Why is 50 mpw a magic number? (Read 1588 times)


    I've seen it used again and again. Why not 45, or 55, or 100? Everyone is different. Some will respond to more mileage better than others. I averaged 50 mpw for 8 weeks and my body fell apart. 6 months later and I'm barely back to 20mpw.

    Certified Running Coach
    Crocked since 2013



      50 has been kind of magic for me. 40 was harder...for some odd reason (I ended up with niggling injuries after the first few times I did 40). 50 hasn't killed me either of the times I've hit that mileage in a single week. If it didn't take me so damned much time to run 50 miles in a week I'd do it every week.

      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

           ~ Sarah Kay


        Actually I thought it all revolves around 42. For me, I didn't start to feel comfortable "racing" HM and longer until I hit 50+ on a regular basis.

        "He conquers who endures" - Persius
        "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



          I've seen it used again and again. Why not 45, or 55, or 100? Everyone is different. Some will respond to more mileage better than others. I averaged 50 mpw for 8 weeks and my body fell apart. 6 months later and I'm barely back to 20mpw.
          I am not sure why 50 MPW would mean anything? To me the number I hear is 100 mpw - but of course I might be talking to different people than you. My experience is that the 1st time I have tried a new mileage plateau I have failed, the 2nd time I have tried it I have succeeded.

          Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



            Actually I thought it all revolves around 42.
            heh heh Big grin love it
              I don't think there are 'magic numbers' (well apart from 7, I've always liked 7). I've seen people here cite 50, 60, 65, and 85 as weekly mileage numbers that will produce 'magical results'. I think it's more than a coincidence they are all rather neat numbers - no-one cites 57.5 or even 61. What probably happens is that they make a nice target that people can reach for in their training diaries. So 50 becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy with a certain group of people stretching out to that level, staying there for a while and reaping the rewards of a solid increased mileage. John 'not feeling the magic'
              Goal: Age grade over 80% on a certified course.

                I don't see it as a magical anything. I don't see any number that's magic. This sport is simple, you get out of it what you put into it.

                Just Happy to Run

                  Dang it! I had heard 25 and I was just finally getting to that. Now I find out I'm only HALF way there??? grrrrr Angry

                  2010 Goals
                  • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

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                    Actually the key number is 80km, but people just say 50 miles as an approximation.

                    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                      50 is certainly a nice round number but I had not heard it was magic.

                      Runners run


                        I think people tend to push for nice, round mileage numbers. 30mpw then 40mpw then 50mpw etc. I believe that if you average 40mpw (which is pretty good for most recreational runners like us) for a while and then you push to 50mpw, and stay there for several weeks, it will feel magical in what it does for your running. Going from 40 to 50mpw is a 25% mileage increase (thanks for pointing that out Jim!), and that is huge. To go from 50 to 60mpw will not be as magical as that 40 to 50 step was. So maybe the 40 to 50 step is just a 'sweet spot' in the training curve. Just a thought.

                          One is the loneliest number that you'll ever know. According to Schoolhouse Rock, three is a magic number. 75 and 90 are my magic numbers wrt running. When I average 75 mpw for awhile, I can run lots of marathons close together without getting sore AND speed up a little. 90 is magic because if I try to string together a few 90 mile weeks, my body hates me. Edited to add: 89.9 is ok. And 74.9 is not. It *must* be 75 and 90. Exactly.


                          A Saucy Wench

                            three is a magic number..
                            That's what I was going to say. Dammit MTA: apparently 50 IS a magic number for me. a) last week I was cruising along happily and pain free for the first time in ages and 1/2 mile from home I got sudden and debilitating knee pain. If you look at my log you notice I ran 50.5 miles last week. Apparently 50 was magic but 50.5 was death. b) the phantom knee pain vanished as quickly as it came, because of course it was then Monday and I had a new week to start. c) I have not run without pain for more than 2 days in a row since January until this week I decided "screw sensible" and as soon as I hit 50 miles in 7 consecutive days I have had no pain.

                            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                            Right on Hereford...

                              I've seen it used again and again. Why not 45, or 55, or 100? Everyone is different. Some will respond to more mileage better than others. I averaged 50 mpw for 8 weeks and my body fell apart. 6 months later and I'm barely back to 20mpw.
                              The actual magic number is 38.3561644+ miles per week. Seriously. There is a strange cult dedicated to this number, and the members are oozing their way to new PRs week after week. It's quite phenomenal to watch.
                              L Train

