Zoomy's 1st "I like to set the bar really low" Marathon Report (Read 1628 times)

    It was so nice to meet you and I'm so happy for you! WOW! Smile And look at all the love! thank you for downplaying my poor navigation skills to the buses. It was all my fault. Imagine if Eryn and I had screwed you up running down a sandy 15 degree hill?
    And you know sometimes it gets so painful Just like talking to yourself When everything don't seem to have no rhyme or reason We all go Do do loo do do, do do loo do do Waiting for the sun to shine


      Wow ZZ nice race report on a tough tough run. But you did it...you finished...you are a marathoner!! You are making me so not want to run mine next week. I will definitely suck on my extra salt margarita shot blocks at mile 10, 15 and 20. I think it is really great that you are looking into a second. You know whats funny???? WHen I post a race report only 10-14 people respond and when you post one you have six pages of replies.... You must post a lot Big grin
      Run like you are on fire! 5K goal 24:00 or less (PR 24:34) 10K goal 50:00 or less (PR 52:45) HM goal 1:55:00 or less (PR 2:03:02) Marathon Goal...Less than my PR (PR 4:33:23)

        Congrats on your first marathon zoomy! Only 2 years til we do Loch Ness! Wink


        You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.


        Member Since 2008

          CONGRATS Zoomy, What did you do for the soarness, and have you started running again yet? Big grin

          Old, Slow, Happy

            WAY TO GO ZOOMY!!!!!! Sorry to hear about the leg issues. Just FYI. My son, who run marathons very well (8th in Arkon in 2006), had similar issues in his first one. After he finished, he came to me with tears on his face and said, "Dad, after I got to mile 21, I had to walk". He was very upset at the time. As he continued his marathon running, he never had to do it again. I'm sure your future marathons will go better and better. I hope to run one with you someday. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

              Wow, awesome job! And way to stick it out through a tough stretch. Personally I would blame the family. in my first marathon I saw my family at mile 19 and thenjust like you, one mile later, my ITB gave me problems for the rest of the race. Call it the 'curse of the significant other' Anyway, congrats and it's nice to see that you still have the urge to do another one.

              Self anointed title

                Kirsten - great job my friend! I'm really very, very proud of you for making it through such a tough race. Very well done. Next one is going to be a breeze! He he he. Tom (et famille)





                  Congratulations! Are are an inspiration and I'm glad I finally found this report. Chris

                  PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

                  Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


                  2022 Goals

                  Back to 10k


                  Insert witty title here

                    Congrats! We all knew you could do it! I'm no marathoner (yet), but that time isn't anything to be ashamed of.

                    ThomasRuns Blog

                    "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - [Walter Bagehot]



                      It was so nice to meet you and I'm so happy for you! WOW! Smile And look at all the love! thank you for downplaying my poor navigation skills to the buses. It was all my fault. Imagine if Eryn and I had screwed you up running down a sandy 15 degree hill?
                      Hell, no...that was part of the fun! Eryn and I have always lived lives that are like comedies of errors (and we can blame Eryn for the navigation--don't even get me started on her lack of ability to find her way anywhere... Wink). That hill HAD to be there! We just get extra HTFU points for making our way down (and back up again)! Big grin BTW, Jeff, do you need groupies? I think Eryn and I will be first in line. Smile Honestly, the thing I am most sad about when I think about missing my goal time is the fact that I wasn't there in time to see you presented with your 3rd place finish clock (Wink). I would have made that a priority even over beer! Big grin

                      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                           ~ Sarah Kay

                        Congratulations Zoom-zoom. Your a warm prescense on this website. I remember when I first found myself on RunningAhead two years ago I thought you & Trent owned the site because you were everywhere. Who's this Eric guy? Your open, upbeat personality helps set a good tone. You have a lot of supporters who were rooting for you. Great job!
                          Way to go Kirsten. Great job. Awesome report. What's next?


                            Congratulations Zoom-zoom. Your a warm prescense on this website. I remember when I first found myself on RunningAhead two years ago I thought you & Trent owned the site because you were everywhere. Who's this Eric guy? Your open, upbeat personality helps set a good tone. You have a lot of supporters who were rooting for you. Great job!
                            Shhh...don't tell Eric. Trent and I are hatching a plot to take over RA. It'll be our secret... Evil grin
                            Way to go Kirsten. Great job. Awesome report. What's next?
                            Next Fall--either Milwaukee again or Grand Rapids. I am already completely geeked (remind me of this by late Sept. when taper madness has made me want to tear off people's heads and piss down their necks, heh)! Big grin

                            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                 ~ Sarah Kay

                              I was looking at RA for 2 days wondering if there was going to be a report ... figured you must have walked home Surprised ... great report and congratulations ... I am looking forward to your countdown for maraton #2! BTW ... Bratwursts are loaded with sodium .. mmmmmm

                              2012= under-goaled


                                Zoom, You might want to try that Yoga again, man that warrior position is a b!tch post marathon.
