2024 Advanced Training and Racing Thread (still competitive jerks) (Read 282 times)


    mmerkle - you might also Google “All-Comers Track Meets” near you, many organizations hold these.



      Nice to see 2024 is off and running (pun intended)


      Marby- Welcome and group hug right back at you! Those were some great times....you were so close to the sub 3 it must have been frustrating to miss it by seconds.


      Dwave- Once again proving your strength and determination.  I'm glad were not competing in the same AG or division or I'd have to resign myself to being Robin to your Batman!!


      WC You are a legend!! Racing and competing well into your 70s is HUGE and an inspiration.


      Josh Nice to meet you and get some of your history.  Hope you can put the injury bug behind you this year and break through.

      Steve- This is the year that you break through at the marathon distance! You've put in the work and training now you just need the right day and it will all come together.


      RP- I've got nothing to say to you until you put another marathon on the calendar!! Stop F#%$^g around with these other distances and do what you're supposed to do.....run 26.2!


      Flavio- Sub 3 will happen this year.  Period.


      MattM I absolutely remember you from the old RWOL days.  I was a constant "lurker" back then and enjoyed the racing talk, banter and even the occasional "flame war".....Some of those character were really funny


      Dave Solid, consistent and fast! let's keep 2024 going in the same direction as 23' 


      DKT- Cheers to another Great year! So great to catch up in Philly and hope we can meet up again!


      Shoutout to Steve and Mark for sending me their races! If I miss any please send me a messaage and I'll get them added.

      5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


      Mother of Cats


        A start to finding track races would be your USATF association, which I think would be would be the Potomac Valley USATF,



        ETA:  It's based in Virginia, but may also include some meets in MD:

        Potomac Valley Track Club


        The PVTC historically held a series of summer all-comers meets, but those have dwindled post-pandemic.  I think they have one scheduled for the last weekend in May that will include the 800m.  They may schedule more.


        The Montgomery County Road Runners hold two summer track meets, but neither includes the 800.


        The Annapolis Striders usually hold a summer series of meets that includes the 800m; their schedule for 2024 is not out yet.


        Honestly, I think there's not much out there in the way of 800m races.  Let me know if you find anything else.

        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          delurking, mmerkle, BRRC usually hass a summer track series of 4 meets. Last year they were at Goucher College and Calvert Hall. Looks like meets 1 and 4 had the 800.


          Overweight per CDC BMI

            I am Andy from Tennessee, if you didn't get my profile name. I am 38 and have run all my life for cardio but didn't start tracking miles and taking it seriously until 2018. I ran a 5k race that year which I was struggling to keep my dad bod moving and watching 6-year-olds pass me. That is when I got the motivation to make some serious progress. I completed my first Half in 2019 and have since run the Full twice while setting lots of PR's in the shorter distances along the way. Oh yeah, I lost 35-40 lbs of my dad bod that first full year running.


            I have 2 boys, 9 and 5, and my 9yo is a runner too (he's in my profile picture). I help coach his cross country/track team, which has been probably the most satisfying thing of my runner career. I get to spend quality time with him and get to help 50+ kids from his school learn to love the sport of running. Our boys team took 3rd at the Tennessee state XC meet this past October and our girls team dominated, taking 1st. Pacing my son in races has really been a great bonding opportunity and my goals for the next few years are primarily focused on getting faster to keep up with him as long as possible. I figure I have less than 3 years before I can't keep up with him in the 10k and shorter race distances. My 5yo also loves tagging along with the big kids at practices so hopefully I can get him to be a runner too in a few years. Big Bro loves bringing him to running practice because it gets attention from the girls and while it is clear Little Bro is being used, at least it is nice seeing them act so nicely toward each other....


            Annual mileage progression. I had a prolonged knee injury in 2022 when a fat man in a motorized scooter ran me over at Disney World.


            2018 251
            2019 644
            2020 848
            2021 1167
            2022 1193
            2023 1558


            Goals for 2024:

            - Prioritize strength work and stretching to help prevent injury

            - Take speed work conservatively as I tend to go all out and get injured

            - PR's in all common race distances, if I decide to do the marathon this year

            - Complete a 25k trail race

            Memphis / 38 male

            5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


            Cobra Commander Keen

              Kyle here, your deposed Glorious and Exalted Thread Overlord. 39 years old from flyover country (Oklahoma), USA. Married (14 years in March) with 3 daughters (ages 6, 9, 12 - functionally 13 right now). I'm an adult-onset runner, starting in July 2015. I jumped in to running headfirst after doing a 5k with my wife's family and discovering I loved it and wondering just how fast I could end up getting at the distance.


              I'm not signed up for any races (outside of a pacing gig) as of yet and and concentrating on 5k speed this spring. My coach and I have chatted about this and I'll be running "lower" mileage (likely 80-85mpw) than typical for but have more workout days. It remains to be seen how I'll slot in the 5x5 weights training I've been doing 3x per week around this.

              I really want to get my 5k PR as low as possible this spring (17:30 would be a dream) before likely turning towards a marathon this fall. Whether or not I'll run something local-ish or head to CIM again remains to be seen.


              2023 was a pretty great year for me. I won my two big races for the year (the Heartland 50 and Heartland 100), plus finally won that little HM in Texas I do every year. The only stain on my year was that I missed my yearly mileage goal - which also meant for the first time not running more miles than the year before. This wasn't due to anything running or injury-related, but rather getting sick for 1.5-2 weeks immediately after really recovering from the 100 when I was starting to build mileage again. Oh, well.


              Mileage/training time history:
              2015: 558 miles, 85:52:07 h:m:s (starting from July)
              2016: 1,912 miles, 252:01:07 h:m:s
              2017: 2,242 miles, 298:12:13 h:m:s
              2018: 2,931 miles, 388:49:29 h:m:s
              2019: 3,172 miles, 429:32:07 h:m:s
              2020: 3,353 miles, 463:06:50 h:m:s
              2021: 3,842.53 mi, 527:19:31 h:m:s

              2022: 4,063.12 mi, 561:19:33 h:m:s

              2023: 3,946.63 mi, 571:15:14 h:m:s

              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


              Upcoming Races:


              August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

              October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

              November 2  - Crossroads Marathon


              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                You folks set budgets for running?

                To quote my wife's family, and this is all of them combined.

                • If you're not going to spend it on yourself who ARE you going to spend it on?
                • It's only money. They print more every day.
                • You can't put a price on a good time.
                • You can't take it with you.

                Without an upper limit on expenses there isn't a need to add anything up unless there is a cool gift for when we've reached $500,000 lifetime currency units I've not been made aware of.



                Running Problem - I'm still on meds.  Basically my brain doesn't make enough of the neurotransmitters (dopamine) that communicate signals to my muscles, so I have to supplement with pills.  Similar to a diabetic and insulin.  And just like a diabetic, it gets tricky because most people's bodies continuously supply the right amount of the insulin/dopamine as needed, while I have to guess at the exact amount needed and ingest it in a lump periodically.  And...just like a diabetic, exercise changes things, so I have to take a bigger dose before exercise (and guess how much bigger).  Unfortunately, unlike a diabetic, the symptoms of too little and too much are not that different for me.  And I don't have the benefit of little fingerprick things to tell me where my levels are - I just have to feel it out.  So it's a bit tricky.  But I'm figuring it out.


                So you need to INCREASE your dopamine to get the muscles to function (I should know this since I actually enjoyed this part of Biochemistry) and a Reuptake Inhibitor wouldn't work. I guess this takes Norepinephrine off the list of "medications" you could be "prescribed" for an upcoming race. 

                I would just sit around making jokes about how you're injecting this so you feel good BEFORE the workout because...well...marathon training sucks. "My body is so acclimated to the suck of marathon training I'm switching it up for 2024. I'm injecting myself with a whole bunch of rainbows, unicorns, gummy worms, and a splash of gold medal so I can enjoy this more than anyone else. 10 out of 10 highly recommend." I mean....if the other woman in their 40s can set PRs you might as well join a totally different competition and dominate there.


                When the injections wear off is there any sense of new low/depression? Have you had a history of just feeling "meh" (I'm starting to sound like a doctor now) about things and now seem to be happier or less "meh' about things?


                If you need/want a pacer let me know. It will be like "that time at CIM" where one of our forum members (Jim something)  picked up the role of Guide for a blind runner and was invited to the Olympics in Japan (I think it was Japan). I'm already on board with the Chipotle marathoning diet, although...maybe I should switch.

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                Running Problem

                Problem Child


                  RP- I've got nothing to say to you until you put another marathon on the calendar!! Stop F#%$^g around with these other distances and do what you're supposed to do.....run 26.2!


                  I'm applying to the TCS New York Marathon 2024. Since CommanderKeen didn't get his qualifier it could be an enjoyable trip....if the rest of the forum wants to hang out for an hour or two on Saturday. JMac better show up with signs so we can high five him as we pass by. Ideally he is able to run it with us.


                  EDIT: Also 5k March 17, 2024 where I'm attempting a Sub-18. Okay....17:57 so I can be faster on paper than CommanderKeen.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                  Speed Surplus

                    Checking in for 2024!


                    Quick recap - I'm Dan, 46 years old. Ran XC/track in the 90s but gave it up for basketball until 2012 or so. Have been fairly a fairly consistent runner since then. Started playing basketball again last year and immediately tore my achilles. After surgery, resumed running in September 2023.


                    My goals include a functional BQ, a sub-3 marathon, a sub-5 mile, and a sub-17 5k. The functional BQ is definitely easiest at my age, especially given that I've run 3:12 already. But I have a ways to go for any of them, post achilles surgery. I ran 18:49 for 5k last year, but right now my fastest mile is 6:16 as tested on 12/31/23.

                    DW - I would say I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but it sounds a bit like you're almost relieved to know what you're working with, rather than shooting in the dark. I hope your certification goes smoothly and I know you'll continue training and racing with a dedication that puts the rest of us (well, me, at least) to shame. Good luck!

                    5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                    Dad on the run.

                      Mr Matt - Sounds like you have had quite the journey with running, I wish you all the best in 2024 and hope that whatever goals you have that you smash them all.


                      Dave - Damn that is a lot of miles average per year. I'll be excited if I can just hit 1000 in a year. However, pacing others for a race sounds like something that I would like to volunteer to do one day.


                      mmerkle - Oh the joys of youth lol! I wish I had taken running more serious in my 20s. Cool to see you come from XC as that is something my daughter does and I very much enjoy watching her and her friends give it their all, and the comrade that they share with one another.


                      Hey all, Jimmy here. 40 yrs old, father of four, husband to a wonderful woman of 15 years that puts up with all of my hobbies and shenanigans. I ran a bit in my late 20s then life happened, changed jobs and ran on and off up to this point where I have decided to take it more serious thanks to my daughter running XC.


                      My goal for 2024 is to just get faster, beat my previous 5k PR of 24:49 that i ran back in the day and begin training for a marathon in 2025.


                      I am still working on my training plan for my 5k in March. This week was a deload and I missed a day of running but the Holidays were busy and I have no regrets. The long run that I did 12/31 was a route from my house and then out towards a small community airport that we have. It's a pretty hilly route with a killer incline on the way back in that I almost always have to walk (except this time I managed to run the entire thing!) The last time I ran this route was back on July 30th and I ran 6.03 miles at 11:57m/m. Seeing my pace go from 11:57m/m to 10:21m/m on the same route really helps in keeping me motivated and seeing that this training plan is paying off.


                      Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                      in ft
                      12/27 Over and Unders 0.25mi with Runna ✅ 4.31 6.93 00:44:21 10:17 06:24 0
                      12/30 400s into 200s with Runna ✅ 5.23 8.41 00:54:16 10:23 06:27 72
                      12/31 6.2mi Long Run with Runna ✅ 6.21 9.99 01:04:16 10:21 06:26 289

                      Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                      Cobra Commander Keen

                        DWave - I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis, though it's certainly good to detect some good humour in your post.
                        Monday afternoon I'll be in your AO, leaving on Thursday. What are the possibilities that you'll have a bit of free time for another run?

                        Flavio - In my experience ultra podiums are ripe for the picking.
                        Those lift numbers you're reaching for are 1RM, right? Those seem like big numbers to me.

                        Matt - Welcome! I look forward to seeing your year-end post.

                        Mike/Michael - Can we not call you Merkle any longer?

                        Andy - I cannot think of a more ironic injury to receive as a runner. Wow.

                        RP - We're at the beginning of the year and you've already got jokes.
                        The VDOT of your recent workout seems exactly the same as the one I'm working from. We'll see who gets to 17:57 or faster first...

                        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                        Upcoming Races:


                        August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

                        October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

                        November 2  - Crossroads Marathon



                        Overweight per CDC BMI

                          Andy - I cannot think of a more ironic injury to receive as a runner. Wow.


                          Everything happens for a reason. That incident happened in March and by beginning of July, my knee was still hurting so I decided I would just participate in my son's XC practices to rehab it. I probably still would have ended up coaching the team but the knee injury certainly humbled me enough to start running with the kids as legitimate workouts.


                          The guy in the scooter ran over my foot from behind, which got stuck under the scooter, and my forward momentum caused me to pull my Quad Tendon as I went falling to the ground. The guy tried to apologize but I was so mad that I wouldn't even look at him and just limped away fuming in anger. The top of my kneecap hurt for the next 5 months and I had to keep on a knee brace most of that time.



                          My goal for 2024 is to just get faster, beat my previous 5k PR of 24:49 that i ran back in the day and begin training for a marathon in 2025. 

                          Jimmy, my first time breaking 24 min in the 5k came after I started training for my first 10k. The two months prior, I just started focusing on completing runs of at least 6.2 miles. A week after my 10k race, I just ran a 5k race for fun and ended up surprising myself with a time of 23:35. It turned out the simplicity of focusing on the longer distance was the key and less about the interval runs and 5k time trials, which left my legs tired for days.

                          Memphis / 38 male

                          5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                            I think the race table is updated.  Please let me know if I missed one in the introductions.


                            Forgot to add mine


                            Name: Scott

                            Age: 53

                            Gender: male

                            Location: Boston, MA

                            Running History: Took up running in my early 40's and was hooked immediately.  Steadily increased mileage and my first race ever was a full marathon. I finished in 3:50. Steady progression from there 3:12, 3:08, 3:04, 2:58….I followed/lurked the RW forums and slowly improved each race until I went sub 3 in Boston 2015. After that continued to run/race but just could not find the motivation to sustain the consistency needed to improve.


                            2023 Marathons Boston a disappointing 3:03. Sugarloaf 2:59 and Philly an encouraging 2:56:42.

                            Goals for 2024: Steady Continued improvement. Race more Better and post more! Continue the chase for the elusive Moose Mug!!


                            Still my favorite race: Philly - Big city feel without the hassles of Boston.

                            5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


                              Name: Matt

                              Age: 44

                              Location: Indialantic, FL

                              2024 goals: Lose 20 lbs. weight train consistently, improve agility/balance/flexibility.  Run some shorter races 1st half of year, go for sub 3 marathon in the Fall if healthy.



                              Right now dealing with a squirrely calf, don't know what the near future holds.  Back to running, but I'm pressing my luck.  It's very hard to get excited about training/racing, because I haven't made it to a start line feeling healthy in 25 years. I listed some short term goals in the 2023 thread starting with ~Jan 31 - Sub 22 5k or Sub 6 mile.  It's a modest goal, but one has to start somewhere.


                              Mother of Cats

                                DWave - I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis, though it's certainly good to detect some good humour in your post.
                                Monday afternoon I'll be in your AO, leaving on Thursday. What are the possibilities that you'll have a bit of free time for another run?


                                Ooh - that sounds great.  Wednesday or Thursday morning would probably work (Wednesday better, since I have hopes of racing the Houston Marathon on Sunday), with 2 caveats:


                                1) the weather people are talking about a snow storm rolling in on Monday - not sure what that will mean for your travel plans.

                                2) I'm currently managing a sciatica flare-up.  Fortunately, a deep tissue massage last night may have fixed the cause (a knot in one of my deep hip rotator muscles).  But if that's still an issue next week, I'd have to take a rain check (and will obviously not race Houston).






                                So you need to INCREASE your dopamine to get the muscles to function (I should know this since I actually enjoyed this part of Biochemistry) and a Reuptake Inhibitor wouldn't work. I guess this takes Norepinephrine off the list of "medications" you could be "prescribed" for an upcoming race. 

                                I would just sit around making jokes about how you're injecting this so you feel good BEFORE the workout because...well...marathon training sucks. "My body is so acclimated to the suck of marathon training I'm switching it up for 2024. I'm injecting myself with a whole bunch of rainbows, unicorns, gummy worms, and a splash of gold medal so I can enjoy this more than anyone else. 10 out of 10 highly recommend." I mean....if the other woman in their 40s can set PRs you might as well join a totally different competition and dominate there.


                                When the injections wear off is there any sense of new low/depression? Have you had a history of just feeling "meh" (I'm starting to sound like a doctor now) about things and now seem to be happier or less "meh' about things?


                                If you need/want a pacer let me know. It will be like "that time at CIM" where one of our forum members (Jim something)  picked up the role of Guide for a blind runner and was invited to the Olympics in Japan (I think it was Japan). I'm already on board with the Chipotle marathoning diet, although...maybe I should switch.


                                Yup, need to increase dopamine, but not too much.    I take pills, not injections, so it's easier in one sense.


                                Definitely the mood goes up and down with the meds, but really not much different then the highs/lows one would get with caffeine.


                                Being "meh" is supposedly one of the classic symptoms of Parkinsons, but I really don't have that.  Nor do I have massive fatigue.  I suspect both are because I run a lot, and exercise is believed to control both of those symptoms.


                                As for pacers - in the para-division, the blind athletes are allowed pacers, but the "coordination-impaired" are not.   I also have the option of running Boston as an "adaptive athlete" (that's actually how I'm currently entered, since I entered after the entry deadline) - adaptive athletes are allowed a pacer but don't have to have one.


                                (if you're wondering - adaptive athlete pacers do get a medal but don't get their name/time in the results).


                                So thanks for the offer, but since I'm hoping to compete in the para division, no pacer for me.

                                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.