Illegal Aid in a Marathon (Read 957 times)

    As far as spectator aid goes,  in this day and age (call me paranoid!) I would be leery to accept anything from a stranger during a race.


    I'd accept money. Or beer. Or maybe pizza. Definitely donuts. Or a new car...I'd definitely accept that.


      Glad to see we have these rules and they are being enforced! Get all those cheaters banned for life! Oh, and while we're at it, ban all those barefoot runners!

      Will run for scenery.

        I'm surprised nobody mentioned those Wellesley girls at Boston.  Don't they give special encouragement ?  I always wonder : is it equally available to all participants ?

        Stupid feet!

        Stupid elbow!



          How about the races that have a high percentage of TNT runners and have special aid stations set up by TNT for only TNT entrants, coaches (not wearing race numbers) running alongside TNT entrants, groups cheering only for TNT purple shirts and ignoring other runners? Does that DQ the TNT people because they accepted/paid for aid (physical and mental) not available to every runner?


          Options,Account, Forums

            How about the races that have a high percentage of TNT runners and have special aid stations set up by TNT for only TNT entrants, coaches (not wearing race numbers) running alongside TNT entrants, groups cheering only for TNT purple shirts and ignoring other runners? Does that DQ the TNT people because they accepted/paid for aid (physical and mental) not available to every runner?


            I would distinguish some terms here: the act of cheating does not in and of itself DQ the people. DQ'ing is done by the race management. People cheat all the time, without DQ consequences, because race management doesn't know, or much more likely, doesn't care to enforce rules.

            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

            Gator eye

              So you guys are confusing me.  Is a pace booty cheating or not?

              I got a serious 5k PR with a pace boot last weekend, I need to know if I can count it as a PR or if I should count it as a DQ?


                What the hell is a pace booty?


                  What the hell is a pace booty?



                  Runners run


                    I'd accept money. Or beer. Or maybe pizza. Definitely donuts. Or a new car...I'd definitely accept that.


                    Hardee har har.  Pizza during a race?  Gross.

                    "Shut up Legs!" Jens Voigt


                      So you guys are confusing me.  Is a pace booty cheating or not?

                      I got a serious 5k PR with a pace boot last weekend, I need to know if I can count it as a PR or if I should count it as a DQ?


                      Assuming that your pacer didn't know you, the rules state that you get the PR and probably a restraining order.

                      The process is the goal.

                      Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.



                        A Saucy Wench


                          I agree. In my fastest marathon I ran the last 5 miles next to another runner who was having a tough time. She had a running partner or coach (an official entrant) with her giving her encouragement '' "You can do it. ...Dig deep...You have it in you... I just listened in and kept up with them and then passed them near the finish line -- that guy really helped me! Was that unfair pacing?


                          At a recent 5k, I noticed someone in my age group ahead of me around mile 2.5. My competitive spirit came out and I slowly caught up and passed her, achieving a PR. Again, unfair pacing?


                 my fastest marathon I was just skating BQ and starting to fade badly at mile 23 and said to myself quietly under my breath "Harden the fuck up you did not come here to quit!".  Only apparently in my glycogen deprived brain I was not at all quiet ( apparently I SHOUTED it) and everyone around me straightened up and picked up the pace.    Sorry to all y'all.  You cheated.

                          I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                          "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                            Lot's of stuff listed here that I couldn't give a damn about. I run a lot of races on open roads so what really pisses me off is when the runner I'm behind gets a bottle handoff from a car or bike right in front of me and I have to watch out. This makes me want to fight.


                            That right there will make you run faster, guaranteed.


                            Wasn't a running race, but I was in a group of three bikes in the lead of Cat 4 road race once (long ago and far away) and the two guys ahead of me were on the same team; I was not on a team, and they were plotting out loud how to block and drop me. Pissed me off so much I went sprinted off the front and dropped 'em, and stayed there all the way to the finish line. It was 3-4 miles I think. Big grin

                            Retired &  Loving It


                              and in fact my brother had offered to ride his bike along side me (probably with a whip to keep me moving) for my upcoming race. In reading the race rules online, it seems that this would not be a wise thing to do.


                              This will scare your brother away. I was in that race. The guy was riding alongside his girlfriend, running her first marathon. When he went under the train, everyone figured he was toast. He lucked out that the tracks are slightly deeper right there.

                              CT JEFF

                                So you guys are confusing me.  Is a pace booty cheating or not?

                                I got a serious 5k PR with a pace boot last weekend, I need to know if I can count it as a PR or if I should count it as a DQ?


                                I like pace ponytails. But cant find one to match my pace for long distances. Last race I ran, I used big fat guys as my pacers (see? equal rights) - I was registered a Clydesdale, so whether the person was AG or CLY, I didnt know, but I kept an eye on the big fat guys (like me). Ended up #3 in the Cly div. Smile


                                As for the question about the HM aide in the car. I could see someone complaining, but most of the time it seems that the roads are mostly blocked off, and to even attempt something like that is assinine. I considered going off the course to say "hi" to my family last FM. That would have been the perfect time to have a seat, drink a beer, maybe a burger. If Im gonna get DQ for something, lets have it be WORTH it.


                                I like how this discussion has deteriorated into sarcasm and hypotheticals. No, really, I love it. If someone was really upset on here about illegal water they are supposed to just wade through this sarcasm? Really? Hows that fair? Isnt there a rule against it? Isnt it an illegal advantage to those on this discussion looking for sarcasm?

                                RUN SAFE.     Barefoot 1st: 6/9/13. PR: 5k=22:50 10k=47:46 HM 1:51. FM 4:28 Oct 2015 joined RUN 169!