I've never experiened chafing (Read 1051 times)

    Anyone else out there who has never experienced chafing from running? Perhaps it's because I do not run as much or as long as some others (currently up to 20 mpw), or maybe I was just genetically endowed with great skin. Also I am pretty skinny (6 ft and about 148 pounds), so I don't have a lot of extra skin rubbing Big grin. Am I just lucky? Or will my days of chafing soon come upon me as I increase my distances?
    2010 Goals: Run 1500 miles Sub 22 minute 5K Sub 37 minute 8K Sub 1:45 HM Complete a marathon

    The Crap Whisperer

      sweat seems to be a factor too...try running and sweating in a sports bra and then see if you get any chafing Tongue

      Being the best tiny spec that I can be!

      Just Happy to Run

        My legs would start a forest fire if I didn't use body glide on the long runs. If your legs don't touch much then you're lucky... unless you're stranded on an island and need to start a fire... Haven't experienced nipple chafing yet? Thats a fun one... Shocked

        2010 Goals
        • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles


          Consider yourself lucky if you've never chafed. The worst is the sneak-attack chafe...that you discover as soon as the shower water hits you and washes salty sweat crust into open wounds. Shocked I started going commando under running tights when I got tired of my ass always having raw welts along seams. That's also a really unfun place to chafe. Cry

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay


          The Crap Whisperer

            Haven't experienced nipple chafing yet? Thats a fun one... Shocked
            Well if he's running in a sports bra he probably doesn't chafe there Big grin

            Being the best tiny spec that I can be!


              I'm a little heavier then you (6 ft, 150lbs Tongue ) and never had a problem either. 3 marathons and as high as 60 mpw with over 4 years of running so far and never bought body glide or bandaged any part of my body for protection Shocked

              Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose; it's how drunk you get. -- Homer Simpson

              A Saucy Wench

                I don't usually chafe until about 8 miles unless it is raining. On the other hand, I scar badly from chafe including one unfortunate spot that keeps making doctors think I've had laparoscopic heart surgery.

                I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                  I was sporting the red badges of courage after a long run last week. My first ever. Nothing like little red circles on the front of your yellow shirt to impress folks. I never have problems unless I run for at least 80 minutes. I don't know why but at 60 or 70 minutes I have no problems. As soon as I go on a 8-12 mile run I get chaffing issues.





                    Well if he's running in a sports bra he probably doesn't chafe there Big grin
                    Haha yeah I gotta support my man-boobs. Wink
                    I'm a little heavier then you (6 ft, 150lbs Tongue ) and never had a problem either. 3 marathons and as high as 60 mpw with over 4 years of running so far and never bought body glide or bandaged any part of my body for protection Shocked
                    Interesting; I hope I have the same luck as you!
                    2010 Goals: Run 1500 miles Sub 22 minute 5K Sub 37 minute 8K Sub 1:45 HM Complete a marathon

                    Just Happy to Run

                      Haha yeah I gotta support my man-boobs. Wink
                      At least you wouldn't have to bother with taping yer nipples. Smile

                      2010 Goals
                      • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles
                        Am I just lucky? Or will my days of chafing soon come upon me as I increase my distances?
                        You may be lucky, but you may also experience the joys of chafing as your long runs get longer. I had no problems until I started to do runs of over a couple of hours. Even then it's only really an issue in hot weather. Body glide is good stuff. John
                        Goal: Age grade over 80% on a certified course.

                        Just Happy to Run

                          Oh, and if you're feeling like you're being left out of the chafing club then on your next run just run with your legs squeezed together while vigorously rubbing your nipples. Then maybe we can welcome you to the club. Wink

                          2010 Goals
                          • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

                          The Crap Whisperer

                            Oh, and if you're feeling like you're being left out of the chafing club then on your next run just run with your legs squeezed together while vigorously rubbing your nipples. Then maybe we can welcome you to the club. Wink
                            That's hawt!!!!

                            Being the best tiny spec that I can be!


                              I never have problems unless I run for at least 80 minutes. I don't know why but at 60 or 70 minutes I have no problems. As soon as I go on a 8-12 mile run I get chaffing issues.
                              Yeah, same here, although my magic time is 50 minutes. 49, ok. 50, not. That's nipples. My thighs seem to have a magic time of 43 minutes. Do enough running and forget your body glide (or certain clothing items) enough times, you learn stuff like this. I never get foot blisters/chafing unless it is raining a lot OR I'm running an ultra with tons of steep downhill. In either of these situations, I bodyglide my feet. Usually, I don't. BTW, not everyone gets the thigh chafing thingy. Be thankful you (edited to add: you = original poster) don't,


                              Just Happy to Run

                                That's hawt!!!!
                                And now you know why I always have nipple chafing issues on my long runs on the river path... Big grin

                                2010 Goals
                                • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles