Ads are launched (Read 2086 times)


One day at a time

    I haven't seen any home security ads.  I guess Maine is considered pretty safe.

      Can it do cross-site analysis with other sites that use Google ads?


       Third party vendors aggregate information from across sites and sell it back to individual advertisers.  In fact, my understanding is that most banner ads, for example are not placed by individual advertisers but by these middlemen.  This enables them to aggregate such data. 


      An excellent series on this sort of thing from that radical conspiratorial rag, the Wall Street Journal.



      And, yes, apparently Maine is very safe.

      Be safe. Be kind.

         Can it do cross-site analysis with other sites that use Google ads?



        Does it work more or less like this? (Probably other ways too).


        Most browsers accept 3rd party cookies (although have an option to disable this). 


        So I visit one site with some google ads... I'll get a cookie with info about the page I visited. I then visit a second site with google ads and my browser will send the cookie, so that google can use that info in deciding what ads to serve me.


        MTA - more info about google and cookies:

          I am seeing ads for Google ads. hee hee.

            Anyone "Tired of being tired"?  Or is it just me.


            It was very creepy the first time I noticed that google was *gasp* reading my personal emails and putting up content related ads.  Now it is more amusing than creepy.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              Nice, Jenny Craig, haha.


                I keep getting ones for 'active aging.'  Guess they think I should run more.  

                Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

                Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

                Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022




                One day at a time

                  Anyone "Tired of being tired"?  Or is it just me.



                  I just got that one, too.

                    I just got a Twinkle Toes ad for Skechers girls shoes. 

                    Imminent Catastrophe

                      Anyone "Tired of being tired"?  Or is it just me.




                      Yeah, nice to see that Lance has regular work.

                      "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                       "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                      "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                      √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                      Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                      Western States 100 June 2016


                        Does anybody actually LIKE that FRS drink?  I've had it shoved at me at various expos.  Kinda red bull-like and pretty nasty.



                          There's also 'fetchback' or retargeting technology, where if you visit the site of a particular company, you pick up a cookie and their ads may follow you around the web wherever the 'retargeting' ad software is running.


                          So you might visit some tiny outfit and then start to see their ads on CNN and everywhere else, and wonder how they could afford to blanketing the entire web with their banner ads, when in fact it's like a virtual dude with their sandwich board following you.

                          The process is the goal.

                          Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.


                            I'd like to see the little virtual dude in my garmin with a sandwich board.



                              I'd like to see the little virtual dude in my garmin with a sandwich board.


                              That's why I'll never have my phone on with local advertising enabled, at least when I run. Every bar would be targeting you with a discounted cold beer as you approached. No training run would ever be completed.

                              The process is the goal.

                              Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

                              "run" "2" "eat"

                                i like FRS.

                                i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams