The Booze and Waffle Thread, Long Live The Wild Wild West (Read 401 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey



    I don't follow.


    Speak clearly.


    Good to see it is just beer and not some status symbol or a symbol of supporting some ideology. Next I’ll have to hear about how I shouldn’t shop at Walmart or eat Jimmy John sandwiches. Can I watch basketball or is that racist or only for those with money too?


    Maybe I should only do races in my area of the world. UTMB, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Hong Kong, London, etc. aren’t in my area so I should stay away. Local races and local beer. Now let us talk about local. Is it where the company starts or does Sierra Nevada brewed on the east coast count as local?


    Good Bad & The Monkey

      Dragon's Milk is a standard go-to because it's good enough, ubiquitous, and surprisingly cheap for this variety of beer.


      Yes. This.



      CBS is something I discovered late.  I say "late" because they're no longer producing it after 2019.  By the description I thought it would be  overly sweet and revolting, but I was wrong (as usual).


      Actually, the recent run of CBS is interesting. CBS was first brewed back in 2011 or 2012 or sometime in the way back, craft beer speaking. Then it disappeared and became a white whale for those craft beer folks who loved chasing big rare beers. Then Founders brought it back and brewed it again for a few years. It will probably return again one day. I still have several 22oz bombers of it from 2017. But, to my point above, I'd much rather spend my money at local breweries and breweries that treat their staff well regardless of background, etc.


        Dragons Milk has a bunch of specialized versions. Most recently, the marshmallow aged in scotch barrels was tasty. The one before (something something in rum barrels) was eh.

          Well, the booze thread can be about spirits


          When ripe, I pick and freeze a lot of blackberries then throughout the year infuse vodka. The recipe has been evolving, using an immersion blender to beat the shit out of the berries, pour in the vodka and let sit for a week or so. This year, I've been using fresh berries (muddled) in the infused vodka, strain and use for a drink. To quote srl, "is good"

          "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


            From my side of the business, there are 3 subsets of "snob" customers. The stereotype is overplayed and most people who are really 'into' their thing are quite nice... and I've learned lots from them.  That said, in terms of interacting with not-so-great folks...


            beer snobs are (mostly) ok, and are easier to deal with than wine snobs.


            But both are light years better than bourbon snobs. OMG. The stereotype of this guy (and it's always a guy who is awful in this respect)... when it unfolds in full glory, that guy hurts my brain.


            If you are really into bourbon, that's cool. I think it is what happened to some of those who were into baseball cards from 1988-1999. But there's a big difference between enjoying/sharing your thing and being a complete goober about it.


            thank you


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              Define: "beer snob"


              Is somebody a snob because they don't want to spend their money on drinks that have no flavor? Is somebody a snob because they don't want to spend their money on a company that has empirically demonstrated itself to be led by assholes and/or racists? Is somebody a snob because they don't want to spend their money on a multi-national company, preferring instead to keep their money in the local economy spending to buy yummy beer made by community members?

              That said, yea, the bourbon guys are nuts.

                I think the snobbery manifests when they want everyone ELSE to know about their preferences and purchases.

                And it's not an on/off switch, there are degrees and thresholds that we all have.


                Sharing likes/dislikes may or may not be snobbery; if you discover some great liquid and tell others about it so they can try it for themselves, that's sharing info. Telling others about a liquid you like, and also informing them that only people with a sophisticated palate and arcane  knowledge of it's complexities can appreciate it, that's snobbery.


                Going on and on about some $25/bottle beer in public and then drinking Boatswain when no one is looking is an indicator of snobbery. Or alcoholism.


                A friend dived into the whole Scotch thing a few years back, and amassed a large collection. Also, he's moving to Scotland sometime in the near future. He could talk your ear off about each one, but wasn't snobby about it. Tasting parties at his place where highly anticipated events in our little gang.

                60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                Interval Junkie --Nobby

                  I think the snobbery manifests when they want everyone ELSE to know about their preferences and purchases.





                  MTA: and when they reject the generosity of someone else due to their tastes.

                  2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                  Seattle prattle

                    Hey, let me throw this out there, if i may.

                    Do you you runners have any concern for the effect these beers (or other alcohol, for that matter) have on your ideal running weight? As in excess calories?

                    I realize i may have just opened a door we care not to enter, and sorry for the buzz kill if that's what it amounts to, but it is something i geniunely grapple with as a masters runner who doesn't shed the calories like i used to but loves a good micro-brew more than ever.

                    Again, I can take a hint, just let me know, i'll delete the whole thing, and we can pretend it never came up....

                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      Hey, let me throw this out there, if i may.

                      Do you you runners have any concern for the effect these beers (or other alcohol, for that matter) have on your ideal running weight? As in excess calories?

                      I realize i may have just opened a door we care not to enter, and sorry for the buzz kill if that's what it amounts to, but it is something i geniunely grapple with as a masters runner who doesn't shed the calories like i used to but loves a good micro-brew more than ever.

                      Again, I can take a hint, just let me know, i'll delete the whole thing, and we can pretend it never came up....


                      Sigh. Yes.


                        Hey, let me throw this out there, if i may.

                        Do you you runners have any concern for the effect these beers (or other alcohol, for that matter) have on your ideal running weight? As in excess calories?

                        I realize i may have just opened a door we care not to enter, and sorry for the buzz kill if that's what it amounts to, but it is something i geniunely grapple with as a masters runner who doesn't shed the calories like i used to but loves a good micro-brew more than ever.

                        Again, I can take a hint, just let me know, i'll delete the whole thing, and we can pretend it never came up....


                        No. One can enjoy things without consuming them to excess.


                          Hey, let me throw this out there, if i may.

                          Do you you runners have any concern for the effect these beers (or other alcohol, for that matter) have on your ideal running weight? As in excess calories?

                          I realize i may have just opened a door we care not to enter, and sorry for the buzz kill if that's what it amounts to, but it is something i geniunely grapple with as a masters runner who doesn't shed the calories like i used to but loves a good micro-brew more than ever.

                          Again, I can take a hint, just let me know, i'll delete the whole thing, and we can pretend it never came up....


                          Drink any and as much as you want. Just compensate by reducing calories elsewhere, or add 30 minutes of running per day per beer serving.

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                            Define: "beer snob"


                            Is somebody a snob because they don't want to spend their money on drinks that have no flavor? Is somebody a snob because they don't want to spend their money on a company that has empirically demonstrated itself to be led by assholes and/or racists? Is somebody a snob because they don't want to spend their money on a multi-national company, preferring instead to keep their money in the local economy spending to buy yummy beer made by community members?

                            That said, yea, the bourbon guys are nuts.


                            Nah. The beer snob comes and asks me for some-obscure-beer from another state and upon being told "sorry, I do not have that", proceeds to tell me why all the beers I *do* have suck - specifically because I don't have the magic one he wants. Which, in case I'm not clear... this is wholly different from a person showing me a beer I have and telling me they don't like it for x, y, or z reason - which may include any of the ones above.


                            A beer snob comes up to me when I'm working a brewfest, sips some of my brewery's beer (while doing that "sucking in air" thing), and then, without knowing me or introducing himself, proceeds to tell me anything and everything wrong with my beer as it applies to some other random beer he likes. Again, this is waaaaaay different from a person sampling my beer and saying "eh". That happens, people like what they like etc etc etc. I like playing "guess the hops" with beer snobs. The snobs usually get it wrong and get way ultra complex with what they think is going on inside and list a bunch of obscure hops blah blah. Again, this is different from a home brewer wanting to talk beer. It is usually easy to tell the difference.

                            And yes, the snobs I dislike are the ones that want everyone (and me) to know how much they know and why they are better.

                            "Grab a brew. Don't cost nothin."


                            It's Tuesday every day

                              This sounds delicious. Seems like you could do something cool with the vodka-infused berry mash, like, I dunno, include it in homemade chocolate ice cream or chocolate sauce.


                              Also - yesterday saw a recipe for jalapeno margaritas in which the first step was to slit fresh jalapenos and soak them overnight in 1.5 cups silver tequila.


                              OR/DN: A wild turkey landed itself right in front of me during my run today and then just sat there. So obviously tonight's cocktail included Wild Turkey 101. Also saw darkwave, crushing it uphill as usual.


                              Finally, one of my all-time favorite quotes:


                              "I like two kinds of beer: Bud, and free." -- a self-made millionaire interviewed in "The Millionaire Next Door"



                              When ripe, I pick and freeze a lot of blackberries then throughout the year infuse vodka. The recipe has been evolving, using an immersion blender to beat the shit out of the berries, pour in the vodka and let sit for a week or so. This year, I've been using fresh berries (muddled) in the infused vodka, strain and use for a drink. To quote srl, "is good"


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                🤣🤣 That ain't no beer snob. That's a scrub.

                                A beer snob would know what is distributed where, and would not mess with a rank and file beer store employee.


                                Nah. The beer snob comes and asks me for some-obscure-beer from another state and upon being told "sorry, I do not have that", proceeds to tell me why all the beers I *do* have suck - specifically because I don't have the magic one he wants.