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

                Pain is my friend

                  It's all part of the master plan. I have been slowly increasing my long run since November. I feel that my endurance is better than it has ever been. I was able to run 14 miles the next day with only a little tiredness while climbing. The 33 miler will be my longest run. Now it is able about volume.


                  Krash- Damn that 33 miler Holy shit!!  I can't imagine waking up and going "yeah I think I'll just bang out a 5+ hour training run today" 





                  ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

                  Bear 100 22:08 2021 

                  Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


                  Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

                  Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

                  Ute 100 Aug

                  24 hour loop race?


                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    My workout today felt better (I actually completed it) than yesterday. I had almost no sleep Tuesday night, and was sugar crashing plus not having a good day. Today, I felt much better but I was smoked on the fourth 1km repeat at interval pace. Looking it over my pace dropped from VDOT of 54ish to a 51. I struggled on the last one. The problem is the book says I need a 56 to go sub 18.

                    Krash dude..I was thinking about how many streets I could ‘oak out with a 33 mile long run. What was your fueling for the run? Similar to a race or just “whatever I feel like”?


                    edit: rant removed.

                    I didn't get either job I interviewed for. One had 2 people interview. The other, said they questioned my loyalty if I was hired (been at my job 10 years), said it looks like I want any job not THAT job, and expected me to show them in the interview I'd researched 9 branches the job applied to and incorporate knowledge of current projects into my answers. I had to ASK for the feedback and I was explaining/disagreeing with the person on the phone (he wasn't in the interview) and at the end of the day I didn't put in the effort someone else did OR they picked someone with 3-5 years direct experience and I never stood a chance.


                    I give up. At this point in life it is obvious I should know people at the Government want the answer to the question they aren't asking, but not all the time because it could be too much information, and for an entry level position I should know everything going on in the company and show them I want to stay there for life. A career change won't be happening.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                    Mr MattM

                      Speaking as one of those non-trustable, incompetent, corporate management-type people I can say that, in my experience, most of the people in a management position will value those that demonstrate value to the organization.  If the value is recognized by the organization it reflects well on the individual, the manager, and the department overall.


                      Where does that value recognition come from?  Usually it's from co-workers and those in other departments that benefit from the associate's work.  Often, it's recognition from the supervisors in other departments.  I see it/hear it every day.  I also see and hear the opposite.  There are those who are not viewed as favorably and where there are comments/complaints/criticisms from co-workers and other departments.  I have had rock stars that I would defend to the end, and I have had underperformers and/or otherwise capable folks with attitude issues that made them difficult to work with and required some remediation and/or an exit strategy.


                      The two most important characteristics to me are aptitude and attitude.  Those with high aptitude and positive attitude can typically chart their own path in an organization.  Low aptitude and positive attitude can keep them happily employed in a position to which they are well-suited.  High aptitude and negative attitude can keep you around until we find someone to replace you for the overall good of the organization.  Low aptitude and negative attitude gets you walked out the door ASAP.


                      I don't know anything about anyone's particular situation, but I have found that those who constantly assign blame to others for their position in life lean toward the lower aptitude/negative attitude side of the spectrum.  As a non-trustable, incompetent, corporate management-type person I can say with 100% conviction that I don't want that kind of person on my team or in my organization.


                      Sometimes, the biggest failure in organizational management is not addressing issues head on.  Keeping an associate on board that does not like their job, the management, or the company is a huge disservice to the company, stakeholders, and even the company's customers.


                      Sometimes you just have to pull the trigger on one end or the other.  Either the company needs to remove the associate, or the associate needs to resign.  We spend too much of our lives in the work environment.  If it isn't a healthy environment, get out on your terms or someone will get you out on their terms.


                      That said, of course there are terrible managers/leaders... there are plenty of people that get promoted to, as the Peter Principle dictates, their 'highest level of incompetence'... meaning managers are often promoted into management based on skills they demonstrated that have absolutely nothing to do with management potential.  "Hey, Sally is really good at processing Account Payable transactions, let's promote her to supervisor!"  What does being good at certain tasks have to do with the skills required to effectively manage, lead, and direct others?  Nothing.  But that is often what happens.


                      Thankfully, I am now in the latter stage of my career, which gives me a very different perspective from when I was in my 30s and navigating my way through corporate America.  It's been a helluva ride... and I don't think I'd change a thing.


                      For those still in the midst of the lifelong struggle for the legal tender... I'll just give this advice:  Do what you love and love what you do.  If you can do that, then a lot of the other stuff will seem much less important.


                      Okay, I'm going away again now... you guys and gals keep logging the miles!!!

                      be curious; not judgmental

                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        Speaking as one of those non-trustable, incompetent, corporate management-type people I can say that, in my experience, most of the people in a management position will value those that demonstrate value to the organization.  If the value is recognized by the organization it reflects well on the individual, the manager, and the department overall.


                        Where does that value recognition come from?  Usually it's from co-workers and those in other departments that benefit from the associate's work.  Often, it's recognition from the supervisors in other departments.  I see it/hear it every day.  I also see and hear the opposite.  There are those who are not viewed as favorably and where there are comments/complaints/criticisms from co-workers and other departments.  I have had rock stars that I would defend to the end, and I have had underperformers and/or otherwise capable folks with attitude issues that made them difficult to work with and required some remediation and/or an exit strategy.


                        The two most important characteristics to me are aptitude and attitude.  Those with high aptitude and positive attitude can typically chart their own path in an organization.  Low aptitude and positive attitude can keep them happily employed in a position to which they are well-suited.  High aptitude and negative attitude can keep you around until we find someone to replace you for the overall good of the organization.  Low aptitude and negative attitude gets you walked out the door ASAP.


                        I don't know anything about anyone's particular situation, but I have found that those who constantly assign blame to others for their position in life lean toward the lower aptitude/negative attitude side of the spectrum.  As a non-trustable, incompetent, corporate management-type person I can say with 100% conviction that I don't want that kind of person on my team or in my organization.


                        Sometimes, the biggest failure in organizational management is not addressing issues head on.  Keeping an associate on board that does not like their job, the management, or the company is a huge disservice to the company, stakeholders, and even the company's customers.


                        Sometimes you just have to pull the trigger on one end or the other.  Either the company needs to remove the associate, or the associate needs to resign.  We spend too much of our lives in the work environment.  If it isn't a healthy environment, get out on your terms or someone will get you out on their terms.


                        That said, of course there are terrible managers/leaders... there are plenty of people that get promoted to, as the Peter Principle dictates, their 'highest level of incompetence'... meaning managers are often promoted into management based on skills they demonstrated that have absolutely nothing to do with management potential.  "Hey, Sally is really good at processing Account Payable transactions, let's promote her to supervisor!"  What does being good at certain tasks have to do with the skills required to effectively manage, lead, and direct others?  Nothing.  But that is often what happens.


                        Thankfully, I am now in the latter stage of my career, which gives me a very different perspective from when I was in my 30s and navigating my way through corporate America.  It's been a helluva ride... and I don't think I'd change a thing.


                        For those still in the midst of the lifelong struggle for the legal tender... I'll just give this advice:  Do what you love and love what you do.  If you can do that, then a lot of the other stuff will seem much less important.


                        Okay, I'm going away again now... you guys and gals keep logging the miles!!!


                        I'm so glad you confirmed what I already know. I'm to provide value you're not being provided, and I should know this without you telling me. You don't have to provide me with a god damn thing. I'm to provide you because you've already provided enough to people. Who cares if the people are happy? You're expecting to be provided what you want because you provided it and you were over-joyous to do so which is why you were promoted.


                        Shit floats and clumps together. Just look at management and who they associate with regularly.


                        I love to point out how shitty things are being handled. Thankfully the Emperor was told his clothes were beautiful when he walked around with his dick hanging out, and the person who told him what he didn't want to here wasn't treated well. Just shut up and let managers bask in their ignorance.


                        I fully accept blame for my faults. Thankfully I know it's my responsiblitiy to get better at what I'm not good at on my own time for my employer's benefit because they're not expected to provide me opportunities to develop new skills, or improve upon those they feel aren't up to an acceptable level. It's totally my fault I suck at my job, and any other job I've ever wanted to do because I don't spend any of my free time getting better at things beneficial to the company the best managers never admit something was their fault. They assign blame to others, and only leadership can do this because it causes bad work environments when anyone looks at the boss to be the standard or any type of example of how to act.


                        I don't even know what aptitude means. I shouldn't admit it, but being completely honest is a flaw of mine, and telling a lie never works out for me.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                          Feb 15 marked my 1-year anniversary on City Strides. I’ve completed one “city” since joining, a 1-street district in West Palm Beach. But the email "congratulating me" reminded me to come back to the forum. And then I got distracted by work again. 


                          Part of that work was writing an article about 5 women runner memoirs… it was quite interesting to go through what they chose to share about their lives and the messages they had for the running world. But most of all, like you noticed with CJ, Flavio, it’s funny to see how these elites stress over the same things we do. I also never realized how important the OTs are for these runners and their careers. Rationally, it's like "duh," but I didn't realize the role it played in their professional trajectories. 


                          Now, I’m finally in a position to tune in and catch up a bit, and it seems just in time to wish mmerkle and Steve good luck on their races this weekend!  You both look to be in excellent shape, as evidenced by your reported training and race over the last weeks. Hope it’s somewhat fall-like/cooler for you, Steve, and that you’re feeling better from whatever you came down with. 


                          RP,  good point re medal, but the medal was actually pretty badass. https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a46582651/tsa-confiscates-marathon-medal-in-miami/. Was it worth delaying my healing by who knows how long? No. But being able to be there for my friend on an important, but bad for her, running day was. 

                          I’m sorry to read of your job woes. While I can empathize with what both Matt and you posted, I’m beginning to think that maybe it’s the job structure you’re struggling with more than anything else, and while you tried to find something else (and admittedly, it’s hard to find something that’s not corporately structured these days), keep trying. Have you been aiming for managerial positions yourself? Sometimes it feels like the universe is trying to tell us that we’re not good for anything, but it’s BS and you know it. Keep at it. Something will work out sooner or later. Same goes for your motivation rut. Just keep it on the schedule and celebrate the way it (hopefully?) feels good when you do get out and hammer out a workout like yesterday. Like Steve wrote, when the one thing gets better, others tend to fall more into place, too. Oh, and your kids sound adorable. 

                          Re office jobs: My mental and physical health, as well as productivity are at least 50% higher than when coming into an office every day. I think it’s been proven people do better on a mixed diet of days home and in the office… and yet corporate bosses are too scared of leaving their employees unsupervised. It’s so stupid. That being said, I spread my work out over 14 hours, not 8, and 6 days, not 5, so I don’t know if everyone would like that. 

                          "I wouldn't want to be a part of any club that would have me”—> Woody Allen… and you wouldn’t want to be part of his club, either. 


                          Flavio, sweet progression on your 3K time trials. And I agree that it would be interesting to see the squat #s compared to 5K race times  Also, I figured you’d have to have tolerance to warm weather, since you’re Brazilian/Portuguese etc. But it being the sun rays really hammers in the fact that you are obviously a vampire. 

                          Good luck not overtraining, ha ha (but seriously, hope your training progresses nicely the way it is now!) 

                          Also, brilliant theory re CK. Seems legitimate to me! Nothing they say to the contrary will convince me it’s not true. 

                          I’d totally have mispronounced gnocchi if this forum hadn’t educated me on that. 


                          Wcrunner, how are you feeling about your ultra in a few weeks? It’s great to see that on the calendar! And thanks for sharing that 48-hour resource… good to know in case I ever get the urge to (ha!-nope. Let’s see if I survive another ultra, first). I’ve seen the 10-day training cycle and have been considering it for myself too, once I get back to training. 


                          Re Kiwis: It took me until yesterday to realize Boba and Jango Fett are Kiwis. 


                          Mt79, I notice I get sleepy after two things: alcohol within a few hours of a workout or after a high carb meal when I hadn’t eaten for 4+ hours. There’s a correlation between the energy the body needs to digest the sugars when the blood is empty, isn’t there? 

                          Also, I can be a friend to cross training and am no stranger to injuries. It’s just the looming race that puts me under undue pressure to do more than “just” cross train. But I did do a lot of reflecting on how a proper rest probably would have been the best thing to do… after the race! 

                          Awesome 5K time-trial earlier this month! Good progress on the miles and speed, overall. Hope the weight loss gets easier. And I have lots of advice for PF… let us know what you’re doing so we can recommend something you haven’t. I’ll say cycling made it worse for me, so if you’re cross training, maybe try something else? And night splinting with the sock + 24/7 taping + custom orthotics + PT exercises and stretching seemed to help me most—though be warned it’s a matter of months, not just days or weeks. And question: does the PF pain fade while you get into your run? Or does it say constant/get worse? Because then it may not be PF… or it’s a whole lot worse than you’re admitting to yourself. 

