Sub 1:30 Half Marathon in 2020 (Read 618 times)


3 months til Masters

    I always wished someone would have a treadmill programmed with video all the famous races (nyc marathon, Boston, Manchester, etc) and changes in incline to the actual course. I would actually buy a treadmill that had that.

    2023 Goals

    Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

    10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

    5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

    Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

    Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


    2024 Goals

    Sub 2:37 Marathon

    Sub 1:15 Half

    Sub 34 10k

    Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




    RIP Milkman

      I've got an idea to invent a device that you can run on inside with some sort of moving belt.. what do you guys think 


      I’d rather get the coronavirus than have to train on a treadmill for the next few months.


      DW - it’s almost impossible to maintain the distance, but it’s generally just passing people in the street. The only way I get the virus at this point is grocery store (unlikely) or being in the elevator after someone with it coughs in there. Otherwise, I can’t see how.


      Also for you DW - my motivation for Grandma’s is so low given I don’t see how anything is resolved in 3 months, but on the other hand, if that race goes through and I didn’t train right, I wont’ forgive myself. So hopefully the latter motivates me. If it all fails, I can try a 10K time trial on the track I guess.


      If Grandma’s does fall through, I do see needing to run here and there just to keep the sanity in check given there is nothing else going on. I guess I needed a crisis to show how important running is for my mental health.

      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



        Jmac I think we will see more virtual races and events to get us through this tough time. Obviously not ideal but a bit more motivating than a time trial. I guess Strava and the like can step up here.

        55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

        " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

        Somewhere in between is about right "      



          Mark I got that Parkrun email this morning. No great surprise.


          Watson you were right about the Wellington cases.


          After reading Flavios post this morning I had an image of myself running laps around my house.....


          I'm trying to stay upbeat but have that little bit of anxiety eating at me that I'm sure we all share.


          I have a marathon load of anxiety.  And I highly unlikely to die from it.  And I have a significant amount of rainy day reserves.  For some people, they must an ultra marathon load of anxiety.


          Next Sunday's West Wind Xterra is postponed.

          PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


          40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


          2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


          2024 PRs: 5km 20:25

            As I said to many, I hope I'm wrong and you are all correct. The models I use to work on at uni 10-15 years ago predict a long period of instability, until vaccine  is ready and available. The problem compared to other Corona (sars or mers) is that many have little to no symptoms, so stopping completely the spread is impossible. Hospitals will be under pressure for a long time and so will the economy.


            But I may be wrong and I hope so.


            Have a great week.


            I think that is overly pessimistic.  China is getting back to normal now despite there being no vaccine, admittedly partly due to some very authoritarian state interventions that most democracies would consider highly unconstitutional.

            PRs since re-started in 2013:

            5km: 19:43 (Belfast park run Sep-16) | 10km: 40:16 (Belfast Lagan side 10K Sep-18) 

            HM: 1:30:09 (Belfast city Half Marathon, September-18) | FM: 3:25:05 (official chip time Belfast city Marathon, May-19, marathon was 0.3/4 longer, original time 3:27:20 for 26.5/6...)


            Upcoming races:  



              LedLincoln - It’s just that there is a risk even if small. Say you fall and scrape your elbows and that in turn gets infected by bacteria.

              Who’s to say there will be doctors or even antibiotics to treat you.

              And even if there is, would I be willing to use those antibiotics knowing that there are 30 thousand people in much more need than me.

              Knowing that anybody over 80 is being left to die regardless if you have COVID or not.

              Especially in Italy there are a lot of elders and they are mostly healthy elders, else how can we explain so many centenarians coming from Italy.


              Brew - exactly, for some reason the decree stated that it was possible to run. I was talking to our consultant yesterday and he told me it’s possible

              They did that cause it could be challenged in the Supreme Court or something like that.

              Considering they have the army on the streets telling runners to go home….


              Steve/Mark - If you have community spread it’s a matter of days now.


              Piwi - just oil the ground the move your feet forward and backwards haha.


