Officially a "Master" today (Read 727 times)


    This weekend I plan on being drunken master. (speaking of 50+, there's another term at some races. I can't remember it. It isn't super-master. It's bugging me that I can't remember it.)


      (speaking of 50+, there's another term at some races. I can't remember it. It isn't super-master. It's bugging me that I can't remember it.)
      now you are just "baiting". so I'll call you... nevermind. Smile






        It isn't super-master.
        well it should be. I'd like to be a super master.

          now you are just "baiting". so I'll call you... nevermind. Smile
          No, I'm dead serious. BTW, the term I was thinking of is actually "grand master". I think. (yeah. The Midsouth Marathon is a race that has a special grand master category) Jim, you can be Grandmaster Flash!



            No, I'm dead serious. BTW, the term I was thinking of is actually "grand master". I think. (yeah. The Midsouth Marathon is a race that has a special grand master category) Jim, you can be Grandmaster Flash!
            oh, blah

            Mitch & Pete's Mom

              Welcome! It is fun to say you are a "Maaa Staa."
              Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.

              Mitch & Pete's Mom

                This weekend I plan on being drunken master. (speaking of 50+, there's another term at some races. I can't remember it. It isn't super-master. It's bugging me that I can't remember it.)
                Please be careful with your drunken debatchery this weekend, I'd hate to here on Monday that you were taken advantage of. Shocked
                Carlsbad 1/2 marathon 1/26.

                  Well, I wouldn't hate that so much.


                    when I turn 50 then I will run a race in Canada so I can be an international grand master. It is apparently much harder to get that title in chess. In running you simply have to live to age 50 and then run in two countries.






                      when I turn 50 then I will run a race in Canada so I can be an international grand master.
                      Maybe we won't let you. Maybe we'll stop you at the border and say "Go back!, eh?" then you'll have to go to mehico instead. And you'll be 'senor grand master'
                        you mean senior grand master. but with the little ~ over the word senior.





                        Beware, batbear...

                          Actually 40 today and feel better than I did at 30... So its all good Big grin Actually counting down to 45 as not sure if i could ever pull a 3:20:59, but 3:30:59 may be doable some day.
                          I'm glad you said that. I turned 30 this year and it sucked. I never thought age was that important to me, and then Dec. 2 rolled around (my birthday) and it was straight suckage. You know, you share your b-day with Bill Shakespeare. Not bad company. I share my birthday with Britney Spears, the start of WWI and the decision of Donald Rumsfeld to legalize torture.

                          2014 Goal -- Run 5X per week, pain-free (relatively) by end of summer.


                            I was in Kenosha WI last year. They had a competition for the captains of the Guide Crafts that take the fisherman out. Who could Bait the most hooks in the a pre determined amount of time. They were awarded the title of Master Baiter. Age had nothing to do with it.

                            Run the race God set B4U

                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I LOVE THE 40'S. I TOO FEEL MUCH BETTER THAN I EVER DID IN MY 30'S.
                              5K's (11), Half Marathon (1), Relay Marathon (1), 15K's (2)

                              glutton for punishment

                                turned 50 last year and I think I am in better shape than I have been my whole life - i weigh less than i did in college i place in my AG almost every small race I enter. but you know, its amazing - i start thinking, wow i am a pretty good runner, - but then lo and behold these awesome masters show up and remind me what i am really made of and how far i still have to go i start thinking my 22:30 5K time is something to behold and then there are these the 55+ guys that show up and are able to run 18, 19, and 20:00 5Ks or sub 40 10Ks and it is kind of humbling but good for them and thats the beauty of our sport - i am really competing with myself - and these awesome masters give me confidence that maybe i can continue to get better
                                PRs: 5K - 22:15 May 09 10K - 47:11 feb 09 15K - 1:16 april 09 HM - 1:47 nov 08