                          Very cool tri-generational race! A blessing, indeed. 


                          Steve, re cramps and sodium… isn’t it possible to also have too much sodium? Curious to see how the spray continues to help out. And re Garmin predictions, yep, laughably inaccurate, but entertaining. 


                          Krash, awesome training for your first 48-hour run. Certainly a new level, though perhaps not that much different than what you'd do for an 100? And sorry that there’s not much chatter on the 2024 forum. Maybe it picks up as the trash talk becomes more relevant? (At the beginning, everything is still up in the air!) I’m hoping that I didn’t need to take 6 weeks off for this thing to go away! You’re in the end game now… don’t overcook it! I like that they’re making you start in the dark (where you’re forced to go a tad slower, anyway) and end in the light. Really excited to see how you do! 


                          Andy, interesting circuit workout strategy! And re soreness, are you stretching after your strength sessions? (I know, the group is mixed on this, but I find it helps me!— plus it releases any leftover tension from the weights. 


                          Cal, мы скучаем по тебе! Are you still running LA? 


                          Mark, awesome job at Coatesville. Nice report. Seems hilly, but not too hilly… and well done. I noticed that when people race well (including myself), they often report feeling “meh” before or during the first part of it. Goes to show that feeling amazing before a race is overrated. Nice that your daughter got to give you your medal :-) Looks like the series lead is certainly within grasp. 


                          Marby, “I've strung a few solid weeks together, just need to turn that into a few solid months.” Yep, that’s usually how it goes! You’re looking in great shape for pacing in a few months.


                          Darkwave, you posted “I am out of shape” at the beginning of the month, which was hard to believe with regular weeks of 50 miles and 3 hours pool running, but I guess those were without a lot of speed. Good to see you’re back to more speedwork and enroute to figuring effective coordination and pacing strategies (cool running hack!). Well executed 5K. 

                          So glad to see the forum encounter between you and mmerkle! It didn’t show up in my safari browser, but I figured out how to find it on another device. Yes, clearly he was very excited :-) 


                          Matt, I had way more to catch up on, ha ha. You wimped out. :-) Just kidding. Funny meme and thanks for the update. I’ve heard chiro adjustments hurt a lot before they start helping…. Hope they continue to help you work through your issues. 


                          I’m here for the ultra showdown between CK and Mmerkle, though to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if Krash would be racing as well. CK, I forget, are you still aiming for a 5K PR this spring? 


                          Fishy, great to see you’ll be heading to FL more often, and nice job on the gym consistency. I also find having another reason to be there conducive to actually doing strength work. Oh, and if we’re offering our skills to college kids… nope. You couldn’t pay me to look at one more essay than I’m already forced to look at. You can recommend me to talk about literary analysis though :-) And Boston training is looking excellent! 


                          RIP Kelvin Kiptum. 


                          An update on my injuries: I’m still injured, but it’s getting better… I think. The knee seems on a steady upward trajectory. The nonlinear healing of the Achilles makes it the most frustrating injury I’ve ever had. I wore the boot for two weeks and didn’t run for two weeks like I was supposed to the first time… I guess that helped. Then I slowly started run/walking while still wearing the boot when I wasn’t run/walking or cross training. That went swell. Then I stopped wearing the boot and it all went to shit. But that’s more my Achilles and foot trying to get used to being free. It seems to be sorting itself out. 

                          I have been super meticulous about following the rehab run/walk plan, but I’m now pretty sure the plan designers didn’t have sub 7 mpm in mind for the run parts. After realizing that, I decided to take the runs a little softer. Constantly striving for cautious optimism, even if I am feeling miserable most of the time. 

                          I didn’t start the Feb 10 5K. I am thinking of signing up for a March 2 5K. And I am still signed up for that marathon at the end of April, which has been downgraded to a “just run the damn thing,” and may even turn into the most expensive half-marathon I’ve ever done (saying a lot after Miami). If I do downgrade, it will also be the first time I travel for less than a marathon. We’ll see. I haven’t given up hope, yet. I’ve been cross training like my job depends on it (aiming for 7-9 hours a week of pool running, run/walking, elliptical/cross trainer, cycling, and swimming), and that has to be good for something. 

                          Oh, and I finally got my bill back for at least one PT session (can’t figure out if they booked multiple together) and promptly quit. I have the print-out of exercises and seem to know what I’m doing now. I did discover dry needling as a potentially helpful treatment. (p.s. thanks for the note about calling the co. with the codes, mmerkle. I got the codes, but never could get hold of the insurance company). And re insurance companies, Flavio and MT, we could co-write a manifesto together, it seems. 

                          Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                          Last race: June 29, Hasenheide Parkrun, 22:19. A bit disappointing time, but it was still a fun event. 


                          Cobra Commander Keen

                            DKT - You got distracted from here by work? I think you have that backwards from how it's supposed to work.

                            I'm aiming for a 5k something this spring, but it seems like PR speed is SO very far from where I'm at now I don't think I can reliably count on it yet.

                            I'm glad that things are mostly going in a favorable direction regarding the injuries.


                            I'm getting more frustrated with a (likely non running or weight training-related) tweak in my lower back that has been bothering me off-and-on for a few weeks. Something just seems a bit out of whack and it's limiting how I can bend/move and somewhat painful at times. This needs to go away.

                            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                            Upcoming Races:


                            August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

                            October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

                            November 2  - Crossroads Marathon



                              Decent sort of week. Good hill workout Tuesday, and an even better VO2Max workout Thursday.  It was one of those workouts where it looked pretty intimidating on paper, but I pretty much nailed it.  One of those days that was really good for the confidence... even if I was still feeling it during Saturday's track session!


                              Weekly for period: From: 19/02/2024 To 25/02/2024

                              <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                              Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                              in m
                              19/02 That run where recovery day means don’t race the forklifts 6.89 11.08 00:52:11 07:34 04:43 8
                              20/02 That run where I finally ran over the bridge I’ve run under about a thousand times 8.71 14.01 00:59:54 06:53 04:17 178
                              21/02 That run where it’s probably closer to two thousand times I’ve run under that bridge 11.23 18.06 01:19:23 07:04 04:24 23
                              22/02 That run where we paid the cost to be the boss 8.74 14.06 00:53:37 06:08 03:49 23
                              24/02 That run where concert tickets are so expensive these days 8.15 13.11 00:49:29 06:04 03:46 3
                              25/02 That run where that particular roadkill was decapitated 15.55 25.02 01:52:04 07:12 04:29 252

                              Totals: Time: 06:46:38 - 🦅Imperial: 59.26 mi - Metric: 95.35 km

                              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                              * Net downhill course

                              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                              Up next: Still working on that...

                              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                              Hot Weather Complainer

                                Just a quick check in, I'll post a report tomorrow.  1:29.55 in the half today, as part of a 32km/20 miles long progression.  Pretty happy to sneak under 1:30 for the half in warmer conditions than I expected (it was only 23C from about halfway but no wind and high sun made it feel pretty tough).  Definitely felt like it would be a struggle at about 14km so very nice to hold the pace on tired legs all the way to the finish.


                                Weekly for period: From: 19/02/2024 To 25/02/2024

                                <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                                Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                                in m
                                19/02 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:13 09:45 06:04 1
                                19/02 Easy Hour 7.51 12.08 01:04:27 08:35 05:20 32
                                20/02 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:02 09:12 05:43 0
                                20/02 Easy 8 5.00 8.04 00:42:07 08:25 05:14 8
                                21/02 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:07 09:10 05:46 0
                                21/02 5,4,3,2,1 Fartlek with 1 min float recoveries 7.73 12.43 01:00:12 07:47 04:51 23
                                22/02 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:06 09:24 05:51 0
                                22/02 Easy hour 7.51 12.08 01:03:01 08:23 05:13 31
                                24/02 Warm up 0.38 0.61 00:03:29 09:10 05:43 1
                                24/02 4 x 15 seconds strides 5.35 8.62 00:45:24 08:29 05:16 20
                                25/02 Long Progression including Motorway Half Marathon - 1:29:55 (Age group 🥉, 16th overall) 20.04 32.25 02:30:37 07:31 04:40 44

                                Totals: Time: 07:21:45 - 🦅Imperial: 54.84 mi - Metric: 88.24 km

                                5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                                2024 Races:

                                Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                                Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                                Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                                Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                                Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                                Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                                Timaru Ten October 26, 2024