              Marco - in China, after 2 months they're relaxing the lockdowns outside Hubei. Some people have developed mental health problems for being locked up so long. I agree it will take a long time, but not necessarily until a vaccine is developed.

              It will be as long as it's necessary to flatten the curve (or herd immunity). Or they find a way to treat the virus, cause currently they're mostly treating the symptoms.


              me - I think I'll go back to having language lessons via Skype to kill the boredom. Maybe it's time to learn Mandarin, given they might be our overlords in the future (this is half joke half serious). I might also buy a 5kg pack of rice and count the grains. Hell I might weigh each grain and sum them to see if it's really 5kg.


                To all - I see this as a Tsunami wave. The wave might be bigger some places and smaller other places. It will take whatever is on its path. But it will pass. Protect yourselves and your family. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.



                  Piwi - just oil the ground the move your feet forward and backwards haha.


                  I've been working on this and thinking of calling it the moon walk ? It could become a new type of dance.... 

                  55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                  " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                  Somewhere in between is about right "      


                    I Think you you are correct for China Flavio, as far as they can contain the new contagious they’ll be fine. Problem is: this virus is asintomatic for a few days and everybody can catch it (no defence). So for now the only defence is reducing contacts and interactions across contagious regions and non.

                    Vaccine can reduce the infection without reducing contacts cause you reduce people who can catch it.

                    I am not confident in hers immunity ... think flu.


                    On treatment ... We have treatments, but they have high toxicity and weak bodies will not react well. This is why if the stress on the national health system. Most of us will be fine, I use to say this was just a bit more than a flu... and individually I was right, but I was wrong at a society level. That’s where this is a crisis. And here if where many have seen further than me.


                    I agree it will be probably over for most people in our society as I think Brew already noted ...we are very much an individualistic society (not China , they have a dictatorship)

                    flavio I hope you will manage to find a space to run


                    Everybody else hope you all manage to keep training even without races Smile


                    have a good day


                    PRs since re-started in 2013:

                    5km: 19:43 (Belfast park run Sep-16) | 10km: 40:16 (Belfast Lagan side 10K Sep-18) 

                    HM: 1:30:09 (Belfast city Half Marathon, September-18) | FM: 3:25:05 (official chip time Belfast city Marathon, May-19, marathon was 0.3/4 longer, original time 3:27:20 for 26.5/6...)


                    Upcoming races:  


                      update: more sustainable treatment are tested... maybe you are right Flavio Smile

                      PRs since re-started in 2013:

                      5km: 19:43 (Belfast park run Sep-16) | 10km: 40:16 (Belfast Lagan side 10K Sep-18) 

                      HM: 1:30:09 (Belfast city Half Marathon, September-18) | FM: 3:25:05 (official chip time Belfast city Marathon, May-19, marathon was 0.3/4 longer, original time 3:27:20 for 26.5/6...)


                      Upcoming races:  



                      Mother of Cats



                        Darkwave - well, at least that's another positive.  Also... 'easy injection target'... ???


                        So...the injections are fairly painful, and that's usually the limiting factor.  For a lot of people (especially non-athletes) they can do a few jabs, then have to wait a moment or two, and then do a few more, etc.  Since they use a special room for the injections (they are ultrasound guided), there is a limited amount of time for each patient, which in turn limits the # of shots.  Additionally, some patients can only stomach the idea of a few shots in a day (kinda like not getting two root canals at once).


                        On the other hand, athletes like us tend to be more tolerant of this sort of thing, so he can just go jab, jab, jab, jab...move to the next site....jab, jab, jab, jab.  And we also get up off the table right away and leave, rather than needing a few moments to collect ourselves like the general population does.  So much easier and quicker.


                        Make sense?

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                        Mother of Cats

                          To all - I see this as a Tsunami wave. The wave might be bigger some places and smaller other places. It will take whatever is on its path. But it will pass. Protect yourselves and your family. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


                          I agree with this.  I think it is a public health crisis, but also a panic (with the panic being a consequence of all the media coverage combined with a lot of zombie movies and tv shows in our recent past).  And the panic will play out for another 10 days or so in the US, and then ease (though the financial effects will linger).


