Bringing down cholesterol (Read 1258 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    Just started warming some milk to make a batch of yogurt too... Wink
      Sounds like a good idea... If only I had chef skills Smile Tomato and basil are two things that I can generally get to thrive in my vegetable garden though...
      Trust me, you don't need " Chef Skills" to make great Marinara for canning. The only thing you really need is a few basic things equipment wise. Food Mill: This is the Most important thing. It takes the seeds and skins off of tomatoes. Clean Sterilized Jars Big pot of boiling water I cut my tomatoes in half, and lay them out on large sheet pans and roast them in the oven ( or even out on the grill) at 425 for about 25 minutes. I also drizzle them with Olive Oil, and sea salt before roasting. Then I food mill them over a large bowl. Large pot on the stove, heat a few Tbsps olive oil, small onion chopped, a few cloves garlic minced, your basil leaves, and your milled tomatoes. Bring to a low boil and season to taste. Divide up into sterile jars, seal them and place in a large pot where the water comes up about 1/2 way around the jar, and boil for about 20-30 minutes. Carefully remove jars to a towel and the lids will start to " Pop" down, meaning they are heat sealed. allow to cool to the touch and store in a cool dry pantry. YUM! Smile

      Life Goal- Stay Cancer Free, Live my Best Life

       " Choose Joy, Today and ALWAYS" 



        Heat the milk to hot to the touch, which is 180 degrees. Cool the milk to warm to the touch, which is 120 degrees. Add old yogurt. Place in an oven preheated to ~100 degrees, then turned off. Wrap the jars in a towel. That will keep it warm enough.
        I have made my own yogurt like Trent does, only I culture it overnight in a cooler with a heating pad set on low heat (instead of using the oven) on top of the containers. Turns out great. And you can use any kind of milk you like.

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay



          I am a little nervous about repeating my test since now my diet is not as clean and has more sugar and refined carbs. Truthfully for me watching the refined carbs did more for my cholesterol than watching saturated fat. Eggs, meat, cheese...those were ok although I usually went lowfat or lean.
          My MIL has some cholesterol and triglyceride issues. She is already a fat-phobe, but substitutes the fats she avoids with plenty of sweets. So even though she's tall and thin her bloodwork is not all that great. Part of it's genetic (her siblings all have issues, too), but her doc has told her to cut the sweets, sugar, white flour, etc. She's having a hard time wrapping her brain around sugar being the bad part of her diet after decades of being fed the idea that fat is evil and all carbs are benign.

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay

            My MIL has some cholesterol and triglyceride issues. She is already a fat-phobe, but substitutes the fats she avoids with plenty of sweets. So even though she's tall and thin her bloodwork is not all that great. Part of it's genetic (her siblings all have issues, too), but her doc has told her to cut the sweets, sugar, white flour, etc. She's having a hard time wrapping her brain around sugar being the bad part of her diet after decades of being fed the idea that fat is evil and all carbs are benign.
            I SOOOOO know what you mean there! I think it was that for years people were led to believe that fat was the enemy. Just like anything there is a yin and a yang of fats/sugars/carbs. A " Fat Free" anything usually has a crap load of sugar or other processed things in it. My rule of thumb is " Always eat as close to the ground as possilbe" meaning real whole foods. Don't get me wrong, I loves me a juicy steak now and then, but have learned to love alot more beans/grains/greens just as much. My weakness has always been pasta. I Now eat strictly whole grain varieties, or once upon a blue moon, make my own. The grainy pasta takes a bit of getting used to, but I no longer crave white pasta at all. Once you feed your body the really good foods, your brain and body will begin to reject the crap foods by making you feel physically sick after you eat too many of them..... I likes that.

            Life Goal- Stay Cancer Free, Live my Best Life

             " Choose Joy, Today and ALWAYS" 



              I SOOOOO know what you mean there! I think it was that for years people were led to believe that fat was the enemy. Just like anything there is a yin and a yang of fats/sugars/carbs. A " Fat Free" anything usually has a crap load of sugar or other processed things in it. My rule of thumb is " Always eat as close to the ground as possilbe" meaning real whole foods. Don't get me wrong, I loves me a juicy steak now and then, but have learned to love alot more beans/grains/greens just as much. My weakness has always been pasta. I Now eat strictly whole grain varieties, or once upon a blue moon, make my own. The grainy pasta takes a bit of getting used to, but I no longer crave white pasta at all. Once you feed your body the really good foods, your brain and body will begin to reject the crap foods by making you feel physically sick after you eat too many of them..... I likes that.
              I LOVE whole grain stuff. The white flour equivalents always seem "gummy." I still remember how my MIL would tsk tsk us eating butter while she ate her yucky hydrogenated margarines. Black eye DS recently asked why we don't have dessert every night like at grandma's house (she does a lot of ice cream, brownies, cookies, etc.). I reminded him that we often do have dessert--fruit, berries, a bowl of Raisin Bran. The desserts at grandma's house are a special treat. I'm hoping that he will eventually understand the difference. I didn't grow up with sweets every day, so they were a special treat when we did have them.

