1500 Miles So Go Run


2023 November 🍂 (Read 8 times)


    Welcome to November! Two months left in 2023. Share your year-end running goals so we can encourage each other and finish strong.


    My goal is to be actually running by year's end.🏃‍♀️  I have every reason to feel hopeful I can meet that goal. You can call me weird, but a couple mornings ago I had an experience come over me of feeling like I could see the literal light at the end of the tunnel and I felt physically light. Kind of like when I had Covid a month or so ago, for about 24 hours my PMR symptoms evaporated while my immune system was distracted by the virus. I practically levitated getting up from a chair! At the time, I kept meaning to explore the experience of a body that moves so effortlessly, but was too sick to pursue the idea. Some of that "distraction" must have persisted because I've been getting better since then.

    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


      My goal is to be actually running by year's end.🏃‍♀️ 

      Happy - Looks like you were close to it today! Did it count?


      I've started working again as a contractor. It is awesome! I can work as many hours as I want, I set my own schedule, I only work on things that are in my expertise and I don't have to cover for incompetent people (and make twice as much per hour). If my regular job was like this I never would have retired! It has impacted my weekly mileage a bit but I have plenty of time to walk while I'm at work.


        heffa47  Wow, your new job sounds like a dream come true! I'm so happy for you!


        "Did it count?"  After numerous attempts that turned out to be non-starters, I think I'll give this go-round a bit more time before declaring "I'm back!"


        I took it outside today with the stroller (the other day was on the TM) and "ran" the entire 2 miles.  It was aerobically challenging and none of it felt like I was running naturally or normally; but I know this will all smooth out with time.  Somewhere I read it takes 1-4 weeks of consistent running to develop aerobic capacity and the neurological adaptations for improved coordination and efficiency.  If that only factors running days, then I'll need anywhere from 7 to 28 runs for that to happen. The count is on!

        Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

        Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


          Happy and heffa - awesome to hear such forward-looking views!  It's shaping up to be a good year, kee that positivity going.

          This has been a weird year, running-wise for me.  I will end up with less miles than in any of the past 20 years or so.  But not because of injury, just because... life!  Wife and I have traveled (a lot) and I'm just not great at getting up super early to get that run in.  Once we start our day, it ain't gonna happen unless we're home.  As I write this we are in NY my daughter and family, before that we were in Switzerland for 18 days.  I am so ready to be back home for an extended period.

          The good news is that I'm fully recovered and ready to build up my fitness again.  I will start slowly with no more than 4 or 5 miles a day and stay off the track for the rest of the year.  Then come the new Year I will start to add in longer runs once a week. No race plans yet for the New Year but I will be running in the Davis (CA) Turkey Trot with my 7 year old grandson.  Surprisingly he likes doing these 5Ks.  🥰


            November is ending - how is everyone doing?


            My running is not great.  My knee feels great all day - no issues at work, at home, doing anything I do on a normal basis.  But over the past few weeks I've found that my knee feels weak and achy when I hit about 3.5-4 miles in my runs.  I was able to do a 5K on Thanksgiving (24:30) with no problems at all, not even a twinge.  But then last weekend I tried to go out and run 5 miles and around mile 4 it felt weak and I had pain in the knee and running down my shin.  It almost felt like it was going to give out on me - it didn't, but it didn't feel right.  I have an appointment with PT next Wednesday ( I haven't been in about a month - still doing the exercises she gave me, but things got in the way of going to visits) and we will have to discuss why this is happening and what to do next.


            Feeling frustrated.


              JeffD Sorry about the frustration. Glad you have an upcoming PT appt. Perhaps she can help you sort out the problem. I was wondering if the pace of your Turkey Day 5K was faster than you normally run? Other than that, looking at your Calendar, it looks like you backed down on mileage for several weeks and then suddenly up the same week as the 5K. Possibly just too much all at once stressed out the knee?


              I'm continuing with my stroller runs and have done several 3-milers. Had one run that felt pretty good, but the rest have felt uncoordinated and hard. So still waiting for the neuromuscular patterning to get fully re-established.  On the bright side, a friend who's been away is back for 2 weeks. She ran with me yesterday and pushed the stroller while I ran hands-free for several stretches. It felt good and my form was better for being able to pump my arms.

              Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

              Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.