                          One of the tricky things is that this is a societal risk, but not necessarily an individual risk for many of us.  It's really a situation where we have to act together to inconvenience and limit and financially hurt ourselves for the benefits of others.  And that's a hard sell to many.  Made harder by so much conflicting information out there on what is the right thing to do.  [I was reading last night in the Washington Post that closing down the schools was apparently NOT popular with the public health community - much more risk from having those kids stay home and be watched over by their grandparents.]


                          That's also why I like to emphasize that even those who may think that they are risk-free are not - either because of potential long term damage to one's lungs, or because of unavailability of the ER for other reasons.    We act more forcefully when there is a perceived risk to ourselves - it's just human nature.


                          I also keep thinking that if we can just implement large scale testing in the US (and yes, there are all sorts of technical AND cultural obstacles to that), that will change the picture dramatically.  Both because it will change how we can act to contain this bug, and also because there may be a mass realization that it's already much further spread than we understood (which means, paradoxically, that we might be closer to the other side of it than we realize).

                          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                          Mother of Cats



                            Also for you DW - my motivation for Grandma’s is so low given I don’t see how anything is resolved in 3 months, but on the other hand, if that race goes through and I didn’t train right, I wont’ forgive myself. So hopefully the latter motivates me. If it all fails, I can try a 10K time trial on the track I guess.


                            If Grandma’s does fall through, I do see needing to run here and there just to keep the sanity in check given there is nothing else going on. I guess I needed a crisis to show how important running is for my mental health.


                            I still see Grandma's as more likely than not.  3 months is a LONG time - we have no idea what the world will look like then.


                            Since I do short cycles, I wouldn't start seriously training for it until the end of April, so that's still my plan.  I'm even hopeful that by mid-late-May some races will start happening again.

                            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                            3 months til Masters

                              I'm signed up for Grandma's so if it is run, I'm going to hang on you for as long as possible.



                              I’d rather get the coronavirus than have to train on a treadmill for the next few months.


                              DW - it’s almost impossible to maintain the distance, but it’s generally just passing people in the street. The only way I get the virus at this point is grocery store (unlikely) or being in the elevator after someone with it coughs in there. Otherwise, I can’t see how.


                              Also for you DW - my motivation for Grandma’s is so low given I don’t see how anything is resolved in 3 months, but on the other hand, if that race goes through and I didn’t train right, I wont’ forgive myself. So hopefully the latter motivates me. If it all fails, I can try a 10K time trial on the track I guess.


                              If Grandma’s does fall through, I do see needing to run here and there just to keep the sanity in check given there is nothing else going on. I guess I needed a crisis to show how important running is for my mental health.

                              2023 Goals

                              Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

                              10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

                              5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

                              Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

                              Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


                              2024 Goals

                              Sub 2:37 Marathon

                              Sub 1:15 Half

                              Sub 34 10k

                              Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




                              Cobra Commander Keen

                                Kiwi Point 118 this morning. Considering that we're still technically in winter here, I think that's a valid non-virus related complaint.

                                Piwi - I can't remember where, but I recall seeing where a guy in China (?) under quarantine did a marathon or so distance run inside his house.

                                DWave - Great that you are already seeing benefits of the injections. Are you doing "just" those, or are you combining it with chiro, PT, or anything else as well?

                                DPS - I recall there at least was a treadmill that would simulate the Boston course, hills and all. In this age of everything "as a service" I'd be shocked if you couldn't at least get an app that displays video of various courses, if if it can't automatically control a treadmill.

                                JMac - I was about to sign up for Grandma's when this whole thing really started blowing up around the states, but held off. Currently eyeing a marathon in almost-Canada Washington the day before New Botswana just in case.

                                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                                Upcoming Races:


                                June 28 - Twilight 5000?

                                July 4  - Firecracker 5k