Newton Running shoes (Read 2018 times)

    I have been involved with them before they started out as a company.  Lorraine Moller introduced me to them--they developed shoes for her for 1996 Olympics.  The original design was even more radical (in a sense) that there were more parts to move around separately, with heel more or less like a knob.  They since have "strem-lined" to the disgn now with more emphasis, in a way, to fore-/mid-foot landing.  It really..., well, I don't want to use a term "forces" you to land more mid-foot; but it'll make "mid-foot" landing more accessible.  I always told them that I personally like the sole to be thinner (more minimalist) but, when you really look closely, they are actually not as thick as they appear, particularly the heel part.  Their upper is very comfortable with smooth ride.  I like the fact that they don't have too much junk on the upper--in fact, not much junk at all.

    Since their introduction, they have gained popularity in Japan surprisingly fast.  Every time I get back to Japan, there are some write-ups about Newton shoes in more than one running magazines in Japan--and I'll usually scan the pages and send them to them.  As a matter of fact, I brought some of those magazines for them for show-and-tell at their booth at Boston marathon a few years back.

    I love the Newton's, however, I recently discovered that the middle back pain I developed is a problem.  I thought it was the power class I was taking, and didn't want to blame it on the Newton's.  After research (my own), I 'm pretty sure the Newton's are causing my back pain.  I love them and don't want to give them up.  Any suggestions? I wear orthotics and recently had bunion surgery (the back pain was there before and after the surgery).


    This is something I've never heard of.  Sort of interesting...  What makes you think you're "sure" Newton shoes are causing your back pain?  It is, I guess, possible that, by getting up on your toes (so to speak), your body position shifts and you may be getting more pressure on your back.  I can see some people getting back pain by leaning too far forward???  I'm not sure running up on your fore-/mid-foot forces you to lean forward--if anything, you might lean backward which would probably put more straiin on your abs...

      Hmmmm...  This is interesting.  This forum doesn't let me to double-space any more even if I try to triple-space, it won't double-space.  How do people do that now???
        Nobby, from what I have experienced, when you quote someone and then try to put your response/text in front of the quote, it eliminates line spaces between paragraphs.  If I remember correctly, the default cursor position when you hit "QUOTE" is AFTER the quote.......but often I want to put something before the quote, but it screws with stuff.

        Keep the running and fitness up and keep the weight from coming back.

        Run more miles than last year.

          Thanks.  By the way, impressive calves...

          Have you heard of that Swedish study why Kenyans are better runners?  They concluded "skinny calves"...  They couldn't find, according to them, any other factors--diet, exercise, muscle types, etc.--other than the size of calves.  When I first heard about it, I called Peter Snell and told him.  He burst into laughter and said, "Have you seen my calves?"  Well, so much for research...

            A-ha!  No quote but it didn't double-space either!!

            Self anointed title

              Thanks.  By the way, impressive calves...

              Have you heard of that Swedish study why Kenyans are better runners?  They concluded "skinny calves"...  They couldn't find, according to them, any other factors--diet, exercise, muscle types, etc.--other than the size of calves.  When I first heard about it, I called Peter Snell and told him.  He burst into laughter and said, "Have you seen my calves?"  Well, so much for research...


              I dunno.... was Trent included in this Swedish "study"?



              Old, Slow, Happy

                I have very flat feet.  I was wearing Brooks Beasts for 3 years because of over-pronating.  I developed runners knee and could not get healed.  My exploits included a visit to a very good PT who got custom orthotics for me.  Nothing seemed to help my knees.  FInally I tried a pair of Newton Gravitys with my orthotics.  The change was wonderful.  I am still learning to shorten my stride and strike at the mid-foot.  I'm on my second pair of Newtons and will get the third pair soon.  My knee is better.  My running is coming back and......I'm faster than I ever was for some reason. I am very pleased with the Newtons (except for the price).

                The Running Green Girl

                  I have very flat feet.  I was wearing Brooks Beasts for 3 years because of over-pronating.  I developed runners knee and could not get healed.  My exploits included a visit to a very good PT who got custom orthotics for me.  Nothing seemed to help my knees.  FInally I tried a pair of Newton Gravitys with my orthotics.  The change was wonderful.  I am still learning to shorten my stride and strike at the mid-foot.  I'm on my second pair of Newtons and will get the third pair soon.  My knee is better.  My running is coming back and......I'm faster than I ever was for some reason. I am very pleased with the Newtons (except for the price).


                  Wow, that's awesome.  I'm currently running in New Balance 1012 Motion Control's with prescription orthotics and reading stuff like this gives me hope.

                  You have the power within you to do whatever it is you want to do. Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD


                    Wow, that's awesome.  I'm currently running in New Balance 1012 Motion Control's with prescription orthotics and reading stuff like this gives me hope.



                    NB1012 + orthotics = ski boot

                    "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                    -- Dick LeBeau


                      Getting back to the beginning of the thread, isn't putting orthotics into newtons kinda of defeating the 'less shoe' approach of the newton?



                      The Limping Jogger

                        Getting back to the beginning of the thread, isn't putting orthotics into newtons kinda of defeating the 'less shoe' approach of the newton?



                        not less shoe, less heel strike.  Right?


                        I have a running buddy who wears them.  It took him a while to adapt but now he's running better with fewer issues.  I've got nothing against the shoe other than it's price point.   Seriously, $155 for the cheap ones?   Why are they so expensive?   I'd get a pair just to see what they were like but would rather midfoot strike in Saucony Fastwitch for half the price and less weight.   My theory is that they were initially geared toward triathletes.  Midpackers with $5000 tri bikes who wanted something equally as expensive for their feet bought them.  So, why drop the price?

                        "Only a few more laps to go and then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is."


                          Ok, I'll give you that.  I haven't really done my homework on the newtons except  to wonder, but not strongly enough to research, about the price.


                            Maybe it's out there and I'm just too lazy to look, but what's the benefit of the raised tread on the forefoot?  There are four longitudinal ridges under the ball of the foot, on an otherwise ordinary-looking outsole.

                            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                            -- Dick LeBeau

                              Those things are freaking expensive.

                              "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                                Those things are freaking expensive.

                                Yeah.  I'd rather run barefoot.  And, I'd rather not run barefoot.
