Humiliation at the club (Read 1911 times)

The Thunder

    Get faster and look like your pansie ass? Negative. Get faster while keeping the same mass? Giddy up....
    The ladies love the Thunder thighs I'm rockin. Hey, different strokes for different folks. I know there are some ladies out there that are "Chubby Chasers", so maybe you've got a shot?

    1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


      Thunder, did you even read my post? I merely said if somone wants to get faster they should go for it and don't let anything get in there way. It all depends on there goals. I admire all you 5 minute mile fucks and I hope to attain it one day. If it's not possible at this weight then so be it, but I know I'm going to bust my ass by running a ton of miles as fast as I possibly can. Reading Comprehension > you
      Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

        I don't get it. Who cares how much you weigh? I only care about one thing... If you have heard the word. You sound like a damned sewing circle. Christ in a race car.

          The ladies love the Thunder thighs I'm rockin. Hey, different strokes for different folks. I know there are some ladies out there that are "Chubby Chasers", so maybe you've got a shot?
          Maybe in this little world, but in the same respect you would get laughed out of a gym. That's why I'm a little perplexed here. Usually, I've found the running community to be supportive in nature. However, you come off sounding like those ignorant tools on the body building forums with your "holier than though" attitude. I didn't put down the OP. I just offered a different perspective that others might not have here (JK had a good thread a while back that hit on these points).
          Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

            I don't get it. Who cares how much you weigh? I only care about one thing... If you have heard the word.
            Does it involve a certain avairian variety?
            Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

            The Thunder

              Maybe in this little world, but in the same respect you would get laughed out of a gym.
              Dude. You have no clue how much I can squat. I make meatheads flip out.

              1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                Does it involve a certain avairian variety?
                It does indeed.

                  Dude. You have no clue how much I can squat. I make meatheads flip out.
                  You just made my point for me , dude. You assumed shit. I returned the favor. See how much of an ass you look like? I bet you can squat more than me, but once again, that's not the point (I bet you can bench a lot too? Big grin). I wouldn't put your ass down if you were asking somone how to build mass if you had Olive oil arms........
                  Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

                  The Thunder

                    You just made my point for me , dude. You assumed shit. I returned the favor. See how much of an ass you look like? I bet you can squat more than me, but once again, that's not the point (I bet you can bench a lot too? Big grin). I wouldn't put your ass down if you were asking somone how to build mass if you had Olive oil arms........
                    I can bench more than I weigh with no troubles. That works well enough for me! Besides, I'm not trying to get stronger, i'm trying to get FASTER. Just like the OP. Guess you're just trying to get more cheeseburgerie. That's cool dude.

                    1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                        I can bench more than I weigh with no troubles. That works well enough for me! Besides, I'm not trying to get stronger, i'm trying to get FASTER. Just like the OP. Guess you're just trying to get more cheeseburgerie. That's cool dude.
                        See, there you go again with the insults. So, maybe I should come back with something like "I'm tryign to get stronger and you're trying to get more girlie"? Kind of harsh isn't it? Or, how about this? "Oh boy, you can bench your own weight, so can my 12 year old cousin!" I wouldn't say that shit though, unless I knew you. Apparently, you have diarrhea of the mouth.
                        Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.
                          Look, AroundTheHorn, Thunder has built up his speed simply by upping his miles. My suggestion is to quit this bickering and up yours!



                          The Thunder

                            I wouldn't say that shit though, unless I knew you.
                            Well I guess we can't all be Thunder, right? That's just the difference between you and I.....well that and you won the Miss Broward Country Pecan Pie eating contest 3 years running. Nicely done BTW.

                            1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

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                                you are all doing great!