Brooks Beast 9 (Read 2055 times)


2010 Goofy Trainee

    I recently bought a pair of the Beast 9's. I used to run in Gel Evolution 3's and wanted to try something different. The Beast 9's seem to be more comfortable to wear, but the most noticeable difference is the slapping sound I make when I run in them. My feet would slap in the Evolutions, but in the Beasts the slapping is MUCH louder. The RRS salesperson said it's just because the Beasts are stiffer, which I can understand. But I've read on these boards that it's a bad thing when your shoes make a loud slapping sound. So is it just a function of the stiffness of the shoe, or is it an indication that these shoes are wrong for me? Other than that, they seem to leave my knees feeling a little better after a run than the Evolutions, but I haven't really racked up enough miles yet to notice longer term differences.

    Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream...


      I have run in Brooks Beasts for years. I have severe over pronation and they are the only shoes that agree with my knees. I strike between my heel and midfoot and I have not heard any slapping sounds from the shoes. They are a bit heavier than other shoes, but it is a small price to pay for preventing injuries due to my bad feet. It might be your running style that causes this to happen. Tom

      Old, Slow, Happy

        I, also, run in the Beasts. I'm a heel striker and haven't noticed the slapping. The shoe is stiff. I am a large person (6' 3" and 200 lbs.). I also have very flat feet and over-pronate. I used a number of different shoes until I started with these. Now I don't use anything else. I can buy a new pair of Beasts, lace them up, and run 15 miles right from the start. They don't need any break-in time. The biggest issue I have is dragging my heel when they are new.

        2010 Goofy Trainee

          Maybe that's my problem - I tend to run mostly on the balls of my feet. Heel contact is incidental.

          Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream...


            I also a Brooks Beast user and I must say that it is one great shoe... also good for those who has problems in their knees... really provides support..

            Self anointed title

              I also a Brooks Beast user and I must say that it is one great shoe... also good for those who has problems in their knees... really provides support..


              You certainly are a fan of Brooks aren't you?  Do you work for them by any chance?





                You certainly are a fan of Brooks aren't you?  Do you work for them by any chance?


                I'm thinking this particular spambot works for a small uniquely holistic retailer of Brooks running shoes.

                Runners run


                Self anointed title


                  I'm thinking this particular spambot works for a small uniquely holistic retailer of Brooks running shoes.


                  My thinking too.  Perhaps one of those "independent" retailers who only stock.... one brand of shoe.



                    Have you tried the Kayanos?

                    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                    Self anointed title

                      Have you tried the Kayanos?




                      Expensive.  Heavy.  Clunky.  Unresponsive.  Yeuurrrcchhh.


                      {just my opinion you understand....}



                        My bad, Purdey. I was recommending them to the OP.  I think he should try them; they're grate!

                        "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus