2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)


Are we there, yet?

    This thread is brutal lately. Should I ask about the dead zone while watching TV just to really stir things up?



    Only if you're watching The Walking Dead or another zombie show or movie

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      Also arm warmers are so key for me for winter running, as my core gets nice and warm but my forearms are frozen, so I like wearing a lighter long sleeve and arm warmers underneath. I’m not a prime candidate for a vest: never understood how anybody uses them. Do people really find their cores getting cold, but their arms are very hot?


      I find that if my core is warm enough to be sweating, then my extremities stay warm enough to function well, but a full jacket traps too much heat so I wind up soaked. A frequent configuration for me on a really cold day is: long sleeve shirt with arm warmers under, short sleeve shirt, and vest. That creates the right balance of warm core, warm enough forearms (which keeps enough circulation going to my hands that my fingers don't freeze) and armpit ventilation. I actually just bought a new vest from Gore to replace the 15-year-old faded yellow Brooks one that's finally falling apart.

      Runners run


        Hold up so one of you RWOL'ers has a burner account on here?





          And who are you?  A sad fuck who only posts under a troll name.




          Stotan Disciple

            This thread is brutal lately. Should I ask about the dead zone while watching TV just to really stir things up?


            DPS - I asked about screw shoes (and got some good advice!). Given you live in prime screw shoe territory, have you ever tried them?


            Also arm warmers are so key for me for winter running, as my core gets nice and warm but my forearms are frozen, so I like wearing a lighter long sleeve and arm warmers underneath. I’m not a prime candidate for a vest: never understood how anybody uses them. Do people really find their cores getting cold, but their arms are very hot?


            Nike has a flash vest that has down filling keeps your core super warm I love it. Doubles as a a reflective vest for safety.   So I'm all for a training vest. I never use gloves  I should say seldom, I buy all mitts as I have Reynauds. Sucks to have your extremities freeze. I still have foot pain from racing in vapors and my foot feels like I was pounding concrete barefoot. If they're feet warmers I'd be down they make them for construction workers but I can't see putting them in sneakers. If temps are at an extreme I go with the Pegasus shields they are super warm and works in sub zero as Reynauds affect my feet too.I use yak traks sparingly like when was in Iceland but in NY if there's that much snow it means its a divine day off. I always listen when God speaks.


            Racing I think 1 layer is enough get a light long sleeve wear your singlet over it and put on mitts and use hand warmers.


            What happened to Kobe put things in perspective. Let shit go and live your best life.

            Thinking should be done first, before training begins.


               I find that if my core is warm enough to be sweating, then my extremities stay warm enough to function well, but a full jacket traps too much heat so I wind up soaked. A frequent configuration for me on a really cold day is: long sleeve shirt with arm warmers under, short sleeve shirt, and vest. That creates the right balance of warm core, warm enough forearms (which keeps enough circulation going to my hands that my fingers don't freeze) and armpit ventilation. I actually just bought a new vest from Gore to replace the 15-year-old faded yellow Brooks one that's finally falling apart.

              This is my experience too. I obviously don't deal with anything nearly as cold as you, but on our coldest days (maybe upper 30s) I generally do well with a tech t-shirt and cotton t-shirt over that to trap in the heat. With that, a thin pair of cheap gloves keeps me perfectly warm. If I put on a light jacket, I'm soaked 3 miles in. I don't wear a vest running, but I could see the value in sub 30 temps.

              Upcoming races: Boston

              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                (Insert Mills Lane ‘I'll allow it’ meme here ) 




                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                Good Bad & The Monkey

                  This works well unless you have Raynaud's...


                  I find that if my core is warm enough to be sweating, then my extremities stay warm enough to function well

                  Resident Historian

                    This works well unless you have Raynaud's...



                    Yes, exactly. I can be sweating hard but my fingers are turning white. For below 50*, I start with light gloves, and don't throw them away just in case.


                    “Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. - Hunter S. Thompson


                      I'm Eric, from Montreal, Canada. Started running at age 42, am currently 50. Was never overweight, I was actually always very thin, but was not in shape either. Did not do much sports as a kid, but when I did, I was not very talented nor explosive, but I had pretty good endurance and stamina.


                      After a couple of months of running as hard as I could on every run, I bought 2 marathon training books (Pfitzinger and Hansons), read them both, and soon after started to do intervals and tempo runs.