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay


                The whole cholesterol thing is a pet peeve of mine. I am very careful about what I eat, run quite a lot (just did a marathon) as well as play tennis. Have lost a ton of weight. Blood test 3 weeks before the marathon still shows cholesterol at near medication intervention levels Angry . I am still not sold on the whole Statin thing - I don't trust the damn drug companies as far as I can throw them. Seems like every doctor is on the payroll.
                  The whole cholesterol thing is a pet peeve of mine. I am very careful about what I eat, run quite a lot (just did a marathon) as well as play tennis. Have lost a ton of weight. Blood test 3 weeks before the marathon still shows cholesterol at near medication intervention levels Angry . I am still not sold on the whole Statin thing - I don't trust the damn drug companies as far as I can throw them. Seems like every doctor is on the payroll.
                  AMEN..... Statins seem like that long term they can be equally as harmfull IMHO. Genetics are the real downer about the whole thing. Regardless of diet and other things, it seems if it runs in the genes of the family, you are in for it anyway.....

                  Life Goal- Stay Cancer Free, Live my Best Life

                   " Choose Joy, Today and ALWAYS" 


                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Food Mill: This is the Most important thing. It takes the seeds and skins off of tomatoes.
                    I never use one. I just puree the maters, skin and seeds and all. Cook it down and it is awesome. The skins contain pectin, which is a natural thickener. I usually puree, cook, then puree a second time.
                    Seems like every doctor is on the payroll.
                    < rant="" /> Well, then when then do I get my check? I guess science is bad because it is inconvenient, eh? Actually, it appears that statins are among the safest medications we have, and some have advocated pushing them over the counter (which would reduce drug company profits). But yeah, the evil drug empire does make a bit too much money, eh? Let me ask, what is wrong with making a buck to save lives and reduce illness? I guess drug companies created diabetes and measles and pneumonia just to rape the consumer, eh? And no, I own no drug stocks, do no consulting for drug companies, and am still waiting for the check you promised me I'd get. < ant="" />

                    I've got a fever...

                      < rant="" /> Well, then when then do I get my check? I guess science is bad because it is inconvenient, eh? Actually, it appears that statins are among the safest medications we have, and some have advocated pushing them over the counter (which would reduce drug company profits). But yeah, the evil drug empire does make a bit too much money, eh? Let me ask, what is wrong with making a buck to save lives and reduce illness? I guess drug companies created diabetes and measles and pneumonia just to rape the consumer, eh? And no, I own no drug stocks, do no consulting for drug companies, and am still waiting for the check you promised me I'd get. < ant="" />
                      I'm just glad I wasn't playing the old "Strange Brew" drinking game where you have to drink every time one of them says "eh?" Trent, your rant is spot on. And also extremely funny when read aloud as one of the Mackenzie brothers.

                      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                        Just wanted to say thanks for all the great info on this thread. I don't have any cholesterol issues right now. I'm 29 and just had the whole deal done, and have asked the questions and luckily the family history is good. But, there are a ton of great food ideas on here. I need to do better with my diet and the ideas on this thread are exactly what I need. Thanks everyone!

                        Good Bad & The Monkey

                          Weird. JK and I were talking about them McKenzie brothers just this very morning, eh.

                          I've got a fever...

                            JK and I were talking about them McKenzie brothers just this very morning, eh.
                            Tell him I said, "take off you hoser."

                            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                            A Saucy Wench

                              She's having a hard time wrapping her brain around sugar being the bad part of her diet after decades of being fed the idea that fat is evil and all carbs are benign.
                              You wanna know my kicker? Carbs for me trigger depression - white carbs faster than whole grain, but even overloading the whole grain ones can do it. What happens when I am depressed? I self sabotage = eat in a manner that I know is destructive. (I have a slight binge problem) What kind of food is easiest to binge on? Carbs of course. I know I am in trouble when I clear out the cereal shelf in a day or two.

                              I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                              "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                                I forgot that " Mininimalist Trent" would not have a food mill! Wink I got mine for doing things like squash puree's when I make my favorite soups.... I love mine alot. Plus you bring up a very good point about the pectin in the skins ..... LYCOPENE too. Definitely good stuff there.... Smile

                                Life Goal- Stay Cancer Free, Live my Best Life

                                 " Choose Joy, Today and ALWAYS"