How many miles do you get from your socks? (Read 1011 times)

    I knit my own socks. I usually get around 50 million miles on them.

    Self anointed title

      I knit my own socks. I usually get around 50 million miles on them.
      Presumably you use the famous Bowerman waffle pattern?



        Presumably you use the famous Bowerman waffle pattern?
        I actually prefer the lava flow pattern. http://files.blog-city.com/files/aa/3830/b/lavaflow.pdf It's a slow day in the office.

          Presumably you bake them with Bowerman's original waffle iron?

          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



          Hold the Mayo

            You can't place blind faith in running store clerks. They advised me to use stability socks which lead to pain. I am now in neutrals which are much better. And you should always have a minumum of three pair in rotation - preferably different brands so your feet don't become too accustomed to a single model and develop imbalances.
            Wrong wrong WRONG! Shoes and socks should always be treated as a matched set (or pair-pair, if you will), and used together. If you are not careful and do not break them in together, or use a pair of socks with shoes they were not trained with, you could cause yourself serious problems. If you must rotate, roate the socks and shoes together, in tandem.

              Wrong wrong WRONG! Shoes and socks should always be treated as a matched set (or pair-pair, if you will), and used together. If you are not careful and do not break them in together, or use a pair of socks with shoes they were not trained with, you could cause yourself serious problems. If you must rotate, roate the socks and shoes together, in tandem.
              I disagree. How do you manage this combination when the manufacturer changes your favorite sock design and construction. You find a good pair and then they update the model and now what do you do. I've seen it a million times.

              "He conquers who endures" - Persius
              "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                The question should be 'How many yards do you get from your socks?' Perhaps my toenails need cutting?

                The process is the goal.

                Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.


                  I actually prefer the lava flow pattern. http://files.blog-city.com/files/aa/3830/b/lavaflow.pdf It's a slow day in the office.
                  Thanks for this. Now I know. The whole reason I pronate is because I've been knitting my socks all wrong.

                  Go Pre!

                    Mine last long time. I love them long time. I wear 'neutral' socks although I used to wear stability ones. They go well with my Sauconys. This is a nice thread (count) As you were.

                      (stuff deleted) But perhaps I'm misunderstanding or misunderestimating the tone of this thread. Edited to add: Yes. Yes, I was. Anyway, Buy Balega Socks. Balega Will Rule the Earth.


                        Obviously depends on your build, foot strike and cadence.
                        That, and the sock monster.

                        Current Goals: Run and stuff

                        running dry

                          Road Runner Sports used to sell what they called their '3000 mile socks'. Well, maybe it was '1000 mile socks'. Anyway, I have had 3 pair of them for over 3 years so they have over 1000 miles each pair so far and except for not so white anymore they don't show any signs of wear.

                            Road Runner Sports used to sell what they called their '3000 mile socks'. Well, maybe it was '1000 mile socks'. Anyway, I have had 3 pair of them for over 3 years so they have over 1000 miles each pair so far and except for not so white anymore they don't show any signs of wear.
                            ...which is probably why they don't sell them anymore Smile



                              Not all socks are created equal. Even ones that come together in the same 3-pack. It's true. I have some that I've had for maybe 7, 8 years and are still going strong. Others that became full of holes, turned to dust and floated away into space in just a year or two--those were the lucky ones, I always say. No way to predict it, really. Most of them, though, eventually go into the laundry and never come back. We don't ask questions about those ones, just assume they went to a better place.

                              Runners run


                                Most of them, though, eventually go into the laundry and never come back. We don't ask questions about those ones, just assume they went to a better place.
                                To the best of our current scientific knowledge, socks that never return from the laundry explain the "missing" dark matter in the Universe, representing 80% of the total mass.

                                The process is the goal.

                                Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.