                      My running hilight is a sub3 marathon at 48yo on a cheater's course (point to point, net drop) in October 2018. In May 2019, after a winter of higher volume but less intensity (tried that approach) I ran a flat 3:00 marathon on a regular loop course.


                      I will never be a great runner as I'm older, and I feel that at 6'6" tall, I'll never be light enough to be fast, but mostly because I'm not willing to really put in the work needed to go from pretty good to very good. But I'm very consistent in mileage and the little success I have comes from that. Mostly easy, sometimes harder suits me well. I will run outside in any weather. I hate the treadmill and I run almost every day (outside, and indoor track for speed work in the winter). When I don't run, it's not because of the weather, but because I need a rest day. Ran 6000+ km (3730 miles) in 2019, not many of those inside.


                      My log is public and always up to date, so in the unlikely event someone wants to see what I'm doing, it's there.


                      I do not have great insight to share about how to properly train, but I do have experience with screw shoes, with YakTrax and with how to dress properly in the winter from running outside in Montreal for 7-8 years.


                      Lately I've seen posts about sub3 at over 50 (I want to do that this year) and posts about how to dress to run in the cold. I was tempted to answer, but had never introduced myself. This introduction is ridiculously long, so I figure it gives me a license to post. Big grin


                      Mother of Cats

                        Like many others, I fall into the "several different heating zones" category.  My core is always the warmest part of me, and so I don't get the vest thing at all.  (Nor, for that matter, do I understand capris or half-tights.  My upper legs are always warmer than my lower legs.)

                        On our coldest days (single digits F), I wear a jacket over a sportsbra.  And heavy snowboarding mittens with handwarmers.  I wouldn't want a vest even then.  I'd just sweat and then freeze.


                        OTOH, I do the gloves and sportsbra thing, so there you go...


                        Today's long run started at 32 degrees, ended at 45.  So I started in tights, sportsbra, thin longsleeve shirt, and a thin shell.  Plus thin gloves, which I really regretted - should have gone with mittens/handwarmers.


                        Did the first easy 7, then handed shell to coach.  Did the next moderate 7, then handed longsleeve and gloves to coach (by this time it was in the mid-40s).  Did the final marathon effort 7 in a sportsbra and tights.  I looked ridiculous, but it made sense given how the morning progressed.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                        3 months til Masters

                          Welcome cyberic! Looking forward to seeing your progress and about to go look at your log now!

                          2023 Goals

                          Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

                          10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

                          5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

                          Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

                          Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


                          2024 Goals

                          Sub 2:37 Marathon

                          Sub 1:15 Half

                          Sub 34 10k

                          Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




                            Welcome cyberic! Looking forward to seeing your progress and about to go look at your log now!


                            After a holidays dip in mileage, I'm building it back up right now, and must really pick up on the quality work. My plan is as simple as that. Also need to decide what I want to race next Spring.

                              DPS: Very impressive couple of weeks! Your resting and max HR lines up with mine, and 130-136 is also about where I like to be for easy runs so I think your 7 min pace is right for you. For me now in my out of shape state the HR is higher but creeping down slowly. You mentioned not going much over 2h for the long runs; how long distance-wise do you cap them during a marathon cycle?


                              Cyberic: Welcome! I recall your name from somewhere before, not sure if it was this forum or RW. That's an impressive yearly mileage. Good luck to you on the sub 3 goal.


                              I hope posting one's week and commenting on other's weeks/training remains a central part of this thread and is not eclipsed by the recent barrage of nonsense. My week: Still getting back into shape, very slowly but surely. I did a hilly run yesterday and wasn't sure how I'd feel for the LR today but it ended up going pretty well. It certainly helped that the weather was beautiful; sunny and about 40 deg F.


                              M: strength routine

                              T: 12 on TM with 5 x 8 min @ 6:20-6:13 pace

                              W: 6 on TM @ 8:32

                              T: 10.2 @ 8:40 + strength routine

                              F: 8.1 @ 8:28

                              S: 12.1 @ 8:42 w/ hills 1340 ft

                              S: 16 @ 7:59

                              total: 64.5 miles

                              2:52:16 (2018)


                              Stotan Disciple

                                Thinking should be done first, before training begins.