2024 Advanced Training and Racing Thread (still competitive jerks) (Read 282 times)



    Oh no, Marby! That sounds terrible! (I mean, fun at any other time and not right under your room!) I am staying in a renovated Victorian-style mansion right outside of quiet downtown Toledo, Ohio. I had no expectations, and I'm pleasantly surprised--to the point that regardless of how I do tomorrow, this trip was worth it. The weather is cool and wet... a lot like Hamburg in the spring. I know it will get a little warmer by tomorrow, but honestly, I'm not letting myself get fazed by it. Even with an adjustment for a higher weather/dewpoint, I could still PR tomorrow, so that's the goal. Just going to try and not cook my goose too soon, hydrate a lot today, and eat my carbs.


    (and yeah, considering my signature brags about running at noon in Florida sun, I can't complain about the weather too much. But I will say that I hate hard running in heat, which I think we can all agree to) Thanks all for the good wishes!


    wcrunner, I was thinking about that too, with Corbitt. I wonder if it's an age thing. I'm sure he was well-known in his heyday, but his legacy wasn't kept up the same way as his contemporaries. I learned quite a bit from Désir, but I also found it annoyingly didactic at times... but it could also be the nature of the beast, trying to preemptively address any negative responses to the book.


    Also, Steve, that workout on tired legs sounds like a great way to emulate tired legs at the end of a marathon.

    Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

    Last race: June 29, Hasenheide Parkrun, 22:19. A bit disappointing time, but it was still a fun event. 


    Are we there, yet?


      wcrunner, I was thinking about that too, with Corbitt. I wonder if it's an age thing. I'm sure he was well-known in his heyday, but his legacy wasn't kept up the same way as his contemporaries. I learned quite a bit from Désir, but I also found it annoyingly didactic at times... but it could also be the nature of the beast, trying to preemptively address any negative responses to the book.



      Some of his biggest accomplishments were as an ultra runner where he set numerous records. Even now it's still something of a fringe sport.  His contributions to course certification didn't become more well known until GPS watches became popular and everyone started complaining that courses were long.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
            10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour





        Marby - love a good metal gig, not so much the night before a race though.


        Another week of less mileage, more speed for me.  Mostly working on pace ahead of my first 5k race in a long time.  I have to say the NB Fuelcell SC Elite are growing on me.  I have a pair of the v3 I picked up cheaply end of line which I used for Tuesday's workout and I really enjoyed them.  By all accounts the v4 sound like they are an improvement as well.  To be fair, they were probably an ideal shoe for that workout which was really a sustained tempo effort - 5x under / overs with 6 minute unders at around 3:45/km, and 2 minute overs aiming for around 3:15-3:20/km.  Had a good track session on Saturday too, with 3x 1 mile repeats, at something like goal pace for the 5k next Sat.  Lots of hills on Thursday and in Sunday's long run so it was a pretty good all around sort of week.  Helped by very good autumn running weather!


        Weekly for period: From: 22/04/2024 To 28/04/2024

        <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
        Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
        in m
        22/04 That run where only local government (and, in particular, Auckland Council) could take 6 months to fix a short pedestrian bridge 🤦‍♂️ 3.31 5.33 00:24:29 07:24 04:36 7
        23/04 That run where pirate time was back with a vengeance 🏴‍☠️ 10.58 17.02 01:05:00 06:09 03:49 21
        24/04 That run where sometimes you just drift off inside your own head 9.95 16.01 01:07:49 06:49 04:14 22
        25/04 That run where hill repeats seemed kinda appropriate 8.28 13.33 00:53:58 06:31 04:03 194
        27/04 That run where I finally got good conditions for a track session 6.26 10.07 00:36:38 05:51 03:38 5
        28/04 That run where I went in search of extra hills and found a cat crossing the motorway 13.52 21.75 01:35:04 07:02 04:22 251

        Totals: Time: 05:42:58 - 🦅Imperial: 51.90 mi - Metric: 83.51 km

        3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

        10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

        * Net downhill course

        Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

        Up next: Still working on that...



        Hot Weather Complainer

          Mark - Great to see you unleashing your speed in a 5km.  2-3 minutes of suckage to get through (hopefully no more).  That burning lung feeling with HR in the 190s can't be beat!


          Marby - That is almost comical.  I'd be pretty grumpy, even for a pacing gig.  Hope the music was good at least.




          Your splits look perfect.  Those 1.1km splits are clearly wrong so it looks like you've done a metronome pacing job.


          me - Pretty big week coming off a hard race.  I definitely felt it on Thursday and today, but Saturday's short tempo was really fun.  Only a few years ago I'd need an extremely light week post-race.


          Weekly for period: From: 22/04/2024 To 28/04/2024

          <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
          Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
          in m
          22/04 Warm up 0.33 0.53 00:03:06 09:24 05:51 1
          22/04 Recovery 4.59 7.39 00:40:25 08:48 05:28 23
          23/04 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:10 09:19 05:52 0
          23/04 Easy 40 4.83 7.77 00:40:27 08:22 05:12 13
          24/04 Warm up 0.33 0.54 00:03:07 09:27 05:46 1
          24/04 Easy hour 7.51 12.09 01:03:53 08:30 05:17 23
          24/04 Warm up 0.34 0.55 00:03:03 08:58 05:33 0
          24/04 Double Day 3.78 6.08 00:32:09 08:30 05:17 15
          25/04 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:11 09:22 05:54 5
          25/04 50 mins Zone 3 12.09 19.45 01:34:23 07:48 04:51 59
          26/04 Warm up 0.34 0.54 00:03:06 09:07 05:44 4
          26/04 Friday Cruise 5.81 9.34 00:48:56 08:25 05:14 30
          27/04 Warm up 0.35 0.56 00:03:13 09:11 05:45 15
          27/04 20 mins AeT 8.22 13.22 01:04:01 07:47 04:51 25
          28/04 Warm up 0.36 0.58 00:03:21 09:18 05:47 1
          28/04 Steady Sunday 17.42 28.04 02:18:25 07:57 04:56 36

          Totals: Time: 09:07:56 - 🦅Imperial: 66.98 mi - Metric: 107.77 km

          5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


          2024 Races:

          Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

          Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

          Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

          Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

          Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

          Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

          Timaru Ten October 26, 2024




              I finished Eugene in 3:18:52. I was shooting for sub-3:15 but it was pretty clear from early on that I didn’t have that. But I was able to hold on to the pace pretty well even though it got to be a real grind after around 18. As many of these I’ve run, I keep forgetting how hard they are, lol. It was still my second fastest non-downhill marathon, plus my fastest ever spring race by far. I’ll take it.



              Mother of Cats

                I finished Eugene in 3:18:52. I was shooting for sub-3:15 but it was pretty clear from early on that I didn’t have that. But I was able to hold on to the pace pretty well even though it got to be a real grind after around 18. As many of these I’ve run, I keep forgetting how hard they are, lol. It was still my second fastest non-downhill marathon, plus my fastest ever spring race by far. I’ll take it.


                Dave - sounds like you were satisfied with the marathon, and I'd call that a win.  Hanging onto pace when it gets hard is how to do it.

                I see that DKTrotter ran a solid race given the weather conditions, so yay!  

                Marky_Mark - the cat made it across the motorway, right?  Good luck in the upcoming 5K!


                Steve - solid week, coming off of that race.


                Flavio - but I'm not racing NYC Smile  I'm going for time at Twin Cities the month before.  NYC will just be for fun.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                Mother of Cats

                  My last 2 weeks:


                  Week 1: 30 miles running and 5:30 pool-running
                  M: ~1 mile shakeout jog and then a marathon in 3:41:17.
                  T: Off for travel.
                  W: 90 minutes pool-running
                  Th: 90 minutes pool-running in the morning; streaming pilates in the evening.
                  F: 90 minutes pool-running. Foam rolling in evening.
                  Sa: 1 hour pool-running + upper body weights/core and foam rolling.
                  Su: 3 miles very easy (10:05) and streaming yoga + foam rolling.

                  Week 2: 34 miles and 70 minutes of pool-running
                  M: 70 minutes pool-running and streaming yoga
                  T: 5.5 miles very easy (9:50) + leg strengthwork
                  W: 8.5 miles very easy (9:33) with some grass running + upper body weights/core
                  Th: 8.5 miles very easy on trails (10:10) plus streaming pilates
                  F: 7 miles, including 4 Iwo Jima hills, plus some leg strengthwork
                  Sa: Off (Sick)
                  Su: 4.5 miles very easy on trails (10:15)


                  Basically marathon recovery, interrupted by being sick as a dog with the best possible timing (i.e,, this was the right weekend to be sick without disrupting training, racing, or social plans.)

                  Also, I have a schedule change.  I've decided to skip Grandma's Half and run the BAA 10K the same weekend.  This is because the BAA 10K offers my para division and pays solid prize money for a win there ($1000).  I also don't have to take time off of work to travel to Boston to do the BAA 10K, while going to Duluth requires at least two days of vacation time.  I'm really sad to miss Grandma's, but I think this is the right choice.

                  Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                  And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                    Steve Nice race. That execution sounded pretty good. I think you chose the right time to stop being conservative, and you passsed that guy back towards the end which is always nice.


                    Dave I'd call that a successful marathon!


                    darkwave Congrats on your Boston performance, even though it was a tough day. You certainly got a story out of it.


                    dktrotter You obviously handle the heat well. Impressive.


                    My Week 



                    Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                    in ft
                    04/22 Lunch Run 10.54 16.95 01:20:35 07:39 04:45 712
                    04/23 Morning Run 9.54 15.35 01:13:21 07:41 04:47 597
                    04/24 Morning Run 10.53 16.95 01:24:30 08:01 04:59 476
                    04/25 Incline work on treadmill 9.00 14.48 01:26:03 09:34 05:57 1106
                    04/26 Morning Run 5.05 8.13 00:41:32 08:13 05:07 249
                    04/27 Light and long hill work on the treadmill 9.00 14.48 01:18:38 08:44 05:26 843
                    04/27 Afternoon Row 1.55 2.50 00:10:38 06:52 04:15 0
                    04/28 All I need is a beat, with a continuous loop. 15.54 25.01 01:58:47 07:39 04:45 1168

                    Totals: Time: 09:34:04 - 🦅Imperial: 70.76 mi - Metric: 113.86 km


                    Base building. I think this summer I am going to go with Jack Daniels "Alien training" from the 4th edition running formula. It's a two week cycle you repeat, but the plan gives you the outline of the weeks and you fill in the actual workouts with what you need. The current plan is 5k - 10k focused training May-July for the usual Twilight series I do. But then on August 17th I'm doing an 8 hour endurance challenge. I still need to think about how the transition is going to work, but all of these races have lots of vert, so I will be doing that regardless. 





                        Hi all! Thanks for the kind words here darkwave, mmerkle, and flavio and on Strava others of you. It was indeed a tough race in rough conditions, but I feel like I've run in worse. I’m sure Boston this year ended up warmer with the sun and lack of shade. We had 100% cloud coverage and quite a bit of rain, which made things feel cooler even if it never went below 64 degrees. I am also indeed more acclimated to these temps (65F with 60F dew point is a rare day in Florida), so that helped, too. People say it was windy (and according to apps, we ran more than half the race in a 10mh headwind), but I don’t remember it that way, probably because I considered it a relief. 


                        65°F 🌦️ Dew pt.: 59°F | RunFeel™: (5/10) wet, windy 😓 | 13.7 mi in 10 mph headwind |


                        I also believe that despite taking two weeks off running 3 weeks into training and having to slowly build back for 4 weeks after that, while not ideal, was still better than getting injured closer to the race. I include my graph of training (all activities, so you can see the cross training) from Jan. 8 (plan start) to April 28. Note, I actually started training a week after getting Covid and still injured, and realized three weeks in (with the help of my doctor) that I couldn’t train through my injury, which is why I took the break. 


                        Posting the link here since the insertion didn't work: https://www.runningahead.com/logs/ee79c847959346c1980f3d1c085def95/tools/graph?l12=2024-04-29&g12=2024-01-08&zsm=12&zdg=1&x=12&y=20&t=0.


                        As one can see, I tried to replace the missing running with cross-training, and it helped the return to running feel better. It was definitely worth it, despite long, boring slogs on the cross trainer, since I managed to have 6 weeks of solid training and my paces were getting to a nice spot by the end. Would I have liked to run more miles and have a longer cycle? Sure. I think that would have helped keep the pace through the last miles. Did getting injured make me up my strength-training game and prevent sore quads during the race? Absolutely. Not fighting through quad pain for 13 miles is quite nice. My Achilles was never an issue (though plantar fasciitis is starting to be) and my knee, while not 100%, was still loads better than Philly. It also helped a lot that I wasn’t sick like I was before Philly. 


                        For anyone looking for a destination race, Glass City is a fine marathon. The course is mostly flat and quite beautiful, if quiet. We ran through residential neighborhoods, around a park, and on a trail, and a deer bound across the path 50 yards in front of me, with another frozen in the trees to the right. It was one of those magical moments. The race is pretty well organized and not too big, and I can highly recommend a B & B (not more expensive than the local hotels) in Toledo. 


                        I also got high during the race, between miles 18 and 19, and I think not reigning that in led to surging too soon (I should have stuck to my plan of controlled restraint through mile 20 and then doing a fast finish like in my workouts). 


                        The marathon is a difficult beast. I like CK’s evaluation of how to succeed at it one just had to keep working on oneself, and it will come to one. I feel better about this one than the last four, though, so there's something to be said about that. It helps that I got my negative mental attitude out of the way earlier in the week and arrived at the race optimistic and prepared for the worst. Relaxed control was my main goal going into this race with the weather as predicted. I didn't look at my watch except when it flashed its auto lap. The rest of the time it was set on clock time. 


                        In regards to pacing, I tried to run relaxed and keep things reigned in for the first 8 miles. Then, I decided to hold it for another 16. Then thought I should maybe wait to pick things up at mile 20. But at mile 16, I turned on my music and that kicked off a new gear, and I probably went too fast. I "bonked" at mile 20, it feels like, with the next few miles really hard to run. Miles 23-26 were just "get it done," but not as painful.


                        I do wonder if fueling may have been an issue. I tried to do more of what I did during training, excluding the 300 calories for breakfast (can’t stomach much more than before 6am in the morning). I fueled at 5K, and then every 5 miles after that. Maybe it wasn't enough? I could tell at the miles right before refueling that I was starting to have to work harder. So I had one at mile 18 and by the time I got to mile 21, maybe I was running short? I don't know. Still experimenting on that front. The honey stingers were good, but the first station didn't come until mile 11, which made me nervous! I did have three Gus on me to tie me over, though. 


                        So that’s that. I barely ran a BQ, so there’s literally no buffer, so I’m probably not running Boston 2025. But I already found my peace with that before the race as well. Now, I just want to stay injury free (keep working on my PF and knee) and train for a fast 5K again. Don’t know if I’ll sign up for a fall marathon. I’ll probably sign up for a local ultra and start getting into 100-miler training since the March 2025 Hungryland will come quickly enough. 

                        Qualifications: I like to run. In Florida. In the summer. At noon.  

                        Last race: June 29, Hasenheide Parkrun, 22:19. A bit disappointing time, but it was still a fun event. 


                        Cobra Commander Keen

                          Marby - Metal the night before a marathon sucks, too bad it wasn't the morning of. Nicely done there, btw.

                          Mark - Nice week, and drifting away in your own head is awesome.

                          Steve - That week is pretty steep for just after a hard race. Feeling good, though, I suppose?

                          Dave - It does sound like you're pretty satisfied despite missing the goal by a bit, that's good to hear.

                          DWave - Nice recovery week, especially while sick. I know it's early, but do you have any initial plans for Twin Cities?

                          Merkle - 8 hours on tap?? That's an interesting time - most timed events I've seen have been in multiples of 6 hours.

                          DKT - Excellent result in your race, especially given the conditions. A fall marathon would be excellent speed training towards a spring 100 miler!

                          I had a pretty decent week back (for my first with quality in a couple weeks), with the highlight being the 5k with DD2. The initial plan she and I (mostly she) had come up with was for us to start separately, but then I circle back around for her after finishing my race and I run it in with her. Mothers and grandmothers being what they are, however, that plan was revised and we did the entire thing together.
                          DD2 chose the option of running all she could before walking instead of a run/walk from the get-go, and she made it a touch past 2 miles before that first walk break - if not for the visual alert of the 2 mile flag I'd wager she could have gone futher before that. Not bad off less than 2 miles per week (school running club 1x per week, she always deemed herself "too busy" playing to go out for a run with me when I asked).


                          Weekly for period: From: 04/22/2024 To 04/28/2024

                          <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
                          Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
                          in ft
                          04/22 2 turkeys 12.01 19.32 01:34:48 07:54 04:54 430
                          04/22 Morning Weight Training 0.00 0.00 00:58:21 00:00 00:00 0
                          04/23 Morning Run 7.00 11.27 01:00:03 08:35 05:20 390
                          04/23 Afternoon Run 5.00 8.05 00:44:24 08:53 05:31 207
                          04/24 Switching through the gears 11.26 18.11 01:25:53 07:38 04:45 299
                          04/24 Lunch Weight Training 0.00 0.00 00:55:53 00:00 00:00 0
                          04/24 Startling cattle 4.00 6.44 00:35:15 08:49 05:28 177
                          04/25 Heat training 8.00 12.88 01:09:34 08:42 05:24 443
                          04/26 6 geese & 1 rabbit 9.01 14.49 01:15:21 08:22 05:12 423
                          04/26 Lunch Weight Training 0.00 0.00 01:05:22 00:00 00:00 0
                          04/26 Halfway there 5.00 8.05 00:44:13 08:51 05:30 282
                          04/27 OKC Memorial 5k - DD2's first 5k! 3.10 4.99 00:38:33 12:26 07:44 95
                          04/27 To Hatch for breakfast. 1.43 2.30 00:12:06 08:28 05:16 82
                          04/28 10 turkeys 13.11 21.09 01:49:08 08:19 05:10 574

                          Totals: Time: 14:08:54 - 🦅Imperial: 78.93 mi - Metric: 126.99 km

                          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                          Upcoming Races:


                          August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

                          October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

                          November 2  - Crossroads Marathon



                          Overweight per CDC BMI

                            DK - While you missed your goal by a bit, completing a marathon without something blowing up on you near the end is a success. BQ is also a nice little trophy to add to it.



                            Update on Nolan's final track meet. We had a hot day with temps around 85 and he had just completed a long baseball game which he had to play catcher for the majority so we were thinking the 1600m was going to be tough for him energy wise. He had already broken the 6:30 barrier in a previous meet so we talked about just going out aggressive in the first two laps to take a shot and no big deal if he runs out of gas. He was also in the 2nd fastest 1600 heat so he knew he would have a good chance at getting top 2 in the heat. He went out pretty fast but positioned himself about 4th through most of the 1st lap. As he started the 2nd lap, he slowly passed the 3 boys in front to take the lead and completed the first 800m in 3:03, which is slightly faster than his PR in the 800. Half way through the 3rd lap, the other boys had dropped back and he had build a huge lead. He later told me he thought it was really cool to hear the bell ring for him as he completed the 3rd lap. The adrenaline kicked in and his younger teammate had taken 2nd but there was still a big gap. He came to the final straightway and gave me a smile as he went by. I went running down the football field yelling for him with tears in my eyes. He went across the finish line with the big clock showing 6:13 and gave a big fist pump. His younger teammate finished just behind in 6:18 and I grabbed both of them with a big bear hug, which the little guy said "let me breathe!" Haha, I guess I got a little too amped up.


                            The 6:13 was a 15-second PR and he got 11th overall, which most of those in the top 10 are 5th graders so he will be in good position next year for top 5. Also a good confidence booster for XC in fall. He also ran in the 100 and 400 relays for his team but he was exhausted and was pretty slow.

                            Memphis / 38 male

                            5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                              Darkwave - you will be happy to know the cat survived.  I saw it approaching the motorway and thought "don't do it"!  But it did. It scampered to the middle safely and then across to the other side.  Fortunately it was 6am on a Sunday morning, so pretty quiet.  Also, $1000 prize money?! Nice!


                              Keen - I go for a similar strategy with my eldest when we do Parkrun. Just run for as long as you can, then run/walk after that.


                              Dave - the marathon always wins.  Nice job though.  Not every race can be a PB so as long as you've got something to celebrate, that's good (TBH, it's easy to forget that just finishing a marathon is cause for celebration).


                              DK - great work and especially managing around the cross training too.  And wow, a deer? I mean, I couldn't believe it when I saw one in a trail race last year, but that does happen in forests... whereas in a road race that's a big surprise!  I had heard a similar theory on fueling, that by the time you think you need it, it's often a bit late.  Just one of those trial and error things I guess.

                              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                              * Net downhill course

                              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                              Up next: Still working on that...

                              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                              Are we there, yet?


                                DK - great work and especially managing around the cross training too.  And wow, a deer? I mean, I couldn't believe it when I saw one in a trail race last year, but that does happen in forests... whereas in a road race that's a big surprise!  I had heard a similar theory on fueling, that by the time you think you need it, it's often a bit late.  Just one of those trial and error things I guess.


                                Check this out at an NCAA D3 regional championship


                                I was at the meet and just missed seeing this. I did see the deer running across the field.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles
                                      10/12 - Hainesport 12-Hour