I've never experiened chafing (Read 1051 times)


The Crap Whisperer

    You must be very coordinated?

    Being the best tiny spec that I can be!



      Oh, and if you're feeling like you're being left out of the chafing club then on your next run just run with your legs squeezed together while vigorously rubbing your nipples. Then maybe we can welcome you to the club. Wink
      Please, for the love of dog, get this on video if you do it!!! Evil grin

      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

           ~ Sarah Kay

        And now you know why I always have nipple chafing issues on my long runs on the river path... Big grin
        Well sure but can you do that and whistle?

        "Good-looking people have no spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we're smarter." - Lester Bangs

        Just Happy to Run

          You must be very coordinated?
          As long as I keep my pace in the 9:46 area. If I increase it, it all falls apart! Black eye

          2010 Goals
          • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

          Just Happy to Run

            Well sure but can you do that and whistle?
            LOL! That might mess with my 2:2 breathing pattern. I'll give it a try on my next run though. Have the oxygen on standby... Wink

            2010 Goals
            • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

            The Crap Whisperer

              Well, if you can do all of what you say you can do I doubt you will need oxygen...I'm sure there would be plenty of peeps volunteering to give you mouth to mouth Big grin

              Being the best tiny spec that I can be!


                Who wants to be resuscitated by a yellow marshmellow duck?


                Just Happy to Run

                  Well, if you can do all of what you say you can do I doubt you will need oxygen...I'm sure there would be plenty of peeps volunteering to give you mouth to mouth Big grin
                  Note to self: Pop in a breath mint before going on tomorrow's nipple-rubbing, whistle-blowing long run... Yes

                  2010 Goals
                  • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles

                  The Crap Whisperer

                    Who wants to be resuscitated by a yellow marshmellow duck?
                    Me ??? I think ???

                    Being the best tiny spec that I can be!


                      Note to self: Pop in a breath mint before going on tomorrow's nipple-rubbing, whistle-blowing long run... Yes
                      Just eat a peep. They will help with your breath.


                      Just Happy to Run

                        Who wants to be resuscitated by a yellow marshmellow duck?
                        LOL!!! took me a second to figure that one out...

                        2010 Goals
                        • M PR (Current: 6:27:00) • HM PR (Current: 2:13:14) • 5k under 25:00 • 10k under 59:00 • Weekly Milage of ~25 miles
                          Yeah, same here, although my magic time is 50 minutes. 49, ok. 50, not.
                          Then only two cookies for you, not three.

                          Greater Lowell Road Runners
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                          May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


                            Then only two cookies for you, not three.
                            Wow. Now THAT is obscure.


                              Wow. Now THAT is obscure.
                              Big grin

                              Greater Lowell Road Runners
                              Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                              May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                              Mitch & Pete's Mom

                                I don't usually chafe until about 8 miles unless it is raining. On the other hand, I scar badly from chafe including one unfortunate spot that keeps making doctors think I've had laparoscopic heart surgery.
                                +1 My doctor asked if she needed to address the dangers of sadomasochism or was I just experiencing running bra chaffing. She has a strange sense of humor.
                                Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.