User group basically disappeared (Read 163 times)


delicate flower

    How are catwhore and shu not banned?  They are two of the biggest rabblerousers in that forum.



    Refurbished Hip

      Field trip to B&B?

      Running is dumb.


      That Death Thingy


        Did anyone else try using an eyefone?


        It’s all I use.

        runny eggs

          My grind today:  we broke the inter webs.

          runny eggs


            It’s all I use.


            We will have to trouble shoot: model and OS version data needed.


            Lord of the Manor

              How are catwhore and shu not banned?  They are two of the biggest rabblerousers in that forum.


              Truth. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

              If I could make a wish I think I'd pass


              Lord of the Manor

                I wonder if Marvalyn got her hands on one of our mods' login credentials.

                If I could make a wish I think I'd pass

                n a m

                1stBrn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unicrn

                  If a tree falls in the forest and doesn't know what is happening to it... Is it stumpt?

                  You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

                  eric :)

                    Let me look into this. I can't have you LNO folks roaming in public ;-)

                    n a m

                    1stBrn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unicrn

                      BIG CHUNGUS!!

                      You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


                      Refurbished Hip

                        It's like 2011 all over again, only Eric cares about us.  Someone go leave fantastic reviews for his book!

                        Running is dumb.


                          I’m banned too! I bet it’s because we’re not real runners anymore. LMAO!!


                          Lord of the Manor

                            I don't care to belong to any group that will have me as a member.

                            If I could make a wish I think I'd pass

                            eric :)

                              Short version: log out and then log back in to fix the problem.


                              Long version: It looks like everyone was banned from their groups. I'm not sure how it happened although I'm sure it's related to something I did last night to get rid of the spam groups. I added the spammers' IPs to the ban list and that somehow cascaded to other users. I'll have to look into how this could even happen.


                              Apologies to all for the inconvenience.


                              eric Smile


                              delicate flower

                                Thanks, eric!

